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4 days ago

Chicory - a WebAssembly Interpreter Written Purely in Java With Zero Native Dependencies

WebAssembly (Wasm) compilation supports multiple languages, Chicory enables safe interaction with diverse Wasm ecosystem libraries on JVM. [ more ]
2 months ago

Brief Introduction to Scala

Scala is a programming language created in 2003 to address challenges in developing complex software systems efficiently.
Scala is statically-typed, supports functional and object-oriented programming, and has a rich set of libraries for building scalable applications. [ more ]
3 months ago

Programming in Scala as a "Better" Java

Scala is a programming language for the JVM that is both object oriented and functional.
Scala can be used as a simple OOP replacement for Java with benefits of speed and readability. [ more ]
4 months ago

Comparing Scala, Java, Kotlin, and Go: A Comprehensive Overview

1. JVM languages like Scala, Java, and Kotlin share some underlying mechanics and support OOP principles.
2. Scala integrates both object-oriented and functional programming paradigms, while Java and Kotlin have a similar syntax but with additional features like null safety and extension functions. [ more ]
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