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1 month ago
Web design

What if you had real control over Light Mode / Dark Mode on a per-site basis?

Dark Mode Toggle Buttons as a browser feature can be achieved with the Web Preferences API. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy technologies

What Is uBlock Origin & Does It Work On Android Phones? - SlashGear

uBlock Origin is a highly popular ad-blocking extension with millions of users due to its comprehensive features and open-source nature. [ more ]
4 months ago
Information security

How to Use McAfee True Key: A Complete Guide for Beginners

McAfee True Key has a free version and a paid plan, with the main difference being the number of passwords you can store.
To set up and use McAfee True Key, you will need to choose a subscription, download the browser extension, create an account and master password, and start saving your passwords. [ more ]
#browser extension
Social Fresh
6 months ago
Web design

Buffer supercharges the ability to schedule social media content - SOCIAL FRESH

Buffer App has released a new feature that allows users to add tweets, retweets, Facebook statuses, and photos straight to the Buffer App for scheduling or posting.
Buffer extensions for Chrome, Safari, and Firefox allow users to easily share any page they come across.
Other improvements include the ability to add articles from Google Reader to Buffer, and the addition of Buffer buttons on Reddit and HackerNews. [ more ]
6 months ago
Online marketing

Clever workaround speeds YouTube ads up instead of blocking them [Video]

A new browser extension called 'Ad Speedup' speeds up YouTube ads instead of blocking them.
The extension recognizes and speeds up ads by 16x, turning a 30-second ad into just a second or two. [ more ]
6 months ago
Online marketing

Clever workaround speeds YouTube ads up instead of blocking them [Video]

A new browser extension called 'Ad Speedup' speeds up YouTube ads instead of blocking them.
The extension recognizes and speeds up ads by 16x, turning a 30-second ad into just a second or two. [ more ]
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