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4 days ago

Opinion | Less Marriage, Less Sex, Less Agreement

Marriage rates decline, sparking debates on gender dynamics. [ more ]
1 week ago

Richard III The Globe Theatre

The production of Richard III at Shakespeare's Globe heavily focuses on gender dynamics and power struggles with a female-led cast. [ more ]
1 week ago

You Got Divorced, Jesse': Fox News Guest Roasts Sad' and Lonely' Jesse Watters After He Laughs at Idea of Being More Vulnerable'

Men can support women by being vulnerable with their own emotions. [ more ]
Ars Technica
2 weeks ago

Bumble apologizes for ads shaming women into sex

Bumble's ad campaign backfired, perceived as shaming women for choosing celibacy, leading to backlash and user threats to delete accounts. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Elon Musk Didn't Like What a Woman Told Him, So He Fired Her Entire Department

Elon Musk's controversial decisions at Tesla create chaos and speculation, including gender dynamics in executive firings. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Kelly Reichardt: The Films That Made Me

Kelly Reichardt's time at art school significantly influenced her perspective on cinema, leading to a diverse and nuanced approach in her own filmmaking. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

One woman refuses to be her husband's 'kin-keeper,' and she makes an important point

Women should not be burdened as kin keepers in relationships; responsibility lies with each individual to maintain connections.
Women assert boundaries on familial responsibilities within relationships.
Support and agreement emerged from other women in similar situations. [ more ]
The Paris Review
1 month ago

Between the World and the Universe, a Woman Is Thinking - The Paris Review

Poetry struggles with capturing profound essence beyond language. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
1 month ago

The Lawyer Defending Idaho's Abortion Ban Irritated the One Justice He Needed On His Side

Joshua Turner's dismissive attitude towards Justice Barrett during the abortion case highlights the gender dynamics and the possible negative impact on the case outcome. [ more ]
The Economist
1 month ago

Why more European countries are considering conscription

Governments are facing challenges in attracting young people to join the military, raising questions about the need for conscription. [ more ]
2 months ago

New Kids on the Blockchain

Bitcoin was valued at $250 per coin in 2015
Viv, a sheltered 22-year-old girl, lived in the Crypto Castle in San Francisco with 14 male roommates. [ more ]
4 months ago
Women in technology

36 Things Men In Their 20s Get Totally Wrong About Dating, According To Women

Interacting with a new guy is scarier for women than for men
Women need to take things slow and get to know a guy well to feel safe [ more ]
6 months ago

Opinion | The Frustrations of Dating for Both Women and Men

Many women face challenges in dating and finding a partner
Both men and women struggle to find healthy and fulfilling relationships [ more ]
4 months ago

The women of Japan's literary golden age

The Heian Period in Japan was a cultural golden age characterized by significant artistic and literary developments.
Women played a fundamental role in the imperial court during this period, receiving education and exposure to culture previously denied to them. [ more ]
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