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1 month ago
Remote teams

Is 'Coffee Badging' A Legacy Of The Pandemic Or An Economic Threat?

The return to the office is driven by economic necessity and concerns over productivity. Some employees in the UK are 'coffee badging' by showing up to work briefly then leaving. [ more ]
Yahoo Finance
4 months ago

Companies want employees back in the office. Over half of hybrid workers are using 'coffee badging' to get around the mandates. What is it? And should you try it?

Companies are implementing coffee badging as a tactic to get employees back in the office.
Coffee badging allows employees to show face in the office for a few hours in the morning and then leave for personal reasons or productivity reasons. [ more ]
6 months ago

If You're Being Forced Back to the Office, Try 'Coffee Badging'

Working from home can be more effective with proper support
Coffee badging is a survival strategy for returning to the office [ more ]
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