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Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
3 days ago

New College of Florida Threatens to Withhold Diplomas

New College of Florida president threatens consequences for students protesting at commencement ceremony. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
3 days ago

Right-wing Heritage Foundation trolls Pride month by declaring June 2 "Ex-Gay Visibility Day" - LGBTQ Nation

Ex-Gay Visibility Day declared to counter LGBTQ Pride Month. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
US news

Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker says a woman should be a 'homemaker' in college commencement speech

Butker criticized Pride month, working women, President Biden's leadership, and abortion during a commencement address at Benedictine College. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
1 week ago

Pope Francis slams "closed up, dogmatic" anti-LGBTQ+ conservatives - LGBTQ Nation

Pope Francis criticizes U.S. religious conservatives opposing same-sex union blessings as clinging to tradition and being dogmatic. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Right-wing politics

Opinion | Why Conservative and Liberal Catholics Can't Escape One Another

The resurgence of conservative confidence in the Catholic Church following the more liberal Francis era. [ more ]
The American Conservative
2 weeks ago
Right-wing politics

Russell Kirk and the Providence of Permanence

Russell Kirk emphasizes the importance of 'Permanent Things' over chaos and advocates for conservatism based on traditional values. [ more ]
The American Conservative
3 weeks ago
Right-wing politics

Joe Biden Doesn't Act Old Enough

Biden's perceived age may not be the issue - his alignment with current far-left views is the real concern. [ more ]
2 months ago

Mathews: California is not really American.' Thank you

California is perceived negatively by many Americans, especially conservatives
California's uniqueness and liberal values are sometimes viewed as disloyalty by others [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Opinion: In combating antisemitism in our schools, what's needed is education, not interrogation

Conservative push to make Israeli-Palestinian protests an election issue extends to K-12 schools. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
1 month ago

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will appear on California ballot with this small, far-right party

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. secured a spot on the California presidential ballot through the far-right American Independent Party nomination. [ more ]
1 month ago

TikTok Star Is Killed in Third Death of Social Media Influencer in Iraq

The killing of popular TikTok personality Um Fahad in Baghdad raises concerns about online fame versus traditional beliefs and safety. [ more ]
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

Racist dog whistle: the right wing has weaponized DEI'

DEI efforts are being attacked by the far right as a means to undermine basic egalitarianism. [ more ]
1 month ago
UK politics

Margaret Thatcher set Britain's decline in motion so why can't politics exorcise her ghost? | Andy Beckett

Thatcherism continues to influence modern British conservatism, with key figures in both major parties acknowledging her impact. [ more ]
2 months ago

How Justice Thomas's Nearly Adopted Daughter' Became His Law Clerk

Justice Clarence Thomas's law clerk network announced Crystal Clanton's Supreme Court clerkship with a jubilant tone.
Ms. Clanton, previously embroiled in a racial controversy, received a full merit scholarship and Supreme Court clerkship, supported by the Thomases. [ more ]
2 months ago
Mental health

Don't believe the right, Britain doesn't have 9m shirkers theyjust want better work | Will Hutton

Millions of economically inactive adults in the UK receive benefits, leading to debates about welfare abuse.
There is a call for genuine conservatism to address economic and social crises, despite recognizing the importance of mental health issues. [ more ]
2 months ago
US politics

Mark Robinson Wins Republican Primary for North Carolina Governor

Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson won the Republican primary for governor in North Carolina.
Robinson's rise as a political firebrand is marked by conservative alignment and controversial statements. [ more ]
Above the Law
2 months ago

Republicans Rip The Late Justice O'Connor As 'Undistinguished'

The Republican Party shifted towards embracing Trump over traditional conservatism.
Conservatives rejected honoring Sandra Day O'Connor due to her moderate views. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Ex Neighbours star Holly Valance rants about c**p left' at Liz Truss PopCon launch

Holly Valance supports Jacob Rees-Mogg for prime minister and criticizes left-wing political ideas.
Valance praises Liz Truss and other conservative speakers at the launch of her Popular Conservatism group. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago

No wonder boys are turning toward conservative beliefs - it's rebellion against parents' woke ideology

Progressive parents are struggling to prevent their sons from adopting conservative politics.
Teens today are rebelling by moving right due to societal influence and a desire for edgy anti-woke politics. [ more ]
BBC News
3 months ago
UK politics

Conservatives need a bigger bazooka, Truss tells US right-wing event

Conservatives need to be more active in speaking out to preserve Western civilization
Conservatives in the UK and US require a 'bigger bazooka' to fight the left [ more ]
The American Conservative
3 months ago
Right-wing politics

The Counter-Offensive Begins

Parents and school boards are pushing back against Critical Race Theory inspired by books like America's Cultural Revolution and Unwoke
Conservatives should use the term 'cultural Marxism' to de-legitimize the left [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
3 months ago
San Francisco

The many reasons MAGA's love for San Francisco shouldn't stop with the Super Bowl

Conservatives are cheering for the San Francisco 49ers in the Super Bowl to avoid supporting Kansas City Chiefs and Taylor Swift.
Conspiracy theories on social media claim Swift and the NFL are scheming with Democrats to defeat Trump. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK politics

Truss's PopCon group splinters on launch but attacks Sunak's policies

The Popular Conservatism group's event experienced splintering and a lack of attendance by originally billed speakers.
The event included criticisms of Rishi Sunak's policies, particularly regarding net zero and smoking bans. [ more ]
3 months ago

Opinion: Want a good book? Try one your 9th grader isn't allowed to read

Book banning is becoming more prevalent in conservative areas of the United States.
Florida and Texas are leading the way in book bans, followed by Missouri, Pennsylvania, Iowa, and Utah. [ more ]
4 months ago

Charlie Sykes Jumps 'Off The Hampster Wheel of Crazy,' Leaves Popular Podcast

Charlie Sykes, founder of the Bulwark, announced he is leaving the publication and ending his five-year run as host of the Bulwark Podcast.
Sykes cited the toll of the chaos of the Trump years on his mental state as the reason for his departure. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Why Iowa Turned So Red When Nearby States Went Blue

Iowa has largely been ceded to the GOP as Democrats focus on other states
The Upper Midwest has seen a shift towards populism and conservatism in recent years [ more ]
5 months ago
UK politics

Awful as it was, Thatcherism did transform Britain. Starmerism just promises more of the same | Owen Jones

Labour leader Keir Starmer praised the transformative nature of Margaret Thatcher's administrations, which is seen as controversial within the Labour party.
Starmer's praise of Thatcher reveals the conservative nature of his project and suggests that under a future Labour government, Thatcherism, George Osborne's, and Boris Johnson's legacies could be preserved. [ more ]
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