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LGBTQ Nation
1 month ago

LGBTQ+ youth are in crisis. But they're also strong, hopeful & know who they are.

The Trevor Project's survey highlights the impact of anti-LGBTQ+ victimization on the mental health of LGBTQ+ youth.
The survey includes new insights from respondents sharing challenges, advice, and encouragement for other LGBTQ+ young people. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
3 months ago
Mental health

LGBTQ+ Australians are three times more likely to have mental health issues, according to study

LGBTQ+ people in Australia are three times more likely to experience mental health issues compared to heterosexual and Cisgender individuals.
Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics reveals alarming mental health disparities among LGBTQ+ individuals, with high rates of mental disorders, suicidal thoughts, and self-harm. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
3 months ago
Public health

Gay Tory MP who attempted to take own life says 'help is out there'

Elliot Colburn, a gay Tory MP, revealed that he attempted suicide in February 2021 and emphasized the importance of seeking help.
Colburn's disclosure highlights the higher risk of mental health concerns and suicidal thoughts faced by LGBTQ+ individuals. [ more ]
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