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1 week ago

In car-centric Mississauga, mayoral race sees calls for more transit options | CBC News

Push for alternative transportation solutions gaining traction in Mississauga mayoral race. [ more ]
11 months ago

Lost track of the race to be Toronto's next mayor? Get up to speed here | CBC News

Hello, potential Toronto voter.There's two and a half weeks to go before the city's mayoral byelection on June 26.At this point in the campaign you may have already settled on your candidate of choice, or perhaps with a whopping 102 options you're working on narrowing down your top picks.Or and there is no shame in this maybe you're just starting to pay attention to this whole election thing.
Brooklyn Paper
3 weeks ago

State senator Zellnor Myrie launches committee to explore 2025 mayoral run * Brooklyn Paper

State Sen. Zellnor Myrie launches exploratory committee to challenge Mayor Eric Adams in 2025 Democratic mayoral primary. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
New York City

Ex-NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer eyes 2025 comeback bid challenging Eric Adams for mayor

Scott Stringer is considering a second run for mayor of New York City in the 2025 Democratic primary.
Stringer opened an exploratory committee and criticized Mayor Eric Adams' tenure, citing rising crime, declining housing, and stagnant education. [ more ]
New York Post
4 months ago
New York City

Ex-NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer eyes 2025 comeback bid challenging Eric Adams for mayor

Scott Stringer is considering a second run for mayor of New York City in the 2025 Democratic primary.
Stringer opened an exploratory committee and criticized Mayor Eric Adams' tenure, citing rising crime, declining housing, and stagnant education. [ more ]
4 months ago
New York City

With Adams Vulnerable, Scott Stringer Explores Run for Mayor

Scott Stringer is forming an exploratory committee and raising funds for a possible primary challenge against Mayor Eric Adams in the 2021 mayoral race.
Stringer criticized Adams and presented himself as a seasoned alternative with policy plans to address the city's challenges, including affordable housing and falling revenue. [ more ]
Mission Local
1 month ago
San Francisco

See how they run: Uber and Lyft confessions on the San Francisco mayor's race

Rideshare drivers in San Francisco express dissatisfaction with Mayor London Breed and call for improvement in tackling drugs, street conditions, and safety issues. [ more ]
Mission Local
1 month ago
Mission District

Aaron Peskin, running for mayor, sells himself as a man in recovery for a city in need of recovery. Will voters buy that?

Peskin's mayoral candidacy wasn't a well-kept secret, drawing criticism from current and former city officials.
London Breed and Mark Farrell criticized Peskin's candidacy, portraying him negatively as a toxic bully. [ more ]
2 months ago
San Francisco

Mayoral Candidate Mark Farrell Lays Out His Law-and-Order Agenda

Mark Farrell is a mayoral candidate in San Francisco with a law-and-order agenda and Silicon Valley support.
Political dynamics in San Francisco led to unique circumstances when London Breed succeeded in becoming the mayor. [ more ]
1 month ago
London politics

London mayoral race: Tory candidate Susan Hall forced to defend criticism of free school meals at TV hustings

Sadiq Khan denies plans for pay-per-mile road pricing. [ more ]
Mission Local
2 months ago
Mission District

Meet the District 7 candidates: 'Which mayoral candidate are you supporting?'

Candidates expressing willingness to work together for the betterment of the district and city.
Voters considering various factors like experience, messaging, and past actions when evaluating mayoral candidates. [ more ]
3 months ago
San Francisco

Yes Indeed, Aaron Peskin Is Running for Mayor, According to Multiple Media Outlets

Supervisor Aaron Peskin is reportedly planning to run for mayor of San Francisco in November 2024.
Despite previous denials and claims of not running for mayor, Peskin appears to be actively considering a mayoral run according to multiple media outlets. [ more ]
Mission Local
3 months ago
San Francisco

Mayoral candidate Ahsha Safai reveals which city officials he'd fire

San Francisco mayoral candidate Ahsha Safaí believes that department heads who have served over a certain number of years should be fired to prevent them from becoming too comfortable in their positions.
Safaí intends to fire the police department, public health department, and SFMTA (San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency) on his first day as mayor. [ more ]
4 months ago
San Francisco

Mayor Breed Touts Claim That Crime Is Down 7% In SF Over the Last Year

Crime statistics in San Francisco show overall crime was down by 7% in 2023, according to Mayor London Breed.
Breed's claim that her leadership and efforts are responsible for the decrease in crime is being scrutinized. [ more ]
5 months ago
San Francisco

The Challengers Weighing a Run at San Francisco's Mayor

San Francisco voters are unhappy with Mayor London Breed and want better leadership to address the city's crises.
Only two challengers, Ahsha Safai and Daniel Lurie, have declared they will run against Breed, but neither is gaining much traction. [ more ]
Mission Local
1 year ago
Mission District

People we meet: Violinist and mayoral hopeful Ben Barnes

Decked out in black bow tie, dress shirt, and worn leather jacket, Ben Barnes regularly greets commuters at the 16th and Mission BART station with his sweeping violin melodies."I'm a performer," said the 52-year-old musician."What brings me out here is playing in front of an audience, in front of people."
Brooklyn Eagle
4 months ago
NYC politics

What's News, Breaking: Monday, January 22, 2024

SUNY Downstate could be dismantled under Hochul plan
Former NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer explores run for mayor [ more ]
4 months ago
New York City

Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Collars, Captured by Camera

Photographs of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's collars are on display at the Jewish Museum in Manhattan.
The photographs were taken under time pressure, with only six minutes allotted for each shot. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
4 months ago

Tovo announces run for mayor - Austin Monitor

Former City Council Member Kathie Tovo is running for mayor, injecting energy into the campaign.
Tovo's accomplishments include her role in creating the Sobering Center and efforts to provide meals to families during the pandemic. [ more ]
#mayoral race
6 months ago
San Francisco

In a Blast From the Past, Former SF Supervisor Mark Farrell Indicates He Might Run for Mayor

There is a campaign to draft former District 2 Supervisor Mark Farrell to run against London Breed in the 2024 mayoral race.
Polling suggests that Farrell would have a good chance of winning the race.
Farrell has not explicitly denied the idea of running for mayor again. [ more ]
Mother Jones
in 8 years
NYC politics

New Yorkers sure don't seem to trust or like Eric Adams

New York Mayor Eric Adams is facing a federal investigation into whether his mayoral campaign accepted illegal donations from Turkey.
A Marist poll shows that only 37% of New Yorkers approve of Adams' job performance and 72% believe his campaign is guilty of wrongdoing in its dealings with Turkey.
Andrew Cuomo, the former New York governor, is reportedly considering a run to replace Adams in 2025 if the federal investigation damages Adams' political career. [ more ]
moremayoral race
11 months ago

Voter apathy concerns loom over Toronto election days ahead of vote | CBC News

With 102 registered candidates, more than 10 debates featuring the apparent front-runners and around-the-clock news coverage, Toronto's mayoral election has clearly offered plenty to follow.Less clear is whether voters have been paying attention.Concerns about voter apathy are not unique to Toronto but have come into sharp focus after only 29.7 per cent of the city's 1.9 million registered voters cast ballots in the last municipal election.
11 months ago

Olivia Chow makes her case to be Toronto's next mayor on Metro Morning | CBC News

Olivia Chow made her pitch to Toronto voters in an interview with CBC Radio's Metro Morning Wednesday, saying her mayoralty would be "people-centred" and focused on restoring core services."We need hope.We absolutely need it," Chow said of residents in the city.Chow, back at CBC Toronto less than 24 hours after a live debate with four rival candidates, said that in the last decade city hall "abandoned" its role in building affordable housing and that she would change course.
1 year ago

Former Tory leader considering surprise bid to become party's London mayoral candidate

T he former leader of the City Hall Conservatives is considering whether to throw her hat into the ring to become the party's London mayoral candidate.Susan Hall told the Standard that she would decide over the next week whether to enter the race to stand against Sadiq Khan as he bids to win a record third term next year.
1 year ago

Toronto could see cuts 'rapidly happen' without more money from feds, province: McKelvie | CBC News

Toronto's next mayor will have to oversee cuts to services if other levels of government don't help cover a nearly $1 billion budget shortfall, the deputy mayor said Wednesday, criticizing what she described as Ottawa's lack of support for the city.Jennifer McKelvie argued the federal budget released a day earlier had shut out Toronto.
1 year ago

Drug reform, renters' rights and ULEZ: Green Party unveils candidate for London Mayor

Zoe Garbett was announced as the party's candidate on February 10, saying she was really excited to have been selected to fight the contest in May 2024.Ms Garbett, who currently represents Dalston on Hackney Council, outlined several key campaign focuses.On drug reform, the 35-year-old said: Our current drug laws are killing people.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

20th Ward race: With seeming outright win, voters tell incumbent Ald. Jeanette Taylor 'they trust me and I trust them'

In the Washington Park neighborhood, Ald.Jeanette Taylor kept the speeches short and went straight to the dance floor Tuesday.With 53% of the vote, according to unofficial totals, the incumbent 20th Ward alderman exuded confidence in her words - and her dance moves.Though neither of her challengers had conceded, it didn't stop Taylor from celebrating Tuesday as she pulled far enough ahead of them to win more than half the vote, appearing to clinch another term without having to go to a second round of balloting.
11 months ago

Mayoral candidate Chloe Brown makes her pitch to lead Toronto on Metro Morning | CBC News

Chloe Brown, who finished third in Toronto's last mayoral race, has said she would revamp how city hall operates to create a system of 'community-centered governance.' Mayoral candidate Chloe Brown is set to outline her vision for Toronto on CBC Radio's Metro Morning Friday.Brown will be speaking with guest host Piya Chattopadhyay shortly after 7:10 a.m.
1 year ago

Candidates make their case to become Toronto's next mayor in CBC Toronto debate | CBC News

With less than one month until election day, CBC Toronto will host a six-candidate mayoral debate on June 6.The debate will air live from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. ET on CBC Radio, and will stream live on cbc.ca/toronto,CBC Gem, CBC Listen, on CBC News YouTube and from CBC Toronto's Facebook account.Award-winning journalist Marivel Taruc, along with municipal affairs reporter Shawn Jeffords, will co-moderate the debate which is an opportunity for voters to learn more about the mayoral hopefuls, and where they stand on the issues that matter most to Torontonians.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Laura Washington: Early voter turnout in Chicago elections is high. Will the interest persist?

Chicago voters are turning out.A little more than a week away from the Feb. 28 municipal election, that's a bright oasis in these democracy-challenged times.In this year's elections for Chicago's top city and aldermanic offices, the early vote, mail-in and in-person, is surpassing previous elections.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Election Day in Chicago: Everything you need to know about Tuesday's vote for mayor, City Council and police district council

Chicago voters will be casting ballots for mayor, members of the City Council and, for the first time in city history, members of police district councils on Tuesday.Early voting -both in person and by mail - has been ongoing for weeks.But if you haven't made your choices yet, we have organized our coverage to help you make up your mind.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Laura Washington: Chicago's elections are nearly here, and many races remain a toss-up

I am not in the prediction business, but here's a safe bet.The 2023 mayoral race will be decided in the April 4 runoff.As we head for the first round in Tuesday's municipal elections, this political junkie is watching for history-making moments.The City Council will see major turnover.The early vote and mail-in turnout has been robust and is breaking records in the crowded, nine-way mayoral race.
1 year ago

Josh Matlow goes one-on-one with Metro Morning | CBC News

The midtown councillor has put out plenty of policy but can he translate that to electoral success on June 26?It's Josh Matlow's turn to tell Torontonians how he'd lead city hall if elected as mayor on June 26.The St. Paul's councillor is set to speak with CBC Radio's Metro Morning just after 7:10 a.m.
1 year ago

Here's what happens after John Tory officially resigns | CBC News

The mayor of Canada's largest city, has officially resigned.Now what?John Tory first announced he would step down last Friday night after admitting he'd had a relationship with a former staffer.The Toronto Star broke the story.But Tory didn't tender his papers immediately.Instead, he waited until a short time after city council approved his 2023 budget following a daylong debate.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

How the Chicago City Council election is shaping up: Who's facing steep competition, and who's getting a free pass

As Chicago gears up for next year's citywide election, it's already apparent that the future makeup of City Council could seismically shift this February.Though less high profile than the mayor's race, the aldermen who represent Chicago's 50 wards wield their own powers in shaping the city, from voting on hallmark legislation to making sure broken streetlights get fixed.
1 year ago
LA real estate

Affordable Housing Wins, Luxury Loses In SoCal Elections

From left: Rick Caruso and Karen Bass (Getty) After months of signature-gathering and door-knocking, hundreds of millions of dollars spent and untold hours of backroom lobbying, the Nov. 8 election  or, more accurately, the November-ish election, because of California's slow but inclusive vote counting  has finally wrapped.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Ald. Tom Tunney says he won't run for reelection as alderman in in 2023

North Side Ald.Tom Tunney, Chicago's first openly gay alderman, announced Tuesday that he will not run for reelection to the Chicago City Council after his term expires next year.
Los Angeles Times
1 year ago
Los Angeles

Kim Kardashian gifted Karen Bass a Skims swag bag. But L.A.'s mayor said no thanks

(Willy Sanjuan / Invision / Associated Press, left; Los Angeles Times, right)

Did Kim Kardashian actually give shapewear to the mayor of Los Angeles?OK, maybe it wasn't exactly shapewear.Kim K.'s undergarment and loungewear brand sells all kinds of goodies, from bubblegum-pink lace gloves to terry-cloth towels to crocheted string bikinis.
1 year ago
LA real estate

Bass Asks Garcetti Staff to Stay Through Spring

Karen Bass with 200 N Spring St (Getty) In with the new chief, and stay in with the old staff.Los Angeles Mayor-elect Karen Bass has invited all of the staff in Mayor Eric Garcetti's office to remain at their desks through April, the Los Angeles Times reported.The move to extend the status quo in the Mayor's Office is meant to steady the ship during a short transition period.
The Real Deal Los Angeles
1 year ago
LA real estate

Caruso Stepping Down In Weeks

Mayoral candidate and Caruso CEO Rick Caruso will step down as the head of his company within weeks, months earlier than previously planned.
Los Angeles Times
2 years ago
Los Angeles

Richard Riordan, L.A.'s last Republican mayor, endorses Rick Caruso

Former Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan has endorsed developer Rick Caruso for mayor, according to a release Caruso's campaign sent out Thursday.
4 years ago
US politics

Andrew Yang Fast Facts

Here is a look at the life of Andrew Yang, entrepreneur and former 2020 Democratic presidential candidate.Birth date: January 13, 1975 Birth place: Schenectady, New York Birth name: Andrew M. Yang Father: Kei-Hsiung Yang, researcher at IBM and GE Mother: Nancy L. Yang, systems administrator Marriage: Evelyn (Lu) Yang (2011-present) Children: Two sons Education: B.A. in Economics, Brown University, 1996; J.D. Columbia University School of Law, 1999 Religion: Protestant His parents are originally from Taiwan.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Chicago mayoral candidate profile: Kam Buckner

Though he only joined the General Assembly in 2019, state Rep. Kambium "Kam" Buckner, a self-styled progressive Democrat, has jumped into some of Springfield's hottest issues, serving as one of the lead negotiators on the state's clean energy package and the SAFE-T Act, sponsoring legislation that requires serialization of so-called ghost-guns and that allows college athletes to be paid for use of their name and likeness, and backing legislation creating an elected school board in Chicago.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Letters: St. Patrick's Day celebration in the Loop demonstrated our togetherness

The St. Patrick's Day celebration this past weekend in Chicago's Loop was a genuine coming together of Irish American families, Irish American workers and multiple organizations of the greater Chicagoland community in so many positive ways.So many of us have not experienced this since the arrival of COVID-19.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Chicago mayoral candidate profile: Paul Vallas

A former City Hall insider who has campaigned as both an expert administrator and outside-the-box thinker, Paul Vallas rose to local prominence as Chicago Public Schools CEO, serving under Mayor Richard M. Daley.Vallas ran unsuccessfully for governor in 2002, losing to Rod Blagojevich in the Democratic primary; for lieutenant governor in 2016 losing alongside Pat Quinn to Bruce Rauner; and for mayor in 2019.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Mayoral candidate 'Chuy' Garcia airs first TV ad, vows to bring back 'safer Chicago'

U.S. Rep. Jesús "Chuy" García launched his first TV ad of the 2023 mayoral election season Tuesday as he seeks to rebuild momentum in the campaign's final five weeks.The commercial, called "Home," features García narrating as a camera pans over downtown Chicago and neighborhood houses before focusing on police evidence markers.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot will seek a second term; will announce re-election bid to supporters tonight

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot will ask voters to send her back to City Hall for a second term as head of the nation's third-largest city, her campaign told donors and supporters ahead of a Tuesday night fundraiser.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Campaign contribution limits are off in race for Chicago mayor

Paul Vallas lent $100,100 to his mayoral campaign fund Thursday, a move that lifts restrictions on how much money both he and opponent Brandon Johnson can receive from campaign contributors.The move busting the contributions caps by the former Chicago Public Schools CEO clears the way for business interests and wealthy donors to write him big checks.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

US Rep. 'Chuy' Garcia reports $600,000 haul in first campaign contribution filing of mayoral run

In his first fundraising report since launching his campaign for Chicago mayor, U.S. Rep. Jesús "Chuy" García reported a hefty $607,000 in contributions, largely from his traditional political allies.The filing, submitted to state officials on Tuesday, offers a look at the alternative sources of funding he will tap after some of his past backers announced their support for Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

The 2023 candidates for mayor of Chicago

Voters in Chicago will head to the polls on Feb. 28 to cast their ballot for mayor, 50 aldermanic seats, the city clerk and city treasurer.There are nine candidates running for Chicago mayor.Here's what you need to know about each of them.Since joining the mayoral race, Buckner, a self-styled progressive Democrat, has been steadily rolling out policy proposals, including improving CTA service and safety, boosting the city's environmental commitments, and filling vacancies at Chicago Police Department.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Lightfoot raises another $1 million for reelection bid. Is it enough to pull away from a crowded field of challengers?

With four months to go before she faces Chicago voters, Mayor Lori Lightfoot still hasn't secured an overwhelming financial advantage over rival candidates seeking to make her a one-termer at City Hall.
Los Angeles Times
2 years ago
Los Angeles

Clarence Avant, famed music executive, endorses Rick Caruso for mayor

Clarence Avant, the 91-year-old music-industry titan feted by Barack Obama, Quincy Jones and Clive Davis in the documentary "The Black Godfather," has thrown his support behind billionaire developer Rick Caruso in the L.A. mayoral race.
Los Angeles Times
2 years ago
Los Angeles

What to know about the L.A. County sheriff's race: Is Villanueva staying or going?

Voters on June 7 will decide the future of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department at a critical moment for the agency.
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