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6 days ago
Europe news

EU foreign ministers adopt new Russia sanctions DW 05/27/2024

EU enforces new human rights sanctions on Russia targeting individuals repressing political opposition, separate from economic sanctions for Ukraine invasion. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Russia-backed borders in Georgia condemned by rights court DW 04/09/2024

Russia violated human rights charter by setting up borders blocking movement from breakaway regions into Georgia.
ECHR condemns Russia's actions of border enforcement between Georgia and breakaway regions Abkhazia and South Ossetia. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Ukraine updates: UN notes 'horrific' Russian torture of POWs DW 03/15/2024

UN investigators found Russia committing war crimes in Ukraine
COI Chief Erik Mose highlighted ongoing serious violations by Moscow in Ukraine [ more ]
1 week ago
Left-wing politics

Biden Continues to Provide Israel Billions for War Crimes

The United States provides substantial military aid to Israel despite violations of laws prohibiting support for countries engaged in human rights violations. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

What did Biden say about US arms transfers to Israel and what does it mean?

Biden's warning to Israel signals a potential shift away from the 'blank cheque' policy on weapon transfers, reflecting concerns over human rights violations in Gaza. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Palestine Advocates Slam Biden for Pushing $18 Billion Warplane Sale to Israel

The Biden administration is pushing for the sale of $18 billion worth of F-15 fighter jets to Israel despite criticisms of ongoing Israeli atrocities.
The proposed deal would involve the sale of 50 McDonnell Douglas F-15 fighters to Israel along with other support. [ more ]
1 week ago
Europe news

Tunisia: Thousands of migrants 'dumped' in the desert DW 05/25/2024

Sub-Saharan migrants face unlawful expulsions in North Africa, highlighting the dangers and challenges they encounter on their journey to Europe. [ more ]
1 week ago
France politics

Why is France trying top Syrian former officials for alleged torture and killing of father and son?

A Paris court is holding a trial for Syrian intelligence officials accused of disappearance and deaths during the civil war, shedding light on alleged atrocities by Assad's government. [ more ]
1 week ago
US news

What to expect next after the sudden death of Iran's president

The death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in a helicopter crash creates uncertainty in Iran's political succession. [ more ]
2 months ago
Social justice

Iran committed crimes against humanity' during repression of protests over Mahsa Amini's death, UN fact-finding mission says

Iran's security forces committed grave human rights violations during protests
Crimes against humanity include gender-based violence against protesting Iranian women [ more ]
3 months ago
Social justice

Jailed Iranian Reformist Tajzadeh Issues Scathing Criticism Of Supreme Leader

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Court sentenced four ethnic Baluchis to death for alleged insurrection.
The case has sparked controversy due to previous acquittals, complex history, and young age of one defendant. [ more ]
3 months ago
Social justice

Navalny Again Placed In Punitive Solitary Confinement By Russian Prison

Four ethnic Baluchis have been sentenced to death by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Court on charges of insurrection against the government.
The case has drawn attention due to the defendants' complex history and the controversial charges, sparking debate over human rights violations in Iran. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
OMG science

Genocide Fuels Climate Crisis. The Fate of Palestine Shapes Our Climate Future.

Israel's genocidal attack on Gaza has resulted in immense destruction of homes, schools, hospitals, and cultural institutions, with devastating impacts on the Palestinian population. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Sanders: "History Will Judge" US's Backing of Israel as It Destroys Gaza

Sanders calls for the U.S. to end complicity in Israel's actions in Gaza by stopping military aid violating human rights laws. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

World Court Begins Hearings on Germany's Support for Israel's War on Gaza

Over 33,100 Palestinians killed in Israel's war on Gaza, with 1.7 million displaced and famine looming
Growing outrage against Israel globally due to regular people supporting Palestinians [ more ]
The Nation
1 month ago
Soccer (FIFA)

Palestinians Stand Up to Israel Through Soccer

Soccer can serve as a tool in activism against human rights violations, as demonstrated in efforts to stop Israel's actions in Gaza. [ more ]
1 month ago

Why hasn't the US called for an investigation into mass graves in Gaza? | Arwa Mahdawi

The article criticizes the notion of "Palestine Rules," highlighting biased treatment against Palestinians. [ more ]
2 months ago
Black Lives Matter

More than 7,350 West Bank Palestinians arrested by Israel during Gaza war

Palestinians suffer abuse in Israeli custody
Thousands of Palestinians arrested and held unlawfully [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 783

Russian forces break positional warfare, urging US assistance for Ukrainian defense. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Human rights experts decry new evidence of torture of Ukrainian POWs

New evidence reveals horrific torture of Ukrainian prisoners by Russian jailers.
Commission suggests that the mistreatment could potentially amount to war crimes. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

The EU's new migration pact is intended to neutralise the far right it risks empowering it | Daniel Trilling

The film 'Io Capitano' sheds light on the impact of European border policies on teenage migrants attempting to reach Europe. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

EU slaps sanctions on Russian justice officials blamed for jailing Alexei Navalny

The EU imposed sanctions on Russian officials responsible for Alexei Navalny's imprisonment and death.
The sanctions involve asset freezes and travel bans on 33 officials and two prisons, holding Russia's political leadership accountable for human rights violations. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

EU asylum and migration pact has passed despite far right and left's objections

EU's migration and asylum pact finally passed after almost a decade of setbacks but faces objections from far-right and far-left parties.
The pact includes controversial measures such as establishing border centers, redistributing asylum seekers, and taking biometric data from young children. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

U.K. Backsliding on Civil and Political Protections, U.N. Rights Body Says

The U.N. Human Rights Committee criticized the Conservative government in Britain for backsliding on civil rights protections.
The committee urged Britain to abandon legislation allowing asylum seekers to be sent to Rwanda, following concerns over human rights violations. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 764

At least three people killed in Russian shelling and aerial attacks.
Ukrainian President urging the US Congress for a $60bn aid package; Ukraine's plea for peace talks and Russian rejection. [ more ]
2 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Human rights crisis in El Salvador deepening': Amnesty

Bukele's war on gangs led to state violence
Amnesty International criticizes Salvadoran government's human rights violations [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
2 months ago
Los Angeles

The LAPD trains foreign police. Does that enable human rights violations?

The LAPD has close relationships with overseas security services, sparking concerns about human rights violations.
Training exchanges between the LAPD and foreign agencies raise questions about appropriateness and ethical considerations. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Footage Shows an IDF Drone Killing What Appear to Be Civilians in Gaza

Criticism of Israeli drone strike in Gaza
Allegations of genocidal war by Israel [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Progressives Demand That Biden Stop "Greenlighting the Massacre of Palestinians"

Progressive lawmakers demand President Biden call for permanent ceasefire in Gaza
They emphasize Israel's violation of basic human rights and call out use of starvation as a war crime. [ more ]
3 months ago
France news

Live: Negotiators in Paris for ceasefire talks as strikes continue in Gaza

Ceasefire talks ongoing in Paris
UN report on human rights violations in Israel and Palestinian territories [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 757

Russia launches missile attack on Kyiv and Mykolaiv
Ukrainian army repels Russian attacks in Donetsk region [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

EU countries back new human rights supply chain law DW 03/15/2024

EU governments propose law for supply chain accountability
Germany abstains due to concerns from Free Democrats [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Welcome to Hell': U.N. Panel Says Russian War Crimes Are Widespread

Systematic torture of Ukrainian prisoners by Russian security forces
United Nations Commission of Inquiry findings include war crimes like summary executions and sexual violence [ more ]
Washington Post
3 months ago
Europe news

For Russian political prisoners, Navalny's death is reminder of peril

News of Navalny's death in prison caused fear among political prisoners in Russia.
Russian government has intensified crackdown on political opponents since the Ukraine invasion. [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Access to Internet Infrastructure is Essential, in Wartime and Peacetime

The internet is crucial for communication, sharing information, and personal safety, especially during conflicts.
Internet shutdowns are used by governments worldwide to stifle free speech and hinder access to information. [ more ]
2 months ago
San Francisco

Opponents of Bay Area Police Training Center Mobilize for Palestine

Local activists connect movement for free Palestine with divesting from policing and surveillance.
Advocates emphasize standing against human rights violations faced by Palestinians under Israeli occupation. [ more ]
BBC Sport
3 months ago
Soccer (FIFA)

Saudi Arabia launches formal 2034 World Cup bid

Saudi Arabia is the only contender for the 2034 World Cup after Australia withdrew.
Saudi Arabia launched their bid for the World Cup using the slogan 'Growing. Together'. [ more ]
3 months ago

Two Venezuelas in the cinema: The poor people who embraced Chavismo and the new diaspora that criticizes a failed political project

One historical film series reflects Venezuelan history from different eras.
Simon, a notable Venezuelan film, portrays the current political crisis and gained recognition in film festivals. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Belarus Holds an Election, but the Outcome Is Not Hard to Predict

Opposition parties banned in Belarus election
EU dismisses Belarusian election as a sham [ more ]
3 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Israel's war on Gaza: List of key events, day 142

Israeli bombings continue in Gaza
Malnutrition cases among children are rising in Gaza
International efforts to negotiate captive release and truce deal [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Ukraine updates: UN decries 'horrific human cost' of war DW 02/22/2024

Russia's war in Ukraine causing immense suffering for generations
Denmark commits to 10-year military support for Ukraine [ more ]
3 months ago

California moves closer to apologizing for the harms of slavery

California lawmakers are moving towards an official apology for the harms of slavery, even though it was not legal in the state.
The bill calling for the apology highlights human rights violations, discriminatory laws, and practices that impacted Black residents in California since 1850. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

UK imposes sanctions on officials at prison where Alexei Navalny died

The UK imposes sanctions on senior prison officials at the Arctic penal colony where Alexei Navalny was detained and died.
The sanctions are a response to Navalny's death, blamed on the Kremlin, and target individuals responsible for violating human rights. [ more ]
3 months ago
Black Lives Matter

UN experts warn of Israeli violations against Palestinian women, girls

UN experts expressed alarm over human rights violations in Gaza and the West Bank, specifically involving Palestinian women and girls.
The UN highlighted allegations of arbitrary executions, deliberate targeting, extrajudicial killings, and arbitrary detention of Palestinian women and girls. [ more ]
5 months ago
Left-wing politics

Civilians Reportedly Killed Execution-Style While Sheltering in a Gaza School

Over 18,000 people killed and 50,594 wounded in Gaza
Israeli forces accused of killing Palestinian civilians execution-style [ more ]
3 months ago
Soccer (FIFA)

FIFA has a history of banning countries for human rights violations. It's stayed silent on Israel

The Israeli men's national soccer team is on the verge of qualifying for the Euro 2024 tournament.
Advocacy campaigns are calling for FIFA and UEFA to suspend Israel from competitions due to allegations of human rights violations. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Senate Overwhelmingly Kills Resolution Seeking Information About Israeli Actions in Gaza

The Senate voted to table a resolution that would require a report on Israel's actions in Gaza
President Biden's patience with Netanyahu is running out [ more ]
Metro Silicon Valley | Silicon Valley's Leading Weekly
4 months ago
Silicon Valley

If Toxic Air Is a Monument to Slavery, How Do We Take It Down? in San Jose | Metro Silicon Valley | Silicon Valley's Leading Weekly

The art exhibit by Forensic Architecture investigates human rights violations and examines environmental degradation and cancer risk as manifestations of colonialism and slavery.
The agency uses digital reconstruction, remote sensing, and fluid dynamics simulation to develop evidentiary materials that can be used in various settings. [ more ]
#human rights violations
6 months ago
Social justice

I Faced Death by Incarceration. The UN Heard My Plea to Abolish Life Sentences.

The United Nations has condemned the practice of life imprisonment, also known as death by incarceration, and called on the United States to abolish it.
A delegation of civil society organizations spoke to the UN Human Rights Committee to expose the human rights violations committed by the US in terms of life without parole sentencing.
The UN special rapporteur on racism stated that the US practice of sentencing people to die in prison violates the purpose of rehabilitation and perpetuates segregation and exploitation. [ more ]
6 months ago
Social justice

What is life like for women held in Japan's prisons? DW 11/28/2023

Women held in Japanese prisons experience serious human rights violations, including inadequate access to healthcare and separation from their children.
Some women claimed they were handcuffed while giving birth in prison, a charge that the Ministry of Justice denies.
Japan's government is falling short of required standards for the treatment of prisoners, and many women are imprisoned for non-violent offenses. [ more ]
6 months ago
Europe news

Italy condemned by ECHR for inhuman treatment of migrants

The European Court of Human Rights condemned Italy for its mistreatment of Sudanese migrants who were forced to strip in front of others and subjected to distressing practices.
Italy violated Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights by treating the migrants in a distressing and humiliating manner. [ more ]
6 months ago
World news

What role does Syria play in the Hamas-Israel conflict? DW 11/15/2023

Activists are outraged at Syrian President Bashar Assad's presence at a summit in Saudi Arabia discussing the Hamas-Israel conflict.
Arab leaders criticized Israel for war crimes in Gaza and normalization agreements with other Middle Eastern countries.
The death toll in Gaza following Israeli bombings is disputed, with estimates ranging from over 11,000 to potentially much higher. [ more ]
morehuman rights violations
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