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Ars Technica
3 days ago

Spotify won't open-source Car Thing, but starts refund process

Spotify will refund Car Thing owners despite initially stating they would brick the devices, causing confusion and leading to a lawsuit. [ more ]
5 days ago

Spotify kills Car Thing in product streamlining; "We understand it may be disappointing." Yup. - RAIN News

Spotify's discontinuation of Car Thing has left users frustrated and safety concerns unaddressed. [ more ]
5 days ago

Spotify to Brick Its Own "Car Thing" Device, Won't Offer Refunds

Spotify is discontinuing Car Thing after using it to learn about car listening habits. [ more ]
1 week ago

Spotify Says the Hardware Player It Sold You Two Years Ago Will Stop Working and the Only Thing You Can Do Is Throw It in the Trash

Spotify is discontinuing the Car Thing, leaving owners with a useless device and no recourse. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 week ago

Spotify just killed Car Thing with no refunds. Angry customers ask why it can't be open sourced

Spotify discontinues Car Thing, a $90 device for controlling Spotify in cars, recommending users to dispose of it after December 9, 2024. [ more ]
1 week ago

Spotify to brick all Car Thing devices

Spotify discontinues Car Thing dashboard accessory, no refunds, or replacement planned. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
US news

Panera Will Discontinue Charged Lemonade Drinks

Panera Bread discontinuing highly caffeinated Charged Lemonade and Charged Sips due to health problems and lawsuits, focusing on low-caffeine options. [ more ]
1 month ago

Is The iPhone 11 Pro Max Discontinued? Yes - Here's Why...

Discontinuation Post-New Release: The iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max were discontinued following the launch of the iPhone 12 series, a common practice for Apple's Pro models to make way for newer versions. [ more ]
3 months ago
Tech industry

Google Pay is shutting down in the US later this year

Google Pay will be discontinued in the US but remain operational in Singapore and India.
Google Wallet, with more users in more countries, replaced Google Pay and offers diverse features beyond payments. [ more ]
3 months ago
Mobile UX

Google Pay app to be discontinued in June

Google Pay app discontinued in US, users to switch to Google Wallet by June 4, 2024
Features like P2P payments, offers, and balance management to be removed; Wallet used more in the US. [ more ]
4 months ago
Graphic design

Adobe Captivate Classic Lost the Ability to Customize A Lot! - eLearning

Adobe Captivate Classic is being discontinued.
Users are experiencing issues with the new update. [ more ]
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