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5 days ago

Tanya Plibersek Is Concerned About Kids Watching Anal Sex Porn

Pornography is being blamed for rising gender-based violence in Australia, but historical context and societal shifts suggest it is a red herring in addressing the root causes. [ more ]
1 week ago
France politics

New Caledonia police kill Kanak protester DW 05/24/2024

Indigenous Kanak leaders fear dilution of voice due to electoral law changes. [ more ]
1 week ago
Europe politics

Here's Why You Won't See Much Of The Royal Family For The Next 6 Weeks

The decision to dissolve Parliament is usually granted by the king, with historical context. [ more ]
6 years ago
OMG science

Teaching And Learning At The Boundaries Of Two Cultures

Marcelo Gleiser teaches a class for non-science majors that explores the history of confronting deep questions about the universe without equations. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
New York Mets

Mood-Matching Outfits

The blog 'Faith and Fear in Flushing' is a platform for Mets fans with a rich history behind it. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

The Protests That Anticipated Today's Gaza Solidarity Encampments

Gaza Solidarity Encampments reflect American tradition of civil disobedience. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Media industry

The Story Behind TIME's Campus Protests Cover

Student journalists play a crucial role in covering campus protests, offering unique perspectives and dedication to telling comprehensive stories. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

You struggled with my film? Fantastic!' Alice Rohrwacher and her riotous new tomb-raiding tale

Alice Rohrwacher makes films to provoke reflection and challenge viewers, regardless of personal preference or reception. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
New York City

City College, Against Its Nature, Asks Police to End Campus Protest

The president of City College of New York faced a critical decision to involve the police to restore order amidst protests despite the college's history of supporting radical student protest culture. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Boston Bruins

TD Garden shows footage of dejected fans in Maple Leafs Square after Bruins Game 7 win

The Bruins have a dominant record against the Maple Leafs in playoff series, winning seven straight since 1959. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
4 weeks ago

55 years after Reagan took on Berkeley, Newsom stays in the background amid roiling campus protests

California politicians' responses to student protests at Berkeley in 1969 and recent unrest at universities reflect contrasting approaches towards handling demonstrations. [ more ]
1 month ago

How today's college protests echo history : Consider This from NPR

Pro-Palestinian protests and encampments surge on college campuses across the U.S. [ more ]
The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
1 month ago

Mary Beard BBC segment on Kenneth Clark's Civilisation renews debate about its Eurocentricity

Debate over the European-centric narrative of the influential 1969 documentary Civilisation has been reignited by a recent segment questioning its perspective. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 month ago
OMG science

Nixon's White House was far ahead of its time on climate research. Then it was abandoned

A multimillion-dollar climate change research project proposed in 1971 was not implemented, leading to a lost opportunity in addressing the early stages of the climate crisis. [ more ]
1 month ago

The power and risks of campus protests

Protest movements at universities have historically influenced societal change. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

JPMorgan Chase's woke DEI style guide nixes terms like 'manpower,' 'blacklist'

Be cautious of language use in DEI efforts, as even seemingly harmless words can hold deeper historical or cultural meanings. [ more ]
1 month ago

Regulation of Pelvic Exams Is Long Overdue

The Department of Health and Human Services is reinforcing the need for written, informed consent for sensitive medical examinations in training institutions. [ more ]
1 month ago

Protests Intensify at Columbia, Forcing Difficult Choices for Leaders

Pro-Palestinian students at Columbia University continue protests despite administrators' vow to crack down on unauthorized protests [ more ]
1 month ago

What's this mysterious "gay and lusty" classic musical that has Gay Twitter all worked up?

Words like 'gay' and 'lusty' can carry different meanings today compared to the past. [ more ]
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

The OJ Simpson trial was sensational and a portent of the strife-torn America we see today

The OJ Simpson trial was a significant event that marked the 1990s, setting the stage for subsequent cultural and historical shifts. [ more ]
2 months ago

Footballers who wore unusual shirt numbers

Players choosing unusual shirt numbers for personal reasons
Historical context of famous footballers wearing different numbers [ more ]
2 months ago
Social justice

When Southern Segregationists Gave Black Residents One-Way Bus Tickets North

The United States Department of Health and Human Services plans to implement a new rule for better allocation of federal welfare funds at state level.
Ronald Reagan popularized the stereotype of welfare recipients as 'welfare queens' to limit welfare state funding. [ more ]
2 months ago
Video games

Manhunt's greatest strength is letting Abraham Lincoln just be a bro

Edwin Stanton's regret over not going to the theater with Lincoln haunts him in 'Manhunt'.
Stanton's survivor's guilt and the weight of his decisions as Secretary of War are central themes in the post-Civil War drama. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Getting Ukraine's History Right Is Crucial for Anti-Imperialist Politics

The 2014 Maidan Revolution in Ukraine was not a 'U.S. coup' but a popular uprising involving hundreds of thousands of protesters.
Correctly understanding the context of the Maidan uprising is crucial for building a progressive, internationalist alternative. [ more ]
3 months ago
Liverpool FC

Why do Liverpool fans boo the national anthem?

Liverpool fans boo national anthem at Carabao Cup final.
History of booing national anthem by Liverpool fans due to opposition to establishment. [ more ]
3 months ago

'An oasis of peace and calm' how TripAdvisor reviewers rate Hampstead Heath

Hampstead Heath receives high praise in most 5-star reviews on Tripadvisor
The heath's rich historical context adds to its charm [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Poland is again threatened by a tyrant. This time, Europe must not look away | Simon Tisdall

Poland plays a crucial role in the battle against Russian aggression in Eastern Europe.
Poland's military buildup and support for Ukraine are part of a strategy to deter further Russian aggression. [ more ]
99% Invisible
3 months ago

The Power Broker #02: Jamelle Bouie - 99% Invisible

Robert Moses had a significant impact on reshaping New York City
Guest Jamelle Bouie provides historical context and connections to the present [ more ]
4 months ago

Public health history course holds lessons for today

Vaccine hesitancy is not a new phenomenon and has historical roots.
Understanding historical context can provide insights and humility in solving public health problems. [ more ]
4 months ago

The dead people designers should know

Design education should be interdisciplinary and incorporate a historical context
The need for well-rounded designers with diverse skillsets is expanding [ more ]
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