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Above the Law
4 days ago

Federalist Society's Leonard Leo Shows Contempt For Subpoena

Powerful figures like Leonard Leo are facing congressional subpoenas for arranging lavish gifts for Supreme Court justices, raising concerns about dark money in the judiciary. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
London politics

From mayoral elections to Rwanda removals, Sunak won't let the truth jeopardise his mission | Stewart Lee

Tory mayors seeking anonymity in elections, using fake community Facebook groups to spread misinformation. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Dark Money Donations for 2024 Are Outpacing All Prior Election Cycles

Dark money groups and shell companies are forecasted to funnel significant undisclosed funds into the 2023-2024 elections.
Over $2.8 billion in dark money spending has been tracked since the Citizens United v. FEC decision in 2010. [ more ]
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