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1 day ago
Remote teams

48 Best Fully Remote Jobs You Can Apply for in June 2024

June is a great time to consider remote work opportunities with big tech companies offering fully remote positions. [ more ]
Fox News
2 weeks ago
Remote teams

'Hush vacations' trend as remote workers slip off for travel getaways without telling the boss

Remote workers are taking 'hush-cations' by working from locations outside the approved remote working area, without formally taking vacation days. [ more ]
The Walrus
3 weeks ago
Remote teams

Hybrid Workplaces Are Still a Headache | The Walrus

Balancing work and personal life was a challenge for women even before the pandemic, but remote work has now become the norm. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Remote teams

45 Best Fully Remote Jobs You Can Apply for in May 2024

Remote work flexibility remains available in select roles at top tech companies despite return-to-office mandates. [ more ]
2 months ago
Remote teams

Disney remote jobs: the most magical WFH careers on earth?

Remote work opportunities available at Disney include roles like graphics interface coordinator and senior managerial positions overseeing remote teams.
Limited remote jobs at Disney listed on the career website include data entry and sales positions. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Remote teams

CEO lauded for trusting employees to work from anywhere they want: 'I am not a clock watcher'

Managers trusting employees to work autonomously can lead to better results in the long run by acknowledging their personal lives. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Women in technology

7 Ways to Empower Mothers in the Workplace | Entrepreneur

Empowering mothers in the workplace requires a thoughtful, multifaceted approach to support work-life balance and professional growth. [ more ]
South China Morning Post
3 weeks ago
Remote teams

Shirkers or smarter workers? Gen Z is winning Asia's tug of war over work

Employers across Asia had to become more flexible due to pandemic remote-working practices, leading to a cultural shift in employment dynamics.
New guidelines in Singapore allow employees to request more flexible work arrangements, emphasizing the importance of work-life balance. [ more ]
South China Morning Post
1 month ago
UK news

Singapore survey finds half the workforce would quit if unable to work from home

Work-life balance is a higher priority than salary for many respondents, highlighting the importance of flexible work arrangements. [ more ]
4 months ago

5 Signs Your Job's 'Hybrid Office' Policy Is Actually Toxic

Employees expect and prefer hybrid work arrangements that include both in-person and remote work.
Blurred work/life boundaries and lack of formal policies are red flags in hybrid work arrangements. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Remote teams

Senior employees are increasingly leaving firms who make them come back to the office

Senior workers are leaving tech companies like Microsoft, Apple, and SpaceX due to office return mandates. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Remote teams

Microsoft introduces Places to ease folks' flexible working

Microsoft introduces Microsoft Places for flexible return-to-office coordination. [ more ]
1 month ago
Remote teams

Technology Continues To Frustrate Hybrid Workers

The extent of employer support for hybrid working remains a crucial workplace issue, impacting employee retention and preference for flexible work arrangements. [ more ]
1 month ago

Fargo Public Schools alone in metro in offering remote, out-of-state work

Employees of Fargo Public Schools, including upper administrators, utilize a remote work policy due to COVID-19. [ more ]
1 month ago
Remote teams

7 ways workspaces are changing in the remote work era

Companies are reimagining office spaces to accommodate flexible and remote work arrangements, such as leasing smaller spaces and adding technology to support hybrid work. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
2 months ago
Remote teams

The future of work: Adapting office environments to a changing world

Work is shifting to more flexible arrangements away from the traditional 9-to-5 workday.
Businesses are adapting to create more human-centric work environments. [ more ]
2 months ago
Remote teams

Employees got average salary raise of 10% in 2023, beating inflation - Jobstreet

Employees received an average pay raise of 10.24% in 2023, outpacing inflation.
70% of companies provided staff promotions in 2023 with an average salary increment of 12.54%. [ more ]
The Atlantic
3 months ago
Remote teams

Hybrid Work Doesn't Have to Be Awful

Americans desire flexible work locations and hours.
Remote work may lead to an overhead tax causing increased stress and dissatisfaction. [ more ]
3 months ago
Remote teams

The best employees are the most likely to leave over return-to-office mandates, new survey says

High-performing employees, millennials, and women are more likely to leave a company that enforces strict return-to-office policies.
Intent to stay among all employees dropped by 8%, with high-performing employees experiencing the biggest drop at 16%.
Flexibility and the ability to work from home are important factors for employee retainment, particularly for women and millennials. [ more ]
4 months ago
Remote teams

OPINION EXCHANGE | Why work-from-home is not the American way of work

Employers often resist flexible work arrangements and prefer employees to work in traditional office settings.
American culture views work as a form of virtuous sacrifice, requiring discomfort and long hours. [ more ]
Harvard Business Review
5 months ago
Remote teams

How to Actually Execute a 4-Day Workweek

Reduced-hour work schedules can be beneficial for employee wellbeing and retention.
Flexible work arrangements, including remote and hybrid work, are increasingly desired by job seekers. [ more ]
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