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4 weeks ago

Get Started With Django: Build a Portfolio App Quiz - Real Python

Test your Django knowledge with an interactive quiz to revisit key concepts and features. [ more ]
Luke Plant's home page
1 month ago

Enforcing conventions in Django projects with introspection

Introspection in Python involves tools like isinstance(), type(), hasattr(), and more advanced techniques like the inspect module and metaprogramming dunder methods.
Django allows for introspection using standard Python techniques along with formally documented functions and methods for inspecting Django apps and models. [ more ]
Berlin Startup Jobs
2 months ago

Job Vacancy: Backend Engineer // Qonexon | IT / Software Development Jobs | Berlin Startup Jobs

Join early-stage startup in Berlin revolutionizing recruiting with data integration platform.
Backend Engineer role: Ownership, impact building tech infrastructure with Python, Django, GCP. [ more ]
2 months ago

Djangonauts, Ready for Blast-Off

Djangonauts mentorship program supports Django enthusiasts
Djangonauts program benefits the Django community and potentially other open source communities [ more ]
The JetBrains Blog
2 months ago

Deploying Django Apps in Kubernetes | The PyCharm Blog

Kubernetes offers resilience and flexibility for Django applications
Django simplifies web development with built-in tools and adherence to DRY principle [ more ]
Alone Djangonaut
5 years ago
Web development

Leaving Webfaction

Local development lacks consideration for deployment and security challenges.
Shared hosting may be a suitable starting point for deployment for beginners in web development. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Building Reusable Components in Django

Using django-viewcomponent in Django helps create reusable server-side UI components for a cleaner and maintainable codebase. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

On FastAPI

FastAPI succeeds by building on Django and Flask strengths while feeling modern and opinionated. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
1 month ago

Integrating Django templates with React for dynamic webpages - LogRocket Blog

Django and React can be integrated to create dynamic websites by leveraging Django's server-side capabilities and React's interactive user interface. [ more ]
Python Test
3 weeks ago

Python Test | 219: Building Django Apps & SaaS Pegasus - Cory Zue

Various decisions involved in starting a SaaS project with Django were discussed with experienced professional Cory Zue. [ more ]
1 month ago

PyCoder's Weekly | Issue #625

Discover the power of Pydantic for data validation in Python. [ more ]
Paolo Melchiorre
2 months ago

Paolo Melchiorre - Pybites Podcast #155

Exploration of Django, open source, and PyCon conferences
Personal insights on developer journey and community collaboration [ more ]
2 months ago

PyCoder's Weekly | Issue #620

Learn about setting up a CI/CD pipeline with Github Actions for Python projects
Understand how to integrate Celery and Django using Redis as a message broker [ more ]
2 months ago

Creating Asynchronous Tasks With Celery and Django - Real Python

Celery helps offload time-intensive tasks from your Django app to ensure a smoother user experience.
The video course covers effective use cases, differences between Celery beat and workers, integration with Redis, setting up asynchronous tasks, and refactoring Django code. [ more ]
3 months ago

PyCoder's Weekly | Issue #616

Developing and maintaining a Python monorepo with Sentry
Interview with Lukasz Langa about Python formatters and more [ more ]
3 months ago

How to avoid a count query in Django if you can - Peterbe.com

Avoid using .count() on a potentially slow Django QuerySet query
Optimize pagination by minimizing unnecessary database queries [ more ]
The JetBrains Blog
3 months ago

The Release Candidate for PyCharm 2023.3.4 Is Out! | The PyCharm Blog

PyCharm 2023.3.4 Release Candidate is available
New features include an AI Assistant and improvements to Django and Jupyter Notebook [ more ]
Django Project
3 months ago

Django accessibility in 2023 and beyond

The Django accessibility team has been working for three years and is looking for new members.
There have been significant improvements to Django core features, such as forms and the administrative interface, to enhance accessibility. [ more ]
Paolo Melchiorre
3 months ago

Paolo Melchiorre - My Django roadmap ideas

New DSF board member Thibaud Colas has proposed a Django roadmap workshop.
The proposed ideas for improving Django include organizing active developer sprints, simplifying the English used in the documentation, and adding a quick start section. [ more ]
5 months ago

Database views in Django

Databases support creating and working with views, which are like virtual tables.
Django's migration system can create views using the RunSQL operation. [ more ]
5 months ago

Django's three types of model inheritance

Django supports model class inheritance
The best case for inheritance in Django models is abstract models [ more ]
5 months ago

Use unittest's subtest helper

The Python unittest module is often criticized for not being "Pythonic", but it was designed to be consistent with the xUnit style and to be familiar to anyone who has used an xUnit-style testing framework.
Many people prefer the pytest testing framework over unittest, but if you're using Django, its default testing tools are built on top of unittest. [ more ]
5 months ago

Easy HTTP status codes in Python

The most useful test for a web application is a test that verifies a response with an HTTP status code of 200 OK.
HTTP status codes can be confusing and it's important to understand their meanings and distinctions. [ more ]
5 months ago
Web development

How to Render Markdown in a Django Application - Real Python

Django's admin interface doesn't provide a way to format text-based content, but Markdown can be used as a solution.
Markdown is a plain text formatting language that converts to HTML and is popular for both technical and non-technical content creators.
Using Markdown with Django admin provides a simpler alternative to a full-blown CMS and offers benefits like increased security and multi-format publishing. [ more ]
Alone Djangonaut
4 years ago

Django, Axios and CSRF token

Building a hybrid web app involves using Vue.js for the front end and Django for the back end.
Making AJAX calls using axios in Vue components can help in preventing page refresh and Vue app re-initialization. [ more ]
Alone Djangonaut
7 years ago

Django admin template structure

Django admin template inheritance is essential for customizing the admin interface.
Understanding core HTML templates like base.html is key to modifying Django admin templates effectively. [ more ]
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