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5 days ago
OMG science

West London doctor who performed wrong surgery on patients and tried to cover it up is struck off

Dr. Claudia Martinez Higueros was struck off the medical register for performing wrong surgeries, covering up mistakes by blaming colleagues, altering records, and putting her interests above patient safety. [ more ]
ABC7 San Francisco
1 week ago

Louisiana Legislature approves bill classifying abortion pills as controlled dangerous substances

Abortion-inducing drugs may be reclassified as controlled substances in Louisiana, possibly affecting access and enforcement. [ more ]
1 week ago

Although she was dead, I felt as if she was my friend': what it's like to perform the last rites for an organ donor

The American Society of Anesthesiologists classification system includes a category for brain-dead donors, leading to a new perspective on patient care and risk assessment. [ more ]
1 month ago

London doctor suspended after having sex with patient in hospital toilet cubicle

Dr. Onyekpe had a sexual relationship with a vulnerable patient at Whittington Hospital.
He was initially given a six-month suspension, which was overturned, and later a 12-month suspension after reconsideration. [ more ]
1 month ago

Your Doctor's Words Could Make You Sick

Clinicians' language can unintentionally enhance the negative effects of the nocebo effect on patients receiving vaccines.
The nocebo effect, the evil-twin of the placebo effect, can cause harm due to negative expectations set by clinicians. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 week ago
OMG science

A UCLA doctor is on a quest to free modern medicine from a Nazi-tainted anatomy book

Shivkumar aims to create a new anatomical atlas surpassing the tainted Nazi-produced version, sparking a quest for an untainted resource. [ more ]
Washington Post
2 weeks ago
US news

Louisiana moves to make abortion pills 'controlled dangerous substances'

Louisiana is considering categorizing mifepristone and misoprostol as controlled dangerous substances, potentially penalizing possession without a prescription. [ more ]
2 months ago

Louisiana's strict abortion ban threatening women's healthcare in US state

Louisiana's abortion ban leading to denial of women's reproductive health care
Negative impact on prenatal care due to the abortion ban [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Nancy Neveloff Dubler, Mediator for Life's Final Moments, Dies at 82

Nancy Neveloff Dubler pioneered mediation in healthcare, leveling the field for diverse voices in medical decision-making. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Doctor Is Found Guilty of Sexual Abuse of Patients, Including 5 Minors

A urologist has been found guilty of sexually abusing multiple patients, including minors, leveraging his medical position for abuse. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
3 weeks ago
OMG science

Controversial scientist says he'll use gene editing to end HIV & Alzheimer's

Controversial Chinese scientist He Jiankui faces consequences for gene-editing experiments on twins.
Despite criticism, He now aims to use 'base editing' to prevent Alzheimer's disease, setting the stage for potential breakthroughs in curing other diseases. [ more ]
Brooklyn Eagle
3 weeks ago

Attorney general sues Heartbeat International for promoting unsafe 'abortion pill reversal' treatment

New York's Attorney General is taking legal action against anti-abortion group and affiliated centers for promoting unproven 'Abortion Pill Reversal.' [ more ]
4 weeks ago

An FDA Overreaction to Theranos's Implosion Would Harm Patients

FDA proposing a new rule requiring approval for lab-developed tests to prevent fraudulent health tech debacles like Theranos. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 month ago

Do dying people have a 'right to try' magic mushrooms? 9th Circuit weighs case

Patients' access to experimental therapies like psilocybin for end-of-life care is challenged by DEA restrictions despite state 'right to try' laws. [ more ]
1 month ago

The supreme court heard one of the most sadistic, extreme anti-abortion cases yet | Moira Donegan

Idaho's extreme abortion ban, prohibiting all abortions with no exceptions for rape or incest, has forced pregnant women to seek life-saving care out of state. [ more ]
1 month ago

Supreme Court Appears Divided on Emergency Abortions In Idaho v. United States

The Idaho v. United States case centers around a conflict between the state's anti-choice law and the federal Emergency Treatment And Labor Act (EMTALA). [ more ]
1 month ago

Supreme Court: Idaho can enforce ban on gender-affirming care for transgender youth

The Supreme Court allows Idaho to enforce ban on gender-affirming care for transgender youth, pending lawsuits, impacting medical professionals and individuals [ more ]
Fast Company
1 month ago

The Supreme Court will decide the fate of emergency abortions. Here is what's at stake

Hospitals face legal conflicts in states with abortion restrictions, caught between federal and state laws during medical emergencies. [ more ]
2 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Biased test kept thousands of Black people from kidney transplant

Race-based kidney function test led to delayed transplants for Black patients.
Over 14,000 Black kidney transplant candidates credited for lost waiting time. [ more ]
2 months ago
France politics

Macron announces assisted dying bill to go before French parliament in May

Assisted dying bill drafted in France for those facing incurable illnesses under strict controls
Macron aims to reconcile individual autonomy with national solidarity through the legislation [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Surveys show Americans don't trust AI to give medical advice. Here's why that matters

AI acceptance vs. human involvement in healthcare is a complex issue.
Balancing AI benefits with societal concerns is a challenge in healthcare. [ more ]
3 months ago

More states are considering bills allowing medically assisted death this year

Lawmakers in 19 states are considering bills to allow physicians to prescribe life-ending drugs to terminally ill patients.
Advocates say the practice brings humanity and dignity to death, while opponents argue it goes against physicians' responsibility to care for patients. [ more ]
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