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1 week ago

Randstad Digital Acquires Torc

The acquisition of Torc by Randstad Digital enhances access to digital talent and strengthens capabilities across multiple areas. [ more ]
2 months ago
Startup companies

Louisa Raises $5M to Connect Artificial Intelligence to Human Intelligence within Organizations to Drive Sales

People are vital assets in organizations, and their knowledge drives progress. Building internal knowledge bases is crucial for storing data and information. Louisa is an AI-powered platform that maps employee capabilities and networks. [ more ]
2 months ago
NYC startup

Intenseye Raises $64M to Make the Workplace Safer with Computer Vision for Millions of Workers Worldwide

Technological advancements are driving workplace safety measures in Industry 4.0.
Intenseye offers AI-powered platform for near real-time workplace safety insights. [ more ]
Silicon Valley Journals
3 months ago
Silicon Valley

Cascading AI $3.9M in Pre-Seed Funding to Disrupt Banking with AI-driven Loan Origination

Cascading AI raises $3.9 million in pre-seed funding
Funding will be used to further develop and launch their AI-powered platform [ more ]
6 months ago
NYC startup

The AlleyWatch Startup Daily Funding Report: 11/14/2023

Keychain raised $18M in seed funding for their AI-powered platform that connects brands with manufacturing partners.
Martian Wallet raised $3.475M in funding for their self-custodial wallet that supports Aptos and Sui blockchains. [ more ]
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