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1 day ago

House passes bill that would add more than 200 liquor licenses in Boston

Boston's liquor licenses were capped by the state due to a law from the 1930s, but a measure to add licenses to underserved communities has progressed. [ more ]
The New Yorker
2 months ago

Boston's Mayor Makes Friends-and Enemies-with Her Focus on Housing

Michelle Wu is pursuing ambitious policies in Boston to reverse inequality and population decline.
She sees housing as the key to regrowth, focusing on initiatives like zoning changes for affordable housing and commercial storefronts. [ more ]
3 days ago

Why Are People Blocking Celebrities On TikTok?

TikTok activists are blocking celebrities to push them into using their platforms for social causes. [ more ]
1 week ago

Hispanic-owned businesses in the US employ 3.5 million people. How many would there be if the playing field was level?

Latinos play a significant role in small and medium-sized businesses in the U.S. economy, yet face challenges with access to financing and investment opportunities. [ more ]
1 week ago
US news

What to know about South Africa's May 29 elections

South Africa's upcoming elections symbolize a shift from historical loyalty towards the ANC, indicating a potential pivotal change in the political landscape. [ more ]
5 months ago
UK politics

Next UK election set to be most unequal in 60 years, study finds

The upcoming election is expected to be the most unequal in 60 years due to a growing gap in voter turnout based on factors such as age, income, class, home ownership, and ethnicity.
The turnout gap has significantly increased over the years, with a 23-point gap between homeowners and renters, a 15-point gap between graduates and non-graduates, and a 28-point gap between older voters and young voters. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Gordon Brown warns African nations forced to pay debt over funding vital healthcare

Gordon Brown emphasizes urgent need for West to offer debt relief to African countries as they face worst crisis in a generation. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Closure of US-Mexico border during Covid pandemic increased HIV transmission

Border closure increased HIV transmission between Tijuana and San Diego. [ more ]
1 month ago

Conference aims to help experts foster health equity

The HEAL Conference focused on equipping public health leaders with tools for advocating and implementing equitable health practices. [ more ]
3 months ago
EU data protection

Delays in cleaning up EU air will cause thousands more early deaths, say health experts

Delays to EU air pollution limits will result in more premature deaths and widen the inequality gap between eastern and western Europe.
The World Health Organization has set guidelines for air pollution, but no level of pollution is safe to breathe. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

IMF boss warns of AI 'tsunami' coming for world's jobs

AI adoption could impact up to 60% of jobs globally, with potential for increased productivity but also inequality and misinformation. [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Addressing the Risks and Harms of Artificial Intelligence by Leveraging Capital - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

AI technology offers significant social benefits but also poses risks of amplified inequality at the intersection of class, race, and gender.
Organizational investors can play a crucial role in shaping AI's socioeconomic impact through funding, managing investments, and engaging companies in dialogue about preventing AI harms. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI's Climate Impacts May Hit Marginalized People Hardest

Artificial intelligence could worsen the climate crisis and disproportionately impact marginalized communities, according to a report by the Brookings Institution.
AI's energy consumption and environmental impact, including greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption, are major concerns highlighted in the report. [ more ]
The Business & Financial Times
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI will transform the global economy: let's make sure it benefits humanity

AI has the potential to replace jobs and deepen inequality, but it can also boost productivity and raise incomes.
Almost 40% of global employment is exposed to AI, with advanced economies facing greater risks and opportunities compared to emerging markets. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Can you really trust AI? Davos crowd treads with caution DW 01/17/2024

The World Economic Forum identifies AI-driven misinformation and disinformation as the biggest danger in the next two years.
The International Monetary Fund warns that AI could worsen inequality among nations. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI likely to worsen economic inequality, says IMF | Computer Weekly

AI could impact almost 40% of global employment and worsen overall inequality.
The net effect of AI on income levels and inequality will depend on the extent to which AI-induced productivity gains can offset job losses. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

To Fight Inequality, America Needs to Rethink Its Economic Model

The revival of industrial policy challenges the belief in free markets for economic growth, signaling a need for state intervention for innovation and sectoral protection. [ more ]
Above the Law
2 weeks ago

Beyond Nonlawyer: Rethinking Legal Terminology And Workplace Equity

Challenging the term 'nonlawyer' reveals disparities in legal workplace dynamics and perpetuates inequality. [ more ]
Eater SF
3 weeks ago

How California's Junk Fee Ban Will Impact Restaurants

Mandatory service fees at California restaurants and bars will be banned under SB 478, potentially leading to price increases and a shift back to tipping systems. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
3 months ago

California bill would ban legacy admissions at private universities alumni

Ending legacy admissions in California's private colleges proposed through Assembly Bill 1780 by Assemblyman Phil Ting.
Denial of Cal Grant funding to schools practicing legacy admissions under AB 1780 is a significant move to address inequality. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
New York City

Methuen officer at troubled department files discrimination suit alleging decades of racist abuse

Officers discriminated against officer of color, made racist comments and jokes in Methuen Police Department. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 month ago
LA Dodgers

Carl Erskine, Dodgers pitcher in both Brooklyn and L.A., has died

Carl Erskine, a Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher and important figure in baseball history, dies at 97. [ more ]
1 month ago
Remote teams

The Debate: Have flexible working laws gone too far?

Flexible working laws may create a divided workforce due to the ambiguous definition of flexibility and its impact on different job sectors and inequalities. [ more ]
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

An Enduring Race Tax

Black Americans' properties undervalued, overtaxed, leading to dispossession and intergenerational impact. [ more ]
1 month ago

California wants to crack down on airport line-skipping for Clear members

California lawmakers scrutinize Clear service for potential inequity. [ more ]
1 month ago

Ministers of Germany, Brazil, South Africa and Spain: why we need a global tax on billionaires

Addressing inequality is crucial for global challenges such as climate change and sustainable development. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
2 months ago

Drought, heat and mismanagement make getting fresh water an increasingly tough task

Access to fresh water is becoming more challenging due to climate change and poor management practices.
Disparity in water access is significant, with poorer communities receiving significantly less water than wealthier areas. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Deadly fires: Risk of death, injury highest in Toronto's poor neighbourhoods | CBC News

Severe fires have unequal impact, affecting low-income areas more severely. [ more ]
1 month ago
Women in technology

Women doing long jail sentences failed by system designed for men'

Female prisoners serving long sentences are subject to male-oriented programs, lack access to education and employment, and are housed with short-stay inmates, facing mental health risks. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Bernie Sanders describes dysfunctional' U.S. health care systemand how to fix it

The U.S. healthcare system is fundamentally flawed, designed for profit rather than providing cost-effective care for all its citizens. [ more ]
2 months ago

Reynoso Rallies For Healthcare, Housing and Migrants in State of the Borough Address

Revitalizing healthcare access
Expanding social services and affordable housing equitably
Championing planning over zoning [ more ]
1 month ago
Public health

Deadly cholera outbreak hits southern Africa DW 04/17/2024

Cholera outbreaks in Africa due to poor sanitation and lack of safe drinking water, leading to thousands infected and hundreds dead. [ more ]
1 month ago
Public health

Southern Africa battles deadly cholera outbreak DW 04/17/2024

Cholera outbreaks in Africa have claimed over 1,000 lives, with Zambia facing its worst outbreak ever due to poor sanitation and waterborne transmission. [ more ]
1 month ago

Cheaper private Covid jabs may end up as costly as pricier ones, say experts

Cheaper private Covid jabs given in groups of five can end up being as expensive as pricier options, widening inequalities.
Novavax vaccine, although effective and cheaper, poses challenges due to each vial containing doses for five people. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York City

His Brownstone Is Worth $5.4 Million. Why Is His Tax Bill So Low?

Property taxes in NYC are disproportionately lower for high-value homes compared to lower-value ones.
City's property tax system is criticized for its unjust nature, burdening lower-income homeowners and apartment owners more. [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
2 months ago
Social justice

Reducing Inequality: Can Social Justice Philanthropy Play a Useful Role? - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

Philanthropy's exponential growth has not translated to effective reduction in inequality.
Power structures in philanthropy often perpetuate inequality rather than addressing it. [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
2 months ago
Social justice

Democracy Needs Workers - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

The decline of democratic institutions globally is a major concern, with a rise in autocrats, misinformation, and political violence.
Philanthropic efforts are focusing on strengthening democratic foundations by supporting civic education, voter access, and labor institutions. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden's Infrastructure Law Has Put a "Climate Time Bomb" in Black Neighborhoods

Biden's infrastructure law falls short in addressing historical disparities in Black communities
New report shows disproportionate spending on highway expansion instead of needed community rebuilding [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Exclusive: "We need aspirational AI," Girls Who Code founder Reshma Saujani says

Reshma Saujani aims to utilize AI, like Paidleave.ai, to improve accessibility to benefits like paid family leave.
She emphasizes the need for aspirational AI to address important societal issues and bridge inequality gaps. [ more ]
TNW | Ecosystems
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Google launches 25M AI drive to 'empower' Europe's workforce

Google has launched a €25mn training and skills programme to help Europe's workforce 'seize the opportunity of AI,'
The initiative is targeted at 'vulnerable and underserved' communities, who Google said risk getting left behind as the use of AI in the workplace skyrockets [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Is AI good or evil? WEF crowd treads with caution DW 01/17/2024

AI-driven misinformation and disinformation is identified as a major risk in the next two years.
AI could worsen overall inequality and exacerbate social tensions. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

25 Percent of CEOs Plan to Replace Human Workers With AI This Year

AI is predicted to lead to job losses in the near future, with a quarter of CEOs planning to cut headcounts due to generative AI.
The rise of AI is expected to affect nearly 40% of jobs globally and worsen overall inequality. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Jobs may disappear': Nearly 40% of global employment could be disrupted by AI, IMF says

Around 40% of jobs could be impacted by AI, deepening inequality.
Governments should establish social safety nets and offer retraining programs to counter the impact of AI. [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
2 months ago
Social justice

How Ashoka Is Seeking to Uplift the South as a Center of Innovation - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

Ashoka invests in over 3,800 social entrepreneurs globally.
Organization focuses on learning from Southern changemakers to address inequalities. [ more ]
2 months ago
UK news

Black ex-Boris Johnson aide joins criticism of Tory donor in hate all blacks' row

Former Downing Street adviser suggests using wealth to fight racism
Significance of Diane Abbott in paving the way for black politicians in the UK [ more ]
2 months ago

U. of Texas at Austin Will Return to Standardized Test Requirement

Selective universities reinstating standardized test requirements.
Concerns about inequality and determining program placements from test scores. [ more ]
2 months ago
Public health

The day everything changed

March 11, 2020, marked the beginning of the pandemic era with significant global impacts.
The pandemic era led to drastic changes, from jarring moments like Tom Hanks announcing his COVID diagnosis to the rapid transformation of various industries. [ more ]
4 months ago

6 New Paperbacks to Read This Week

Janet Malcolm's final book, a memoir organized by images, has been recommended as a must-read paperback.
Kai Thomas's novel explores Black and Indigenous histories of the Americas and the power of storytelling.
Patricia Engel's collection of stories dives into the experiences of Latin Americans across borders.
Steven W. Thrasher's book examines the intersection of inequality and disease, particularly in the context of Covid-19.
Michael Bennett's thriller follows a Maori detective investigating a series of murders in New Zealand. [ more ]
3 months ago
Social justice

Violent crime is rising in Washington, D.C. But the city is blatantly ignoring the root cause

Inequality is linked to violence
Focus on preventative measures over reactionary policies [ more ]
3 months ago

The Labels We Carry - Young Reporter, Neha Raj Parmiter's School

Labelling theory in education has far-reaching consequences for students' academic performance and social interactions.
Teachers' labels are often based on stereotypes, impacting students' experiences and perpetuating cycles of inequality. [ more ]
5 months ago

Feeder Schools 2023: Private schools send pupils to college at rate a third higher than those in Deis

Fee-paying schools in Ireland have a higher rate of sending students to college compared to Deis schools.
Educators are warning that this highlights 'educational inequality' in Ireland. [ more ]
5 months ago

Private schools send pupils to college at rate a third higher than those in Deis

Fee-paying schools send more students to college compared to Deis schools in Ireland.
Educators are concerned about the educational inequality highlighted by the gap. [ more ]
3 months ago

School uniforms return to French town in pilot scheme to tackle inequality

School uniforms reintroduced in Beziers to reduce inequality and improve behavior
Government pilot scheme could lead to nationwide uniform policy if successful [ more ]
Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
3 months ago
Social justice

Beyond Pledges: Building More Inclusive Capital Ecosystems - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

Efforts to address racial inequality have resulted in financial pledges totaling $340 billion, but progress and tangible impact remain unclear.
The existing capital systems fail to address the fundamental systems that reproduce inequality, leading to a mismatch between investment and impact. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
3 months ago

Interfaith organizer, LGBTQ advocate Doug Greco running for mayor - Austin Monitor

Doug Greco, former executive director of Central Texas Interfaith, has announced his candidacy for mayor of Austin.
Greco's platform focuses on addressing inequality, unaffordability, and the difficulty of making ends meet in Austin. [ more ]
BBC News
3 months ago
UK politics

Guide dogs: Government plans to stop businesses refusing access

The charity Disability Rights UK criticizes the DAP proposals for being light on action and big on talking.
Labour sets out its own plans to tackle inequality, including extending equal pay rights to ethnic minority workers and disabled people. [ more ]
4 months ago
UK news

Inequality costing UK economy 34bn a year, says Labour

Inequality in the jobs market is costing the UK economy 34bn a year.
Labour accuses the Conservatives of failing to tackle unfairness at work. [ more ]
The Drum
4 months ago

Purposeful brands have an opportunity to support era-defining causes

Brands can tackle global issues and improve their customer base by supporting important causes.
The top concerns for consumers include poverty, hunger and homelessness, large-scale conflict and wars, and climate change. [ more ]
4 months ago

Aya: Claws Come Out by Marguerite Abouet and Clement Oubrerie review Ivory Coast's comic soap opera

Aya: Claws Come Out is the latest installment in the bestselling Aya graphic novel series, which offers a vivid portrayal of life in Ivory Coast in the 1970s.
The new volume explores themes of corruption, inequality, and social taboos as the characters navigate adulthood in 1980s Abidjan. [ more ]
4 months ago

Lucy Perez, partner at McKinsey & Company, is on mission to close women's health gap

Lucy Perez, senior partner at McKinsey & Company, is receiving a Pinnacle Award for her work on highlighting and addressing the women's health gap.
The study conducted by Perez and her team found that investing in treating women's health differently and separately from men's health could boost global GDP by one trillion dollars by 2040. [ more ]
4 months ago

London charity tackling cost of living crisis gets 25,000 donation after Omaze house draw

The Kensington and Chelsea Foundation received a donation from Omaze to support local projects helping those in need.
Despite being one of the richest boroughs in the UK, over 23% of Kensington and Chelsea’s neighborhoods are among the poorest in England and Wales. [ more ]
4 months ago

Sundance 2024: Girls State, Power, And So It Begins | Festivals & Awards | Roger Ebert

'Girls State' explores the inequality and stereotypes that separate educational organizations aimed at girls
The film interrogates misogyny and highlights the funding disparity between Boys and Girls State [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
4 months ago

Opinion: In L.A., real estate envy is all too real. I can't stop looking at Zillow

Homeownership is a loaded part of the American dream, with emotional implications that are often not discussed.
Personal circumstances and upbringing can impact one's ability to afford a home, creating feelings of comparison and inequality. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI looms large at Davos

AI was a major focus at the World Economic Forum's annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland.
The International Monetary Fund released a report stating that AI will impact 40% of the world's jobs, with college graduates and women being most affected. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI to hit 40% of jobs and worsen inequality, IMF says

AI is set to affect nearly 40% of all jobs
In most scenarios, AI will likely worsen overall inequality [ more ]
Mail Online
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence will affect up to 60% of jobs worldwide

AI will affect over half of all jobs in the UK, with a greater impact in advanced economies like the UK
AI's impact on jobs will increase inequality within the UK and between countries [ more ]
4 months ago
OMG science

"Nobody and nowhere will be safe": Experts say we can't hide from climate change

Climate migration is not realistic for much of the world's population
Uprooting oneself and moving to another part of the world is financially challenging for the poor [ more ]
5 months ago
UK news

Cost of living emergency evolving' as failures to tackle housing crisis bite'

The cost of living crisis in Britain is evolving and worsening, particularly in regards to housing costs.
Certain groups, such as ethnic minorities and those with disabilities, are being disproportionately affected by the cost of living crisis. [ more ]
5 months ago
Social justice

5 Ways that Inequality Improved This Year

Inequality seems to be improving in America, according to recent reports from various government agencies.
Household wealth has increased, with the average American household seeing a $51,800 increase in wealth from 2019-2022.
Housing appreciation has been the main driver of wealth gain for Americans who own their homes. [ more ]
2 years ago
Black Lives Matter

I'm Black But Look White. Here Are The Horrible Things White People Feel Safe Telling Me.

The author recounts a conversation with a neighbor who questions the 'Black Lives Matter' sign on their lawn.
The author explains the historical struggles faced by Black people and emphasizes the importance of the movement to address inequalities. [ more ]
5 months ago
Social justice

Opinion | Is This Social Work or Social Indoctrination?

The field of social work is undergoing a shift towards a social justice framework, influencing top schools and the practice itself.
Students at Columbia School of Social Work are given a glossary with definitions that reflect this shift and prioritize social justice. [ more ]
5 months ago
UK politics

Thatcherism is the worst kind of model for Labour | Letters

Keir Starmer's praise of Thatcher as an effective prime minister was misunderstood and seen as a tin-eared statement.
The current Tory government is characterized by ineffectiveness and a failure to plan for the future. [ more ]
Washington Post
5 months ago
Remote teams

Front-line employees don't envy remote workers, Gallup data shows

Many front-line workers have not seen improvements in flexibility since before the pandemic.
Front-line workers want more flexibility in their own jobs but are not bothered by others working remotely. [ more ]
The Atlantic
5 months ago

Legacy Admissions Aren't the Real Problem

Banning legacy admissions would have minimal impact on reducing inequality at elite colleges.
Legacy applicants receive a significant advantage in admissions at most elite colleges. [ more ]
#climate change
6 months ago

Climate change leads to higher GDPs in the North and declines in the South

Climate change is exacerbating existing global inequalities, with high-income countries experiencing net gains while low-income countries suffer losses.
The University of Delaware's report quantifies the economic consequences of climate change, with an overall global economic loss of 1.8% in 2022.
Annual losses from climate change amount to $2.1 trillion, and cumulative losses since 1992 amount to $21 trillion. [ more ]
6 months ago

Scientists Say These Villains Are Causing Way More Than Their Share of Climate Change

The richest 1% of the world had the same carbon footprint in 2019 as the poorest 66% - the equivalent of 5 billion people.
Climate breakdown and inequality are linked together and fuel each other, according to climate activist Greta Thunberg.
The Oxfam report calls for a tax on wealthy individuals and corporations to fund an energy transition and help mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on the poor. [ more ]
moreclimate change
#carbon emissions
6 months ago

Richest 1 Percent Produced as Many Emissions as Poorest Two-Thirds of Humanity

The richest 1% of the global population produced 16% of the world's carbon dioxide in 2019, equivalent to the emissions of the poorest two-thirds of humanity.
The annual emissions of the global super-rich cancel out the emissions-reduction impact of nearly a million onshore wind turbines.
The emissions of the top 1% in 2019 will cause 1.3 million heat-related excess deaths in the coming decades. [ more ]
6 months ago

Revealed: the huge climate impact of the middle classes

The richest 10% in many countries produce up to 40 times more carbon emissions than the poorest 10%
Inequality in emissions now exists within individual countries rather than between rich and poor nations
Addressing this inequality is crucial in ending the climate crisis [ more ]
morecarbon emissions
6 months ago
Social justice

Study finds official statistics fail to capture scale of poverty and inequality

Housing costs are not routinely considered in official poverty statistics, leading to a miscalculation of poverty and inequality.
Including housing costs in poverty measurements reveals that the poorest households spend three-and-a-half times more on housing than the richest.
Measures of poverty that include housing costs are more closely aligned with measures of material deprivation and food insecurity. [ more ]
6 months ago
San Francisco

Elon Musk Wants Me Fired. The People of San Francisco Want Him Taxed.

San Francisco's post-pandemic struggles are not due to progressive policies, but rather the real estate industry, tech companies, and billionaire venture capitalists.
Progressive policies implemented during the pandemic were successful in addressing the crisis and supporting those in need.
Billionaires are opposing these policies in order to avoid fair taxation and maintain the status quo. [ more ]
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