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1 week ago
Left-wing politics

Neither Trump nor Biden can win without Latinos: an X-Ray of 36 million voters

The US is shifting towards a future where non-Hispanic whites will be less than half of the population by 2060, a reality that challenges Trump's anti-immigrant stance. [ more ]
The American Conservative
3 weeks ago
Right-wing politics

Which Way, GOP?

An emerging split within the Republican Party is becoming evident over funding for global aid packages. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
London politics

Labour Wins Landslide in Local UK Elections Amid Tory Crackdown on Migrants

Conservative Party's harsh asylum policy backfires in local elections with potential loss of 500 council seats. [ more ]
1 month ago
London politics

Greens sees chance of second MP as Labour voters waver in Bristol

Labour voters feeling disillusioned with the party's shift to the center ground.
Green party gaining traction in Bristol Central due to discontent among traditional Labour voters. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Mapped: All the by-elections that have taken place this parliament

Voters in Rochdale heading to the polls
Recent by-elections reflect political shifts [ more ]
4 weeks ago
London politics

Ben Houchen victory bucks anti-Tory trend as Labour wins three mayoral contests

The Conservatives retained the Tees Valley mayoralty with a reduced majority, while Labour won other contests in the East Midlands, North East, and North Yorkshire. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Democrats fear fascism, and Republicans worry about a lack of values

The 2024 presidential race between President Biden and former President Donald Trump is extremely close, with divided opinions on the country's future and what values children should be taught. [ more ]
1 month ago
France politics

OPINION: A European disaster for Macron could lead to messy autumn elections in France

The paradox of Macronism is evident as his young revolutionary image attracted older voters, but they are now deserting him, impacting his support and potentially future election outcomes. [ more ]
1 month ago
France politics

The Guardian view on the French left: divided it will fall and fail, again | Editorial

The rise of Marine Le Pen's National Rally party and challenges faced by French President Emmanuel Macron signal impending political shifts in France. [ more ]
1 month ago

Kari Lake Backs G.O.P. Effort to Drop 1864 Abortion Law in Favor of 15-Week Ban

Arizona Republicans, including Kari Lake, are seeking to overturn a 160-year-old state law banning nearly all abortions due to a recent court ruling upholding it. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Key voting groups are shifting in the race between Biden and Trump

Former President Trump and President Biden are statistically tied in the latest poll.
Approximately 40% of voters are open to changing their minds about their candidate choice. [ more ]
2 months ago
US Elections

Why are Black voters backing Donald Trump in record numbers?

Donald Trump's support among Black voters has increased significantly since 2016.
Democrats are facing challenges with a decrease in Black voter support for Biden. [ more ]
3 months ago
US Elections

Trump's Support Among Latinos Grows, New Poll Shows

Latino voters increasingly supporting Trump over Biden
Trump making significant inroads with Hispanic voters [ more ]
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