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4 weeks ago

Sex scenes in Hollywood movies are in rapid decline, study shows

Passionate discourse over sex scenes in movies, declining sexual content in mainstream Hollywood films over 20 years, shift towards indie films for explicit content. [ more ]
The Atlantic
2 months ago

Whatever Happened to Teen Babysitters?

Babysitting was once a rite of passage and a common teenage job.
The teen babysitter has largely disappeared due to changing societal norms. [ more ]
The Atlantic
2 months ago

Why Does Romance Now Feel Like Work?

Dating apps like Tinder, Hinge, and Bumble can hinder meaningful connections.
Cultural shifts and societal pressures impact modern dating and relationships. [ more ]
3 months ago

Opinion | Men Are From Mercury, Women Are From Neptune

The political gender gap among Gen Z is widening due to cultural shifts, not just recent political events. [ more ]
3 months ago

Design Museum buys rare 'Number 1 Barbie' for its Barbieverse exhibition

Over 180 Barbie dolls will be displayed at the Design Museum to mark the 65th anniversary, showcasing diverse representations.
The exhibition will feature the evolution of Barbie's design and innovation, including early prototypes and dolls representing different ethnicities and body types. [ more ]
6 months ago

40 outrageous photos that changed fashion, from teenage Kate Moss to Twiggy in a mini and Lady Gaga's meat dress

Fashion photography captures a moment in history, reflecting societal changes and cultural shifts.
It is more than just a portrayal of fashion; it is a portrait of society at that time.
Fashion photography can reveal the role of women in society and the political battles fought. [ more ]
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