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LogRocket Blog
1 week ago
UX design

Understanding Figma billing with the new payment structure - LogRocket Blog

Figma's launch of Dev Mode led to confusion and frustration over new pricing adjustments. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web design

Maintaining a design system in Figma

Keep Figma design systems updated to avoid breaking consumer projects. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 weeks ago
Web design

Why you shouldn't use vertical trim in Figma (yet) - LogRocket Blog

Figma's vertical trim feature helps solve spacing issues caused by excess leading, enhancing design accuracy and easing development adjustments. [ more ]
Scalac - Software Development Company - Akka, Kafka, Spark, ZIO
3 weeks ago

Figma to React: Design to Code Conversion

Generated code outcome differs for complex projects especially with plugins like Figma's Antd and Tailwind templates. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web design

Typography Variables in Figma Are Here

Color variables can now be bound to gradient stops in Figma, allowing for precise editing and eliminating the need for guesswork in gradient design. [ more ]
Epic Web Dev
1 month ago
Web design

Pixel Perfect Figma to Tailwind

Improve design fidelity with Tailwind CSS workshop by implementing a redesign of Epic Stack Homepage from scratch. [ more ]
2 months ago
Web design

Post-Neubrutalism: foreshadowing Figma's next aesthetic ethos

Solarpunk is emerging as a design trend post-Neubrutalism.
Figma CEO, Dylan Field, sees Solarpunk as the next big thing in design. [ more ]
2 months ago
Web design

Post-Neo-Brutalism: foreshadowing Figma's next aesthetic ethos

Solarpunk is emerging as a new design trend.
Figma, a popular design tool, is moving towards Solarpunk aesthetics. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
4 months ago
Web design

How to handle Figma's "missing fonts" warning - LogRocket Blog

Figma is the most used tool for UI design and prototyping, but it has an issue with missing fonts.
If you encounter missing fonts in Figma, make sure you have the font installed, choose a replacement font, or install the Figma font installer for your operating system. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web design

My favorite UX design workbooks: develop your skills by solving exercises

The Design Challenges Workbook by Supercharge Design is a comprehensive workbook that includes 15 design challenges with detailed briefs and video guides.
The workbook covers various design focuses and platforms, allowing designers to apply their theoretical knowledge and build a strong portfolio. [ more ]
4 months ago
Graphic design

7 Apps & Websites I use every day as a UX/UI designer

Figma is a great tool for UX/UI design, but there are other apps and websites that serve specific purposes that Figma can't replace.
Mobbin is a website that provides a collection of real websites and mobile apps for design inspiration, offering different designs and flows to give new ideas and help in design work. [ more ]
The Verge
5 months ago
Web design

Adobe refuses to compromise on its bid for Figma

Adobe refuses to make any compromises to appease the UK competition watchdog's concerns about its $20 billion acquisition of Figma.
The Competition and Markets Authority's recommendations leave Adobe with the option to sell off Figma Design or face the deal being blocked entirely. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
5 months ago
Web design

How to design input steppers with Figma - LogRocket Blog

Stepper inputs are small buttons used to pick a number and are important for user-friendly website and app design.
This article provides a step-by-step tutorial on creating a stepper input using Figma. [ more ]
5 months ago
Web design

Figma's new keyboard lets designers build the shortcut of their dreams

Figma is launching Figma Creator Micro, a 12-key keyboard that allows users to program up to 48 different shortcuts for the design software.
The keyboard was created during Figma's Maker Week in collaboration with Work Louder, a Canadian modular keyboard producer. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
5 months ago
Web design

Creating presentations using Figma - LogRocket Blog

Figma is a versatile design tool that can be used to create effective presentations with unique transitions.
Creating stunning presentations in Figma is straightforward and can captivate your audience. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
5 months ago
Web design

10 advanced Figma tips and tricks to improve your workflow - LogRocket Blog

Figma is a powerful design tool with a large market share among collaborative design tools.
To become a proficient UX designer with Figma, it's important to learn and demonstrate shortcuts that improve workflow and efficiency. [ more ]
5 months ago
Graphic design

8 Figma Plugins I Use Every Week

There are eight plugins recommended for use with Figma that can improve performance and add functionality
These plugins include features like adding logos, converting raster graphics to vector graphics, adding stylish icons, applying noise effects and textures, placing objects or text along a path, generating shades of a primary color, and creating beautiful shadows [ more ]
5 months ago
Web design

UI/UX Design: The Fastest Way to Present Your Work Professionally

Present your work effectively in a short timeframe
Use the Figma software to create a professional presentation [ more ]
6 months ago
Web design

Behind the scenes of creating a new Web Accessibility Annotation Kit

Consider accessibility early and often.
Design teams struggled with inconsistent documentation and annotations for accessibility.
CVS Health® Inclusive Design team created a Web Accessibility Annotation Kit on Figma. [ more ]
6 months ago
Graphic design

Adobe and Figma deal will 'harm' digital design sector, UK report suggests

The UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has released provisional findings on the Adobe and Figma merger, stating that it will eliminate competition, reduce innovation, and remove Figma as a threat to Adobe's software suites.
Figma is a major player in the UK design space, accounting for 80% of the market and a significant part of the country's app development sector.
The investigation concludes that the merger would eliminate competition in multiple fields, impacting sectors that generate $60 billion in annual revenue and employ 850,000 skilled workers. [ more ]
6 months ago
Web design

EU raises antitrust concerns about Adobe's purchase of Figma | MarTech

The European Commission has filed an antitrust complaint against Adobe's $20 billion bid for Figma, citing concerns of reduced competition in interactive product design tools.
Figma is considered the market leader in interactive product design tools, and the merger with Adobe could create a dominant player in the market.
Adobe has already started phasing out its own interactive product design tool, Adobe XD, after announcing the deal. [ more ]
The Verge
6 months ago
Graphic design

Adobe's $20 billion bid for Figma in peril after EU warning

The European Commission has issued a formal antitrust complaint against Adobe regarding its proposed $20 billion acquisition of Figma.
The Commission believes that the merger may significantly reduce competition in the global markets for interactive product design tools and editing tools.
Adobe and Figma have until February 5th to respond to the Commission's objections and address regulatory concerns. [ more ]
The Verge
6 months ago
Web design

UK watchdog slams the brakes on Adobe's $20 billion bid for Figma

The UK's competition watchdog, the CMA, has provisionally determined that Adobe's proposed acquisition of Figma would harm competition in the design software market.
The CMA stated that the deal would eliminate competition in the software markets for product design, image editing, and illustration.
Possible remedies being considered include prohibiting the merger or requiring Adobe to divest its 'overlapping operations'. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
6 months ago
UX design

17 Figma design systems you need to know about - LogRocket Blog

Design systems help maintain visual and functional consistency in digital products. They also help designers work more efficiently.
Figma design systems for Apple-powered apps include design systems for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and visionOS.
There are many free design systems and UI kits available for designers to use and adapt. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
6 months ago
Web design

Using the Figma grid features to design a responsive layout - LogRocket Blog

Responsive design is crucial for web development to ensure websites and apps work well on all screen sizes.
Grid systems, like the ones available in Figma, help designers create consistent and organized layouts for responsive designs.
Modular grids, column grids, and baseline grids are different types of grids that can be used in design. [ more ]
6 months ago
UX design

ChatGPT guide, when to test and when to leap, GenAI color sequencing

AI in design requires experienced UX professionals to maintain trust.
Using tools like ChatGPT and MidJourneyAI can raise questions about the trustworthiness of a designer's work.
Figma's future is uncertain amidst potential acquisition by Adobe. [ more ]
6 months ago
UX design

New UX Design and A.I Tools that I discovered in October 2023

Figma color wheel allows for easy creation of custom color palettes
Jony Eye helps identify design errors and problems in files
Recraft.ai is an AI-based application for creating logos and illustrations [ more ]
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