Meta Calls for New Legislation That Would Force App Stores to Implement Age Restrictions on Apps

US states are passing a patchwork of different laws, many of which require teens (of varying ages) to get their parent's approval to use certain apps, and for everyone to verify their age to access them. Teens move interchangeably between many websites and apps, and social media laws that hold different platforms to different standards in different states will mean teens are inconsistently protected.
We support federal legislation that requires app stores to get parents' approval whenever their teens under 16 download apps. With this solution, when a teen wants to download an app, app stores would be required to notify their parents, much like when parents are notified if their teen attempts to make a purchase. Parents can decide if they want to approve the download.
This way parents can oversee and approve their teen's online activity in one place. They can ensure their teens are not accessing adult content or apps, or apps they just don't want their teens to use. And where apps like ours offer age-appropriate features and settings, parents can help ensure their teens use them.
Read at Social Media Today