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The Drum
1 month ago

How to say something compelling in a world of headline-readers

Slowing down and reading beyond headlines is crucial for understanding and sharing meaningful content. [ more ]
1 month ago
Digital life

From 90s chatrooms to AI algorithms, has the internet lost its fun? - CityAM

Algorithms and tech giants have narrowed the online experience, reducing the thrill of discovering random content.
Clickbait tactics erode trust and contribute to a toxic online atmosphere, making the internet less enjoyable. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Bulletin is a new AI-powered news reader that tackles clickbait and summaries stories | TechCrunch

Bulletin is a new app that uses AI to remove clickbait and summarize news articles.
Users can customize the news sources featured in the app instead of relying on a curated selection. [ more ]
Page Six
6 months ago
Digital life

'Broke as a joke' Kim Zolciak dragged for posting daughter Brielle Biermann's fake sonogram for clicks

Kim Zolciak posted a fake sonogram of her daughter as clickbait.
She disabled the comments section and included a link to an article about her daughter being a future grandmother.
People are criticizing her for making money off of misleading content and making light of fertility struggles. [ more ]
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