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Mail Online
3 weeks ago

Red state is crowned best in the US for education

Florida ranked number one in education despite controversy over banning discussions on sexuality and gender. [ more ]
Sun Sentinel
2 months ago

Gov. DeSantis signs bill banning homeless from sleeping in public

Homeless people banned from sleeping in public places in Florida
Critics argue bill does not address underlying issues of homelessness [ more ]
2 months ago
Digital life

DeSantis Signs Social Media Bill Barring Accounts for Children Under 14

Florida bans children under 14 from social media accounts
New law requires parental permission for 14- and 15-year-olds on social media platforms [ more ]
Miami Herald
2 months ago

DeSantis will send troopers to Miami Beach, other cities during spring break

140 state troopers deployed to aid law enforcement agencies during spring break.
Troopers to assist with traffic control, crowd management, and security in popular spring break destinations. [ more ]
6 months ago
US politics

In Florida's Hot Political Climate, Some Faculty Have Had Enough

Prominent professors are leaving Florida's public universities, citing Governor DeSantis' conservative policies as the reason.
Despite the departures, the turnover rate in Florida's universities remains below the national average. [ more ]
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