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Fast Company
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

TSA's use of facial recognition technology prompts urgent calls for congressional oversight

Senators are advocating for restrictions on TSA's facial recognition technology to safeguard privacy and civil liberties. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Eat the future, pay with your face': my dystopian trip to an AI burger joint

The world's first fully autonomous restaurant uses AI-powered robots to cut labor costs in fast food establishments. [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

EFF Submits Comments on FRT to Commission on Civil Rights

Governments and businesses are increasingly using facial recognition technology to track individuals, posing threats to privacy and security. [ more ]
2 months ago

Two rape suspects arrested with new facial recognition cameras in Lewisham

Live facial recognition technology was used by the Metropolitan Police to make arrests in Lewisham and Catford on March 26.
Five arrests were made for various offenses including rape, breaching a sexual harm prevention order, breaching home detention curfew, and drug offenses. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

TSA facial recognition tech is latest security theater absurdity

TSA plans to roll out facial recognition tech in over 400 US airports
Privacy concerns arise due to TSA's track record of ineptitude and misuse of data [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

GSA awards $194M in identity proofing tech pacts

GSA awards $194.5M in contracts for identity proofing technologies
Login.gov enhances citizen digital experience and cybersecurity [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Civil Rights commission digs into government use of facial recognition

Facial recognition technology poses threats to fundamental rights, especially for marginalized groups.
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights is investigating the federal government's use of facial recognition technology. [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Four Actions You Can Take To Protect Digital Rights this International Women's Day

Support privacy in healthcare data
Oppose facial recognition technology for its discriminatory effects [ more ]
Privacy International
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

NGOs call upon the UK Home Secretary to stop expansion of Facial Recognition Technology

Privacy organizations are raising concerns about the use of Facial Recognition Technology (FRT) in the UK.
The organizations are calling for an end to the expansion of FRT to protect privacy and fundamental freedoms. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Lobby group calls for pokies venues to be exempt from facial recognition and biometric data laws

The lobby group for Australian clubs is requesting exemptions from new laws to store biometric data and use facial recognition technology to identify gambling addicts.
Clubs Australia argues that the stricter restrictions on biometric data collection could undermine harm reduction measures, such as self-exclusion registers. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Amazon reverses course, revokes police access to Ring footage via Neighbors app | TechCrunch

Amazon is discontinuing its Request for Assistance (RFA) tool, which allowed police and fire departments to request doorbell video through Ring's Neighbors app.
Privacy concerns and biases in facial recognition technology were cited as major issues with the RFA tool. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Government needs to regulate facial recognition tech, says National Academies

The US government lacks authoritative guidance, regulations, or laws to adequately address facial recognition technology.
The report recommends the development of technology standards and regulations to mitigate potential harms around equity, privacy, civil liberties, and surveillance. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

US government to rein in face recognition? Yeah, right

A report sponsored by federal law enforcement urges the US government to regulate facial-recognition technology.
The report highlights concerns over technical limitations, misuse, and bias of face recognition systems. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
3 months ago

Surveillance tech has no place in the classroom

Facial recognition technology for classrooms may not benefit students, instructors, or institutions.
Attention detected by surveillance technology does not equate to genuine learning. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

Ex-commissioner for facial recognition tech joins Facewatch firm he approved

Former watchdog for facial recognition technology joins private firm he approved, raising concerns of a conflict of interest.
Critics are calling for an investigation into whether negotiations with the company took place while in public office. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

The End of Privacy in Public

Facial recognition technology (FRT) is proliferating in public spaces.
MPs are unaware of the use of FRT in local areas. [ more ]
3 months ago
EU data protection

College Vending Machines Used Facial Recognition Tech: Report | Entrepreneur

Facial recognition technology was discovered in vending machines at the University of Waterloo.
Adaria Vending Services clarified that the technology does not identify individual persons. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

Canadian university vending machine error reveals use of facial recognition

Facial recognition technology discovered in vending machines without consent
Issues with privacy laws and usage of facial recognition technology [ more ]
3 months ago
Tech industry

Facial Recognition: Coming Soon to an Airport Near You

The use of facial recognition technology in airports is becoming more prevalent, streamlining the travel process.
Biometric technology is poised to revolutionize air travel by eliminating the need for physical IDs and boarding passes. [ more ]
3 months ago

What is live facial recognition? Man jailed for stabbing bus driver after police use tech

The use of facial recognition technology and CCTV footage helped police quickly identify and locate the bus driver's attacker
The victim's life was saved by the emergency operation performed by the Royal London Hospital [ more ]
3 months ago

Young thug who stabbed London bus driver jailed after police use live facial scanning tech

A bus driver in east London was stabbed in the back while driving his route, resulting in serious injuries.
The suspect, Bradley Peek, was identified and arrested within hours using CCTV images and facial recognition technology. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

TSA uses 'minimum' data to fine-tune its facial recognition, but some experts still worry

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is integrating facial recognition technology into airport security scanners.
TSA is currently in the early stages of implementing facial recognition capability as an enhancement to its Credential Authentication Technology (CAT) devices. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Democratic Senators Ask DOJ If Facial Recognition Tech Violates Civil Rights Act

Democratic senators demand DOJ review police use of facial recognition technology and other biometric tools for potential civil rights violations.
DOJ has awarded $3.2 million to local law enforcement for facial recognition software despite studies showing it is racist and leads to false arrests. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Senators ask DOJ to investigate whether facial recognition tech violates Civil Rights Act

A group of senators has raised concerns about the Department of Justice's funding and oversight of facial recognition software.
They are concerned that facial recognition technology may reinforce racial bias in the criminal justice system and violate the Civil Rights Act. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Washington takes aim at facial recognition

The National Academies released a report stating that facial recognition systems need federal oversight due to concerns about human misuse and technical shortcomings.
The Federal Trade Commission has been actively policing the use of facial recognition technology, issuing guidance on biometric data and banning a company for misidentifying people of color and women as shoplifters. [ more ]
4 months ago
Digital life

How Tech Automated the January 6 Investigations

Law enforcement is using technology to identify suspects in the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection.
The FBI used geofence data from Google and facial recognition technology to locate devices and identify individuals. [ more ]
#Traveler Privacy Protection Act
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Senate bill could end expansion of TSA face recognition tech

A newly introduced Senate bill, the Traveler Privacy Protection Act, could put a halt to the TSA's plans to expand its use of facial recognition technology.
If passed, the bill would give the TSA 90 days to end its use of the technology and delete all facial biometric data. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Bipartisan Senate bill would kill the TSA's 'Big Brother' airport facial recognition

US Senators introduce bipartisan bill to end facial recognition screening at airports
Bill aims to block TSA from continuing or expanding its facial recognition tech program [ more ]
moreTraveler Privacy Protection Act
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Clear will upgrade to facial recognition for airport security

The Clear registered-travel program will implement facial recognition technology at airport security lanes.
The implementation of facial recognition technology is expected to be completed by 2024. [ more ]
6 months ago

83 charged over hate crimes and violence' linked to pro-Palestinian protests

More than 80 people have been charged in the UK over alleged hate crimes and violence linked to pro-Palestinian protests since the Israel-Hamas conflict began.
Police are using facial recognition technology to identify suspects involved in disorder at protests.
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is looking to tighten the law to ban marches and prosecute those glorifying terrorism. [ more ]
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