
I like this point a lot. How are we going to promote positive mental HEALTH activities, like reading, when we don't, as a society, celebrate books fully? Rather, choosing to celebrate every last person who worked on the latest Marvel movie, or Tik Tok flash in the pan.

Imagine a prize was given out for editors, agents, or book jacket designers and a healthy competition grows out of it between people in the book industry. The competition evolves vertically into tech, and horizontally into other analog book forms and book-centric arenas. This reminds me of the type of work Dave Eggars does; does anyone remember the dozens of cover variations for his book "The Every"? We need more of that energy.


The Atlantic
The Invisible Forces Behind the Books We Read
The profound weirdness of our collective ignorance about books becomes evident when you compare the book business with other major culture industries.
People win Oscars for makeup and cinematography and sound design, but there's no Pulitzer or National Book Award for copy editors, agents, or jacket designers.
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