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Washington Post
2 weeks ago
Europe news

With its energy network nearly destroyed, Ukraine already fears the winter

Ukraine faces a major energy crisis due to Russian missile strikes on power plants, leading to phased blackouts and concerns for the upcoming winter. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Ukraine updates: Russia 'massively' shells energy sites DW 04/27/2024

Russia launched missile strikes targeting Ukrainian energy infrastructure.
Ukraine seeks more air defense systems from allies to combat Russian attacks. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 761

Russia continues bombardments in Ukraine, causing injuries and casualties
Blame game between Russia and Ukraine intensifies regarding recent attacks [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Russia steps up bombardment of Ukraine cities

Russia escalates missile strikes on Kyiv and other regions in Ukraine.
Putin links Moscow concert hall attack to Ukraine, possibly using it as a pretext to escalate attacks. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
2 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Putin's 'ships are sinking' as Ukraine obliterates 'SIGINT intelligence' warship in Black Sea

Ukrainian strikes severely damaged Ivan Khurs intelligence ship in Black Sea.
British missiles destroyed Putin's warships; Black Sea Fleet 'functionally inactive'. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Ukraine pleads for air defence aid after Russia launches more missile strikes on Kyiv

Escalating missile strikes on Kyiv by Russia
Call for international support for air defenses for Ukraine [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
1 month ago
Europe news

Putin vows strikes on NATO airfields as Ukraine will receive first batch of F-16s within days

Ukrainian Air Force to receive F-16s soon. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Wave of Russian missiles strikes Ukraine's Kyiv, wounds more than 10

Approximately 30 cruise and ballistic missiles were intercepted over Kyiv in a significant attack.
US reaffirms support for Ukraine amid ongoing missile strikes and aid delays. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 749

Russia's military actions in Ukraine continue, with reports of attacks, casualties, and clashes.
International support for Ukraine's defense effort is increasing, with promises of military aid and protests. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Russia-Ukraine war at a glance: what we know on day 708

Ukraine has reportedly carried out heavy missile strikes on military targets in Crimea, including the Balbek airfield used by Russian forces.
Russia and Ukraine have conducted a major prisoner of war exchange, with about 200 prisoners being exchanged on Wednesday. [ more ]
4 months ago
World news

Which are the armed groups Iran and Pakistan have bombed and why?

Iran and Pakistan have carried out air attacks on each other's territories near the border areas, targeting armed groups.
The Iranian missile strikes on Pakistan were in response to recent attacks in the Iranian city of Rask, which Iran blamed on the Jaish al-Adl armed group. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

Russian air strikes injure 10 in Donetsk, Ukraine says

Russian missile strikes injure 10 people in Donetsk, Ukraine.
Attacks intensify in the embattled eastern region.
Russia claims to have captured the village of Khromove. [ more ]
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