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eLearning Industry
2 days ago

DevOps Testing Strategies For Scalable eLearning Solutions

Incorporating DevOps practices and robust testing frameworks is crucial for creating effective eLearning platforms.
Continuous testing in DevOps ensures early issue detection, quicker release cycles, and improved security for eLearning solutions. [ more ]
3 months ago
Software development

Forget Shift Left: Why 'No Shift' is the Future of Software Innovation - DevOps.com

Shift Left emphasizes early testing and security integration.
No Shift strategy advocates for development and testing directly in production, leveraging advanced technologies. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

How Generative AI Enables Unified Continuous Testing Platforms - DevOps.com

Existing testing tools cater to different stages of software development.
Challenges of unifying diverse testing needs into a continuous testing platform. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Applying AI/ML to Continuous Testing - DevOps.com

AI/ML enhances continuous testing by automating tasks, predicting issues, and providing insights.
AI/ML goes beyond test automation to improve over time, adapt to new data, and optimize testing strategies. [ more ]
2 months ago

Copado Streamlines Custom Salesforce App Testing - DevOps.com

Automated testing tool added to Copado platform
Enhanced collaboration through markup and annotation tools [ more ]
3 months ago

Survey Surfaces Raft of Ongoing Agile Development Challenges - DevOps.com

71% of software development professionals use agile methodologies, but only 44% say it is working well in the enterprise.
Top opportunities for improvement include end-to-end visibility, measuring cycle time, continuous testing, and measuring technological risk. [ more ]
4 months ago
Growth hacking

Zupyak's unique startup journey - Building companies without a fixed idea | TechCrunch

Building a startup without a fixed idea can still be successful
Finding new and cheaper ways to acquire customers through content marketing is important for startups and small businesses
Continuous testing and adaptation are key to successful growth and marketing [ more ]
4 months ago
Growth hacking

Zupyak's unique startup journey - Building companies without a fixed idea | TechCrunch

Building a startup without a fixed idea can still be successful
Finding new and cheaper ways to acquire customers through content marketing is important for startups and small businesses
Continuous testing and adaptation are key to successful growth and marketing [ more ]
4 months ago

Zupyak's unique startup journey - Building companies without a fixed idea | TechCrunch

Building a startup without a fixed idea can still be successful
Finding new and cheaper ways to acquire customers through content marketing is important for startups and small businesses
Continuous testing and adaptation are key to successful growth and marketing [ more ]
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