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1 month ago

Oil Companies Expand Offshore Drilling, Pointing to Energy Needs

Oil companies expand offshore drilling despite pledges to reduce emissions. [ more ]
1 month ago
Canada news

Why a Liberal Premier Wants to Pause a Carbon Tax Increase

Newfoundland and Labrador's oil industry's significance often overlooked in carbon debates. [ more ]
The Verge
2 months ago

Heat and drought are sucking US hydropower dry

Hydropower generation in Western US reached a two-decade low in 2023.
Drought and extreme heat led to a decrease in hydropower production, exacerbating reliance on fossil fuels. [ more ]
2 months ago

Are we on the brink of a nuclear fusion breakthrough? : Short Wave

Nuclear fusion has the potential to revolutionize energy production by providing clean, limitless energy without greenhouse gas emissions or long-term nuclear waste.
Despite past failures, recent investments from venture capitalists and tech entrepreneurs are driving new efforts to achieve commercial success in nuclear fusion. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Energy breakthrough needed for AGI, says OpenAI's Altman

Sam Altman believes a breakthrough in energy production is necessary to advance AI models.
OpenAI's GPT-3 system consumed 936 MWh to train, equivalent to the energy used by 90 households in a year. [ more ]
Bitcoin Magazine - Bitcoin News, Articles and Expert Insights
4 months ago

Swan Bitcoin Launches Mining Division, Targets Over 8 Exahash by March

BTC-only exchange Swan Bitcoin has unveiled its mining division, Swan Mining, which aims to secure the Bitcoin network and contribute to energy production.
Swan Mining has already purchased and deployed mining equipment, with plans to enhance its capacity from 4.5 exahash to over 8 exahash. [ more ]
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