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4 days ago
Germany news

A German court will try a far-right politician next month over a second alleged use of a Nazi slogan

A far-right German politician is facing trial for using a Nazi slogan, risking a fine or imprisonment. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Germany news

Court convicts German far-right figure Bjorn Hocke for using Nazi slogan

Hocke fined for using Nazi motto during campaign rally in 2021. [ more ]
1 month ago
Germany news

A well-known figure in a German far-right party tells his trial he is completely innocent

Bjorn Hocke from AfD claims innocence in trial over Nazi slogan usage. [ more ]
1 month ago
Germany news

German far-right leader in court charged with using Nazi slogan

Bjorn Hocke from AfD is on trial for using a Nazi slogan, claiming ignorance. Protests ensued with accusations labeling him as a Nazi. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Germany news

German Court Fines Far-Right Leader for Using Nazi Phrase

A German court sentenced a far-right politician for using a banned Nazi slogan. The AfD party's rise poses concerns in upcoming state elections. [ more ]
1 month ago
Germany news

German far-right politician on trial for alleged use of banned Nazi slogan

Bjorn Hocke of AfD faces three years in prison for using banned Nazi slogan. [ more ]
1 month ago
Germany news

Germany: Far-right leader on trial for using Nazi slogan DW 04/17/2024

Accusations against AfD leader for using Nazi slogan in campaign rally. [ more ]
3 months ago
Germany news

Prominent figure in German far-right party to go on trial in April for alleged use of a Nazi slogan

Bjorn Hocke, an influential figure in Germany's far-right AfD party, will go on trial in April for using a Nazi slogan in a speech.
Hocke is also facing charges of incitement in a separate case related to a Telegram post in 2022. [ more ]
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