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1 week ago
Remote teams

FINRA wants Wall Street to stop blaming it for return-to-office mandates

FINRA's new rules are not meant to force a return to the office but to provide member firms with greater flexibility. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
2 weeks ago
Remote teams

Remote-Friendly Vs. Remote-First: How Different Models Support Different Work

Remote-friendly work allows part-time remote work with a preference for on-site work, benefiting from flexibility while maintaining core office activities. [ more ]
Harvard Business Review
3 weeks ago
Remote teams

Using Data to Design Your Hybrid Work Policies

Remote work can lead to a loss of connection but offers work-life balance and productivity benefits. [ more ]
1 month ago
Remote teams

US tech workers happy to take less money to stay working remotely

Remote work surged during the pandemic, but tech firms are now pushing for a return to the office, causing challenges for many employees. [ more ]
The Hill
1 month ago
Remote teams

Don't believe the naysayers: Hybrid remote work is improving employees' mental health

The structure of workplace flexibility significantly influences mental well-being, requiring a strategic reevaluation of work environments post-pandemic. [ more ]
Mashable India
2 months ago
Remote teams

Dell Will Not Give Promotion To Employees Who Work From Home: Report

Dell embraced remote work before the pandemic, shifting to a connected workplace model with high employee satisfaction and productivity.
Despite productivity gains, a new memo at Dell encourages employees to spend three days a week in the office to support career growth opportunities. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Remote teams

6 Things Gen Z Want From Their Employers To Flourish In Their Careers

Gen Zs desire workplace flexibility, feel misunderstood and vilified by other generations and leaders. [ more ]
Yahoo Finance
4 months ago

Companies want employees back in the office. Over half of hybrid workers are using 'coffee badging' to get around the mandates. What is it? And should you try it?

Companies are implementing coffee badging as a tactic to get employees back in the office.
Coffee badging allows employees to show face in the office for a few hours in the morning and then leave for personal reasons or productivity reasons. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Remote teams

Canada's Public Sector Unions Threaten Disruption Over Return to Office

Public sector unions in Canada are initiating legal challenges against the government's return-to-office mandates. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 month ago
Remote teams

The new generation of workers is 'Gen Global'

Gen Global workforce seeks growth, diverse experiences, flexibility, and independence from global companies. [ more ]
1 month ago
Remote teams

U.K. employees now have the right to request flexible work from day 1-but employers may have to bear the brunt of the new measures, experts say

Employees in parts of the U.K. now have the right to request flexible work from day one of a new job.
Flexibility has become a top priority for many employees due to productivity benefits and higher turnover associated with lack of flexibility. [ more ]
1 month ago
Remote teams

Most workers haven't gotten remote work training, report says - Marketplace

60% of companies allow hybrid work schedules, but few offer training for managers or employees on remote work practices.
Over 70% of workers have not received training on managing people or remote work best practices after four years of the pandemic. [ more ]
Harvard Business Review
4 months ago

When You Want to Be Hybrid, But Your Boss Wants You in the Office

Hybrid work schedules provide workplace flexibility and prioritize personal goals.
73% of U.S. adults prioritize family time. [ more ]
2 months ago
Remote teams

What is the Future for Telework and Remote Work Opportunities in the Federal Government in 2024?

Over 90% of federal employees find their current work schedule productive and satisfying.
Despite the push for a more in-person work environment, many federal employees and unions advocate for the benefits of telework. [ more ]
2 months ago

Bending But Not Breaking: The Power of Intentional Inflexibility in a Flexible World | Entrepreneur

Flexible work benefits include less stress, better mental health, and improved work-life balance.
Intentional inflexibility involves making conscious choices to prioritize what matters most, like time, energy, and attention. [ more ]
3 months ago
Remote teams

What Is Chronoworking and Could It Be the End of the 9 to 5?

Different work schedules based on individual circadian rhythms can increase productivity.
Customized work schedules, like the four-day work week, can improve employee happiness and maintain productivity. [ more ]
HR Brew
6 months ago
Remote teams

World of HR: Nearly half of European employers allow employees to work abroad some of the time

Only 30% of European employers require full-time in-person work
52% of employers surveyed said workers comply with in-office attendance
38% are considering a four-day workweek [ more ]
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