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3 weeks ago
Europe news

Zelensky Fires Bodyguard Chief After Officers Arrested Over Assassination Attempt

Volodymyr Zelensky dismissed the head of the unit protecting top officials after the arrest of two colonels linked to a Russian assassination plot. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
3 weeks ago
Europe news

An 'assassination plot on Zelensky' foiled that would have been a 'gift to Putin before the inauguration'

The SBU thwarted an assassination plot against President Zelensky by a network of Russian spies. [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago
Europe news

Ukraine releases chilling images of turncoat ex-pol's assassination near Moscow: 'A signal to all traitors and war criminals'

Ukraine releases video and photos of the assassination of a pro-Russian former local politician who defected to Moscow.
The assassination serves as a warning to traitors and war criminals who side with the enemy, according to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). [ more ]
5 months ago
Europe news

Pro-Russia Ukrainian MP Illia Kyva shot dead in Moscow suburb

Former Ukrainian MP, Illia Kyva, regarded as a traitor by Kyiv, has been shot dead in a park in Moscow.
Ukrainian security service, the SBU, is believed to be responsible for the killing according to Ukrainian sources. [ more ]
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