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2 days ago
Europe news

Opinion | Ukraine Has Gone Through a Terrible Period': A Q. and A. With Frederick and Kimberly Kagan

Monthslong delay in U.S. military aid has allowed Russia to take the initiative in Ukraine, pushing the country into a defensive position. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Europe news

Russia-Ukraine war live: Russian troops enter US base in Niger

Hungary may need to increase defense spending due to ongoing Ukraine war, potentially impacting other expenditure. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Did Boris Johnson really sabotage peace talks between Russia and Ukraine? The reality is more complicated | Emma Ashford

The war in Ukraine's early days was characterized by critical moments like Russia's failure at Hostomel, and peace negotiations in spring 2022 were complex, involving territorial issues and security guarantees. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

French defence minister Lecornu holds rare phone talks with Russia's Shoigu

France and Russia defense ministers discuss Moscow attack and Ukraine war.
France condemns Russian aggression in Ukraine and pledges support to Ukraine. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Russians cast final ballots in election preordained to extend Vladimir Putin's rule

Putin poised to extend rule
Tightly controlled election environment
Russian economy resilient despite sanctions [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

US to impose major sanctions' on Russia over Navalny death, Ukraine war

Biden plans to announce new sanctions against Russia over Navalny's death and Ukraine war.
Sanctions to target Russia's defense, industrial bases, and economy.
International pressure mounts on Russia over Navalny's death. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Thailand deports dissident Russian rockers to Israel

Human rights advocates warned against sending Bi-2 to Russia where they could be persecuted for opposing Ukraine war.
Thailand deported members of a dissident Russian-Belarusian rock band critical of Moscow's war in Ukraine to Israel after they were detained for performing without a permit. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Ukraine updates: US sanctions Russia, China firms over war DW 05/01/2024

US imposed sanctions on firms and individuals linked to Russia's weapons program. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
3 months ago
Europe news

Tory MP warns the 'penny hasn't dropped yet that Europe is at war' and Putin is 'more powerful' than Stalin was

Putin is considered more dangerous and powerful than Stalin by Tory MP Tobias Ellwood
It is crucial to understand Putin's intentions and the potential consequences of war in Ukraine [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Biden announces over 500 new sanctions for Russia's war in Ukraine and Navalny death

President Biden announces over 500 new sanctions on Russia for war in Ukraine and Navalny's death.
Sanctions target Russia's financial sector, industrial base, and individuals responsible for Navalny's imprisonment. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Husband of jailed Russian blogger signs up for Ukraine war to secure her release

Joining Ukraine war seen as pardoning tool by Kremlin for convicts and celebrities facing charges in Russia. [ more ]
Washington Post
3 months ago
Europe news

Analysis | Putin doesn't need Tucker Carlson to get his message across

Tucker Carlson criticized Western media for not interviewing Vladimir Putin about the war in Ukraine.
The Kremlin has denied Carlson's claim that Western journalists have been denied interviews with Putin. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Russia jails nationalist critic Igor Girkin for four years over extremism'

Igor Girkin has been convicted of inciting extremism and sentenced to four years in a penal colony in Russia.
Girkin has criticized President Putin and the army top brass for their inadequacies in pursuing the Ukraine war. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Critics of Ukraine war could have property seized under new Russian law

The Kremlin has drafted a bill to confiscate property from critics of the war in Ukraine convicted of discrediting the Russian army or calling for foreign sanctions.
The bill aims to allow the government to seize money and property used to finance illegal activity or that which threatens national security. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Slovakia: The Return of Fico

Robert Fico's return to power in Slovakia raises concerns about human rights and foreign policy implications.
Fico's stance on Russia and Ukraine could potentially challenge EU's support for Kyiv and impact regional stability. [ more ]
2 months ago
France politics

Macron, Lula show unity on global issues despite Ukraine shadow

Macron and Lula displayed unity on global issues while differing on the war in Ukraine
Macron and Lula reset ties amid differences over Ukraine [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

ICC issues warrants for two Russian officers over attacks on Ukraine's infrastructure

The International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for two senior Russian officers over attacks on Ukrainian power infrastructure.
The two Russian officers are accused of directing attacks at civilian targets and inhumane acts, including launching missile strikes against Ukrainian electric infrastructure. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Germany's Scholz vows probe into 'very serious' leak of army talks on Ukraine war

Chancellor Olaf Scholz promises full investigation after confidential army talks leaked on Russian social media.
Discussions in leaked recording involve potential use of German-made Taurus missiles by Ukrainian forces. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago
Europe news

Here's what Ukrainians face from Putin if we don't send critical military aid

Putin's invasion of Ukraine enters third year with devastating consequences
Calls for increased aid and support for Ukraine from US lawmakers [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Another Winter at the Front Lines in Ukraine

Reporting on the war in Ukraine requires enduring harsh winter conditions.
Journalists face challenges such as freezing equipment and dangerous terrains when reporting on the war in Ukraine. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

How much will Russia's economy suffer from new sanctions in the wake of Alexei Navalny's death?

Navalny's death catalyzed new sanctions against Russia
Ukrainian authorities seek Western aid to finance country's reconstruction [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Ukraine updates: EU approves new sanctions against Russia DW 02/21/2024

The European Union approved one of the broadest sanctions packages against Russia over the war on Ukraine.
German Foreign Minister affirmed support for Ukraine and vowed to hold Putin accountable. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Opinion | The Best Case for Ukraine Aid

Russia hawks' initial beliefs challenged in first year, realists and doves prevailing in the second year
Division in U.S. Congress over aid to Ukraine amidst changing dynamics in the conflict [ more ]
Washington Post
3 months ago
Europe news

Russian court sentences sociologist to five years for criticizing war

Russian sociologist Boris Kagarlitsky has been sentenced to five years in prison for criticizing the war in Ukraine.
The harsh sentence reflects a crackdown on dissent in Russia following the 2022 invasion of Ukraine. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

We are obliged to end the war': A new Russian unit fights for Ukraine

The Siberian Battalion is a unit formed by the Civic Council, a Russian opposition group based in Poland, to fight against the Russian administration and overthrow Vladimir Putin.
The unit consists of Russians who have joined the fight in Ukraine and are willing to risk Russia's wrath by joining the enemy. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Members of Russian anti-war rock band face deportation from Thailand

Russian rock band members face deportation from Thailand after being arrested for working without a permit
Arrest of Bi-2 may serve as a warning to artists critical of Moscow [ more ]
4 months ago
France news

Protesting farmers tighten squeeze on France's government with 'siege' of Olympic host city Paris

Protesting farmers in France are planning to encircle Paris with tractor barricades and drive-slows in order to pressure the government for more concessions.
The farmers' movement is a result of the global food crisis exacerbated by the Ukraine war, leading to higher prices and challenges for the agriculture industry. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Official Says No Survivors In Crash Of Russian Plane Reportedly Carrying 65 Ukrainian POWs

Three people arrested for circumventing Russian sanctions
Operation was part of international action [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Moldovan Foreign Minister Resigns; Deputy Speaker Takes Over

Three people arrested for circumventing Russian sanctions related to the war in Ukraine.
Arrests made in the Netherlands as part of an international action with searches and probes in several other countries. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
4 months ago
Europe news

Trump knows 'Putin and Zelensky well' and claims he will get the war 'solved very quickly'

Donald Trump claims victory in Iowa Caucus
Trump promises to solve the war in Ukraine quickly if elected President [ more ]
The Atlantic
4 months ago

What to Read to Understand Russia

Anastasia Edel recommends books about Russia to understand the war in Ukraine.
Edel suggests reading Andrey Platonov's Chevengur to comprehend Putin's Russia. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Ukraine: Teachers fight for children's minds amid occupation DW 01/09/2024

Parents and teachers in Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine face intimidation and threats if they refuse to follow Moscow's imposed education policy.
Russian curriculum in Ukrainian schools includes new history books justifying the Ukraine war. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Ukraine: Teachers fight for children's minds amid occupation DW 01/09/2024

Parents and teachers in Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine face intimidation and threats if they refuse the new education policy imposed by Moscow.
The education policy forces teachers to work in Russian and according to a Russian curriculum, which includes new history books justifying the Ukraine war. [ more ]
5 months ago
Europe news

Is the war in Ukraine at a stalemate?

Russia's economy has withstood Western sanctions
US political divisions are concerning for Ukraine [ more ]
5 months ago
Europe news

What happened in the Russia-Ukraine war this week? Catch up with the must-read news and analysis

A Ukrainian paralympic athlete had his eyesight restored through a corneal transplant in Poland.
The wives and mothers of Russian conscripts are part of a grassroots movement protesting against the Ukraine war. [ more ]
The Cipher Brief
5 months ago
Europe news

Ukraine 2024: Europe's Year of Reckoning

US and Europe losing patience with Ukraine war
Negotiated deal unlikely for Ukraine [ more ]
5 months ago
France news

War in Ukraine: In 2023, Russian disinformation continued to dominate

52 out of 197 fact-checking articles in 2023 were about pro-Russian disinformation in the Ukraine war.
False claims included child soldiers in Ukraine, fake billboards discrediting the Ukrainian government, and reports of corruption. [ more ]
5 months ago
Europe news

Indian Envoy Hails Relationship With Russia, Bypassing Western Pressure

India's foreign minister has met with his Russian counterpart in Moscow on Wednesday, as part of a diplomatic visit highlighting the two countries' close economic ties even as international pressure to isolate Russia over its war in Ukraine has mounted.
5 months ago
Europe news

In a Baltic Nation, Fear and Suspicion Stalk Russian Speakers

A widow in Latvia has been told she must leave the country despite having lived there her entire life.
Latvia's nationalist politicians are using the Ukraine war to target and scapegoat Russian speakers in the country. [ more ]
#Ukraine war
6 months ago
Europe news

Foreigners entering Russia could be forced to sign loyalty pledge'

The Russian interior ministry has proposed introducing a loyalty pledge for foreigners entering the country, which would include prohibitions on criticizing the Russian state, discussing LGBTQ+ issues, and distorting Soviet history.
The loyalty pledge is part of the government's efforts to tighten control over public dissent amidst the ongoing war in Ukraine and Russia's conflicts with the West.
The proposed law is the first time draft legislation for a loyalty pledge has been seen by Russian media, and it is unclear when it will be submitted to the Russian State Duma. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

G20 welcomes pause in Israel-Hamas war, hears Putin address DW 11/22/2023

G20 leaders discussed the Israel-Hamas fighting pause announcement and called for the conflict to not spread
Russian President Putin addressed the G20 for the first time since the Ukraine war began and called for an end to the 'tragedy' [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

Ukraine war: Kyiv reports increase in drone attacks by Moscow

Ukraine reports increase in nighttime drone attacks by Russia, shooting down 29 out of 38 drones.
Russian forces continue to hold positions on the left bank of the Dnieper River.
Ukrainian President expects Russia to step up attacks on Ukraine's energy system during winter. [ more ]
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