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1 day ago
Ruby on Rails

Puts Debuggerer 1.0.0 Includes Invoked Class/Method Name

Enhanced Puts Debuggerer v1.0.0 now includes printing invoked class method in debug printouts. [ more ]
1 week ago

Visual Studio 2022 17.11 Preview 1: Pull Requests, Debugging, Profiler and More Improvements

Microsoft released Visual Studio 2022 17.11 Preview 1 with features on pull requests, default shortcuts, debugging, and profiler enhancements. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

True Developer Story: Navigating Challenges with Traditional Logging vs OpenTelemetry Tracing

OpenTelemetry tracing provides enhanced visibility and context sharing in modern software debugging. [ more ]
3 months ago

Is Dependency Injection the Missing Technique That's Holding Your Career Back?

Dependency Injection (DI) is a popular approach in modern software development that promotes loosely coupled code.
While DI offers benefits such as easier code extension and change, it can be challenging to debug and manage in larger projects with complex architectures. [ more ]
2 years ago

Dart/Flutter: A simple delta-time performance debugging technique

Use manual approach to measure time between statements for debugging Dart/Flutter code. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Python's Built-in Exceptions: A Walkthrough With Examples - Real Python

Errors and exceptions are crucial in programming. Errors are concrete issues that can be fixed by updating the code, while exceptions are events that should be handled to prevent program crashes. [ more ]
1 month ago

Adventures In Import-land, Part II - Pybites

Check for missing environment variables like 'GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'
Ensure proper scoping of variables within the functions [ more ]
3 months ago

Python in Visual Studio Code - March 2024 Release - Python

Improved Add Imports Code Action heuristics in Pylance extension
Automatic browser launch when debugging Django or Flask apps [ more ]
4 months ago

Python in Visual Studio Code - February 2024 Release - Python

The February 2024 release of the Python and Jupyter extensions for Visual Studio Code includes several new features and improvements.
The Python Debugger extension is now installed by default and aims to separate debugging functionality from the main Python extension. [ more ]
Frontend Masters Boost
1 month ago
Web design

DevTools Tips & Tricks

DevTools offer powerful features, often underutilized, like the 'Emulate a focused page' option to inspect hover-based elements without losing focus. [ more ]
2 months ago

Fixing a Bug in PyPy's Incremental GC

The article describes a challenging bug in PyPy's garbage collector that caused intermittent segfault crashes during AST rewriting phase of Pytest.
The bug had been present since 2013, highlighting the complexity of identifying and resolving issues in PyPy's system. [ more ]
2 months ago

GitHub - bitair-org/lift: Power up Web Development with TypeScript

Eliminates the need to build TypeScript in the development environment for backend and frontend apps
Uses TypeScript API for compilation, starts apps faster, and consumes less energy with on-demand compilation [ more ]
2 months ago

Logging Made Easy: A Beginner's Guide to Winston in Node.js - SitePoint

Logging is crucial for debugging, monitoring, and auditing in application development.
Fundamental logging practices include appropriate log levels, consistency in formats, structured data logging, minimizing overhead, and securing sensitive information. [ more ]
3 months ago
Node JS

Top 5 Node.js Tools for Debugging and Profiling

The Node.js Built-in Debugger is a free and effective tool for inspecting and debugging Node.js applications.
To use the Node.js Built-in Debugger, you need to run your Node.js application with the --inspect flag and connect to it with Chrome DevTools or the Node debugging client. [ more ]
2 months ago

A C++ Code Function Tracing Class

The FunctionTraceClass provides a way to track function calls and their hierarchy.
Utilizing TRACE statements or keyboard shortcuts for debugging can be tedious. [ more ]
2 months ago

# A story of one memory leak

Debugging memory leaks in distributed systems can be challenging due to the complexity of the architecture.
Understanding the components and architecture details is crucial for effectively debugging and fixing issues in a distributed system. [ more ]
Vue.js Feed
3 months ago

7 New Features in Nuxt 3.9

Debug hydration errors in production
New useRequestHeader composable
Customizing layout fallbacks [ more ]
New Relic
3 months ago

Enhancing web debugging using source maps with New Relic browser monitoring

Nonfunctional requirements (NFRs) are important indicators of good applications and vital to the success of a system.
Observability is one aspect of achieving nonfunctional requirements (NFRs) and helps with proactive troubleshooting and optimization of software systems. [ more ]
3 months ago

PyDev Debugger and sys.monitoring (PEP 669) -- i.e.: really fast debugging for Python 3.12!

The latest release of PyDev brings a speed improvement for Python 3.12 users.
The PyDev Debugger now uses sys.monitoring for faster debugging, up to 15 times faster than the previous version. [ more ]
4 months ago

PyCoder's Weekly | Issue #614

Tic-Tac-Toe with AI and LRU Caches
Tips for debugging Python [ more ]
The JetBrains Blog
4 months ago

PyCharm 2024.1 EAP 2 Is Out! | The PyCharm Blog

PyCharm 2024.1 EAP 2 introduces a revamped Terminal tool window with visual and functional enhancements.
You can now use the same npm configuration to run and debug both the server and client sides of your application. [ more ]
4 months ago

That episode where we just ship open source

Syntax Error #11: Debugging Python
umami and umami-analytics [ more ]
4 months ago
Software development

Boilerplate Guide to Creating a Source Generator - Part 1

Creating a source generator can be done in Visual Studio or VS Code. Debugging may only be available in Visual Studio.
Before creating a source generator, it is recommended to create a working version of the final product and a throw-away application to identify repeating sections and dynamic parts. [ more ]
Python Test
5 months ago

Python Test | 211: Stamp out test dependencies with pytest plugins

Running tests in a suite can lead to dependency issues, making debugging difficult.
Plugins like pytest-randomly, pytest-reverse, and pytest-random-order can help test for and manage dependencies. [ more ]
5 months ago
Ruby on Rails

Exploring the Meaning of Ruby's Global Constants and Variables

Ruby provides many global constants and variables that can be used to retrieve information about the current state of the application and runtime.
These global constants and variables are useful for simplifying scripts, debugging problems, and working with cross-platform code. [ more ]
5 months ago

Python in Visual Studio Code - December 2023 Release - Python

The December 2023 release of the Python and Jupyter extensions for Visual Studio Code includes configurable debugging options, type hierarchy support, and terminal environment activation improvements.
The Python Debugger extension now has configurable debug options under the Run button menu, allowing users to select debug configurations or create a launch.json file for their Python application. [ more ]
5 months ago

Laravel Livewire Debugger with Vue Devtools

This extension helps with debugging Livewire components from Vuejs devtools
Requires VueJs devtools and provides a list of components to debug [ more ]
6 months ago
Web design

Visual Studio 17.9 Preview 1: Refreshed UI, Debugging, AI, Productivity and More

Visual Studio version 17.9 preview brings improvements and features to enhance developer productivity.
Features include GitHub Copilot, IntelliSense support, memory management and debugging improvements, refreshed UI, and more.
Developers can use AI-generated git commit messages, detect memory leaks, interact with Debug Visualizers, and view #include references. [ more ]
Python Test
6 months ago

Python Test | 209: Testing argparse Applications

Design applications for ease of testing
Use pytest and capsys to test stdout
Add debug and preview flags for debugging and testing [ more ]
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