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The Atlantic
3 days ago

How to Be Happier Than Edgar Allan Poe

Make an effort to know others for improved well-being. [ more ]
New York Post
2 weeks ago

Is this the future? Wild new tech can read someone's mind - with shocking accuracy

Breakthrough technology enables reading thoughts through brain-machine interface with high accuracy. [ more ]
1 month ago

Here's how the brain experiences pleasure even the kind that makes us feel guilty : Short Wave

Pleasure is a cycle of 'wanting' and 'liking', each with separate neural mechanisms. Fulfilling pleasure comes from sources that give meaning and connection with others. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

What Google's New AI Fruit Fly Can Teach Us about Real Behavior

Fruit fly's complex behaviors are studied through a virtual model.
Scientists have created a connectome for the fruit fly's 200,000 neurons. [ more ]
3 months ago
Mental health

This Is What Your Brain Does When You're Not Doing Anything

The brain's 'default mode' network is active when the mind is wandering.
Research into brain networks has shown the importance of understanding brain function outside of tasks. [ more ]
3 months ago
Mental health

Mind-reading devices are revealing the brain's secrets

BCIs are powered by thought alone and help people with paralysis perform tasks like moving a prosthetic arm or controlling a speaking avatar.
BCIs give insights into brain organization, challenging assumptions about brain anatomy and helping improve the devices. [ more ]
3 days ago
OMG science

AI brain map could help demystify Alzheimer's and autism

Neuroscientists at a Florida university are using advanced brain mapping with VR and AI to understand disorders like Alzheimer's and autism, potentially leading to better treatments. [ more ]
1 week ago
Data science

First 'bilingual' brain-reading device decodes Spanish and English words

An AI system linked to a brain implant helped a person communicate in their bilingual languages despite speech difficulties. [ more ]
3 months ago
Digital life

Brain-Powered Tech Allows Kids 'Trapped in Their Own Bodies' to Play

Physically disabled children use their minds to move and play through BCI technology at a hospital in Toronto.
Electroencephalogram electrodes in a headset capture specific brain signals to control devices via AI. [ more ]
1 year ago

Opinion | The Key to Success in College Is So Simple It's Almost Never Mentioned

For Emily Zurek Small, college did what it's supposed to do.Growing up in a small town in Northeast Pennsylvania, she had career and intellectual ambitions for which college is the clearest pathway.I just kind of always wanted to learn, she told me recently.I wanted to be able to have intelligent conversations with people and know about the world.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Playground xyz Hires Top Consumer Neuroscientist Dr. Shannon Bosshard

Playground xyz, the leader in attention and optimisation technology, has moved to further cement its position as the leader in understanding consumer attention with its hire of consumer neuroscientist, Dr. Shannon Bosshard as lead scientist.With people being bombarded with over 6,000 ads a day - consumer attention will be the most sought after commodity in the digital advertising industry in the years to come.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Scientists Taught an AI to Sleep' So That It Doesn't Forget What It Learned, Like a Person

Image:  gremlin via Getty Images Chief nourisher in life's feast, all living beings need to sleep.Without it, humans can become forgetful, hallucinate, and even experience various physical and psychological problems.But new research published in the journal PLOS Computational Biology suggests that future AIs could benefit from getting some shut-eye too.
3 days ago
Black Lives Matter

Defying the stereotype of Black resilience

Kaela S. Singleton co-founded Black In Neuro to provide support, mentorship, and professional development for Black neuroscience researchers and allies. [ more ]
Mail Online
4 days ago
OMG science

Scientists reveal how hummingbirds always avoid bumping into flowers

Hummingbirds create a 3D body map using neurons to sense air pressure changes and avoid collisions. [ more ]
Ars Technica
5 days ago
OMG science

Neuralink rival sets brain-chip record with 4,096 electrodes on human brain

Precision Neuroscience sets world record with 4,096 electrodes on a living human's brain, focusing on safety and precision in brain-computer interface technology. [ more ]
TNW | Deep-Tech
1 month ago

Dutch startup to test hearing via brain-computer interface

MindAffect raised €1.1mn to bring brain computer interface technology for hearing diagnostics to market, aiming for a more equitable solution for hard-to-test patients. [ more ]
6 days ago
OMG science

This Fruit Fly Brain Simulation Will Convince You These Pests Are Actually Geniuses

Fruit flies' brain structures are similar to humans, aiding neuroscience research on neural communication. [ more ]
1 week ago
Artificial intelligence

Audio long read: How does ChatGPT 'think'? Psychology and neuroscience crack open AI large language models

Scientists are using psychology and neuroscience to reverse-engineer AI systems for better understanding and design. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Hollywood Should Give Brain Science a Star Turn

Neuroscience and psychology are often poorly depicted in cinema and TV despite the success of science-focused films like Interstellar and Jurassic Park. [ more ]
4 months ago

People Have Very Different Understandings of Even the Simplest Words

Communication about climate change often fails due to different interpretations of basic terms.
Conceptual differences can be influenced by politics, emotion, and character, making them difficult to shift. [ more ]
1 week ago
OMG science

Daily briefing: The body odours that make mosquitoes want to bite you

The article discusses a protein that promotes an 'epigenetic' reset in human cells, an AI-powered brain implant enabling a paralysed bilingual person to speak, and a field trial in Zambia investigating mosquito attraction. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 week ago

How can I improve my memory?

Improving memory is critical for work and life, and utilizing memory tricks and focusing on what you want to remember can enhance retention. [ more ]
BBC News
1 week ago
OMG science

Long Covid course is 'exploiting people', says ex-GB rower

Dr. Camilla Nord disputes claims about the Lightning Process and emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the brain's role in creating symptoms. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
OMG science

Device Decodes Internal Speech' in the Brain

Brain implants decode internal speech without vocalization, showing promise for clinical applications in the future. [ more ]
Mail Online
2 weeks ago
OMG science

Scientists find the elixir that might allow you to freeze your brain

Successful brain tissue thawing after cryogenic freezing, opening possibilities for preservation and research. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Robots' and prosthetic hands' sense of touch could be as fast as humans

Research at Uppsala University and Karolinska Institutet is paving the way for prosthetic hands and robots to feel touch like human hands. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
OMG science

This 'Previously Unheard of' Cell Could Explain Why Some Mice Are Amazing Parents

Understanding monogamy in mammals has crucial biological basis, new research identifies unique parenting cell in monogamous mice. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
OMG science

Sleep does not help brain wash out toxins, study suggests

The brain's clearance and movement of fluid are reduced during sleep and anaesthesia, contrary to the popular belief of brain detoxification during rest. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Python in Neuroscience and Academic Labs

Python is extensively used in academic settings, specifically in neuroscience labs for research purposes. [ more ]
The Atlantic
3 weeks ago
Data science

Don't Be Deceived by First Impressions

We evolved to make snap judgments about friend or foe, but it's crucial to develop evolved perspectives now. [ more ]
Harvard Gazette
1 month ago
Data science

Jeff Lichtman named dean of science - Harvard Gazette

Neuroscientist Jeff Lichtman appointed dean of science at Harvard, focusing on brain mapping and neural connections. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

A milestone map of mouse-brain connectivity reveals challenging new terrain for scientists

The MICrONS project successfully reconstructed a minute volume of the mouse brain, involving a complex collaboration effort and cutting-edge technology. [ more ]
Creative Bloq
1 month ago
Graphic design

Mice are bamboozled by these baffling optical illusions... and so am I

Mice react to optical illusions similarly to humans, offering new research opportunities. [ more ]
Harvard Gazette
1 month ago
OMG science

Complex questions, innovative approaches - Harvard Gazette

Seven innovative projects receive Star-Friedman Challenge grants for cutting-edge scientific research. [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago
OMG science

Scientists reveal how long YOU should walk to boost brain power

Walking for just 20 minutes can enhance brain function, improve decision-making, and reduce stress. [ more ]
The Drum
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Coke launches 'AI-powered instrument' to capture the sounds of cola

AI and neuroscience used by Coca-Cola in a new marketing effort involving a musical instrument simulating the experience of drinking Coke. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Your perception of time is skewed by what you see

Features like size and clutter influence the brain's perception of time while observing scenes. [ more ]
2 months ago

This is how you can make your brain remember the most important things

The human brain has limited capacity for memory, focusing on retaining what's important.
Multitasking leads to fragmented memories and reduced ability to retain information. [ more ]
2 months ago

Working With Your Hands Is Good for Your Brain

Hands-on activities may have cognitive and emotional benefits
Engaging with hands-on tasks could lead to improved memory and reduced anxiety and depression symptoms. [ more ]
2 months ago

How Animal Brains Tell Friends from Strangers

Different brain regions are responsible for vague recognition and complete recollection of familiarity.
The brain region CA2 in the hippocampus is specialized in memory used to recall relationships. [ more ]
2 months ago

Enough regular sleep helps to prevent dementia

Lack of sleep leads to mental fatigue and cognitive impairment.
Consistent sleep patterns are crucial for cognitive health. [ more ]
2 months ago
Mental health

Neurology professor Lisa Mosconi: Menopause is a renovation project on the brain'

Menopause impacts the brain due to a decline in estrogen. Lisa Mosconi's book explores the neurological symptoms and brain-inclusive care for menopause.
Common brain symptoms during menopause include sleep issues, mood changes, low energy, and cognitive problems, occurring most intensely during late perimenopause and early postmenopause. [ more ]
2 months ago

Ghosts, Aliens, and Black Magic: Sleep Paralysis Looks Different in Different Places

Sleep paralysis is common and can be influenced by beliefs.
The experience is triggered by a brain glitch during the transition from wakefulness to REM sleep. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

What real bodies can show artificial minds

Embodied cognition is considered crucial for advanced AI.
Virtual models of animals are being created to study how the body mediates between the brain and the world. [ more ]
2 months ago

A Study in Primates Reveals How the Brain Encodes Complex Social Interactions

Monkeys engage in reciprocal grooming as a form of social bonding, showcasing highly calibrated turn-taking behavior.
A study in nonhuman primates reveals complex brain circuitry involved in social behavior, laying the foundation for understanding communal life in primate societies. [ more ]
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
2 months ago

NIH Researchers Identify Brain Connections Associated With ADHD in Youth

ADHD symptoms tied to atypical brain interactions
Youth with ADHD show heightened connectivity between brain areas [ more ]
3 months ago

A Stress Neurobiologist Reveals the Key Thing We Are All Missing For Good Mental Health

Microbes in our gut can affect mood and mental health.
Transplanting microbes can cause symptoms in animals similar to those in people with psychiatric disorders. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
1 year ago
Mental health

Beat Depression Blues with These 10 Best Podcasts

When I was diagnosed with depression, there was very little awareness around me about self-help, therapy, and all that comes with depression recovery.I kept looking online for ways how I could ease my depressive symptoms along with therapy.While therapy played a huge role in my recovery, I still found myself floundering.
1 year ago

Exercise Has a Bonus Reward for You if You're Anxious or Depressed, Study Shows

You probably already know about the link between exercise and heart health: Regular exercise promotes a healthier heart and, in turn, a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.But a recent study presented at the American College of Cardiology's 71st Annual Scientific Session adds some nuance to it.Regular exercise may lead to even healthier cardiovascular health if you have anxiety and/or depression.
1 year ago
UK news

ADHD in children linked to social isolation later on study

Children with ADHD are at increased risk of becoming socially isolated as they grow up, according to a new study.Researchers said that the findings highlight the importance of peer support for children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).The new research, led by experts at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King's College London, examined data on 2,232 British children taking part in a long-term twin study.
BBC News
1 year ago

Antidepressants exit must happen in stages, says medical watchdog

Reducing an antidepressant dose should be done in stages, with help from a medical professional, according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).It says this helps manage withdrawal symptoms that can occur from the drugs.NICE has published new information that sets out how mental health care can be improved in England and Wales.
2 months ago

The "shocking" tactic electric fish use to collectively sense the world : Short Wave

Elephantnose fish create an electrical network to sense environment.
Grouping behavior of elephantnose fish helps in collective information processing. [ more ]
2 months ago

These Electric Fish Detect Images of What Their Companions Are Seeing'

Elephantnose fish emit and sense electricity to navigate muddy river bottoms.
They can supercharge their electrical power collectively by picking up on electric signals from their pulsating peers. [ more ]
3 months ago

Student taking 28 A-levels at a top north London school still has time for fun

Mahnoor Cheema, 17, is taking 28 A-levels at Henrietta Barnett School in Hampstead Garden Suburb
Despite her academic commitment, Mahnoor manages to balance her life with hobbies and a social life [ more ]
3 months ago

Dreamcatcher - Intent, Inspiration, Reflection

Dreams can aid in creativity and psychological healing.
The Dreamcatcher Project uses AI to generate dream images and explore their connections to waking life. [ more ]
5 months ago

See the Brain Like Never Before in This Gorgeous Art

The Art of Neuroscience competition showcases the beauty and complexity of the human brain through artistic representations.
The submissions range from scientific depictions to more abstract representations that challenge societal beliefs. [ more ]
Mail Online
4 months ago

Health guru reveals age a child should stop sharing a bed with parents

Motor neurons work subconsciously during sleep
Synchronized heartbeats benefit co-sleeping [ more ]
Mail Online
4 months ago

Health guru reveals age a child should stop sharing a bed with parents

Motor neurons work subconsciously during sleep
Synchronized heartbeats benefit co-sleeping [ more ]
Mail Online
4 months ago
OMG science

Mini brains grown from fetuses could 'revolutionize neuroresearch'

Scientists have developed mini brains the size of grains of rice using human fetal brain tissue.
The mini brains could be used to study brain cancer and potentially find a cure. [ more ]
Mail Online
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

World's first mind-reading AI translates brainwaves into written text

Scientists have developed the world's first mind-reading AI that translates brainwaves into readable text.
The technology uses a sensor-covered helmet to capture brain activity and turn it into words, eliminating the need for invasive procedures or expensive equipment. [ more ]
11 months ago
OMG science

There Are Amazing Fathers in the Animal Kingdom

Fathers in the animal kingdom take on various roles, ranging from providing food and protection to incubating eggs and taking care of offspring.
Unlike many human fathers, fathers in the animal kingdom often show a strong level of commitment and investment in their offspring, with some even going as far as to risk their own lives to protect them. [ more ]
9 years ago

Deep brain stimulation offers hope for OCD patient

With deep brain stimulation, electrodes are implanted in the brain The experimental treatment is more commonly used to treat nervous system disorders Doctors are testing it out for depression and OCD Long Beach, California CNN It seems simple: Walk to the refrigerator and grab a drink.But Brett Larsen, 37, opens the door gingerly peeks in closes it, opens it, closes it and opens it again.
1 year ago

Electrical pulses that synchronize the sleeping brain appear to boost memory

A new study finds that stimulating the brain during sleep can improve memory.DrAfter123/Getty Images A little brain stimulation at night appears to help people remember what they learned the previous day.A study of 18 people with severe epilepsy found that they scored higher on a memory test if they got deep brain stimulation while they slept, a team reports in the journal Nature Neuroscience.
1 year ago
East Bay (California)

10x Genomics launches big expansion with new Pleasanton offices

PLEASANTON 10x Genomics has marked a new phase in its remarkable expansion by opening a modern office building that has just sprouted in Pleasanton, coupled with plans for even more growth at its emerging campus.The building is located near the corner of Stoneridge Mall Road and Springdale Avenue and totals 150,000 square feet, according to the biotech company.
1 year ago
Mental health

Deep Sleep May Mitigate the Impact of Alzheimer's Pathology

Deep sleep may function as a buffer against cognitive decline in older adults with Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology by protecting cognitive reserve, new research suggests.Investigators found that deep sleep, also known as non-REM slow-wave sleep, can protect memory function in cognitively normal adults with a high beta-amyloid burden.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Lindsey Laughlin: Saying goodbye to Ziggy, the elephant in my room

One day, during a game of hide-and-seek, my 5-year-old called out with concern from the master bedroom: "Mom!There is a skeleton in your closet!"
"Those are Ziggy's tusks, sweetheart!"I called back, preoccupied with folding laundry.Ziggy was an Indian elephant who spent most of his life chained indoors at the Brookfield Zoo after a near-fatal attack on his keeper in 1941.
11 months ago

Ultrasound Puts Animals into a Curious Hibernation-Like State

In some species, when the going gets tough, the body hits the brakes, chilling body temperature and slowing metabolism to a snail's pace in a state known as torpor.Humans do not enter torpor, but the condition might offer benefits across scenarios as seemingly unrelated as intensive care unit (ICU) stays and long-distance space travel.
Ars Technica
1 year ago
OMG science

FDA official behind Alzheimer's drug scandal steps down

The Food and Drug Administration official who allegedly had an inappropriately cozy relationship with the maker of the controversial Alzheimer's drug Aduhelm is stepping down from his role, effective immediately, according to numerous media reports.Billy Dunn, head of the FDA's neuroscience office, has been with the agency for around 18 years, during which he was involved in several high-profile drug approvals.
1 year ago
Social media marketing

Scientists Find Something Strange in Brain Scans of Kids Hooked on Social Media

It's no secret that social media use can change adult brain anatomy, but a new study suggests that it may impact the developing brains of adolescents in profound ways as well.Researchers from the University of North Carolina have found, in one of the first studies of its kind, that habitually checking social feeds may change the ways early adolescents process social rewards and punishments - changes concrete enough that they can be seen as distinct and divergent neural pathways in brain scans.
Los Angeles Times
1 year ago

Column: She's multidegreed and overachieving. Her career choice? Geriatric dentistry

(Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times)

As a child raised by a single mother, Somkene Okwuego got her dental work done at a USC clinic that serves patients regardless of financial circumstances.Last week, I met with her in that same building, where the 23-year-old is finishing her first year at the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry.
1 year ago

Talking To Babies Might Boost Their Brain Growth

Most parents have been told that verbal communication with infants and toddlers can improve developmental outcomes.However, new research shows that talking to your toddler might be more critical than previously thought.According to a new study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, the brains of toddlers whose parents talk to them frequently are structurally different from those whose parents aren't as chatty.
1 year ago

The Strange Case of the Two Legal AI Companies Named Harvey, and their Coincidental Connection to Winston

Wait, are there now two legal AI companies named Harvey?And how is it they both involve a Winston?And why did one disappear overnight?It's a legal tech mystery.Last November, a GPT-powered legal AI startup called Harvey came out of stealth mode, revealing it had raised $5 million in funding led by the startup fund of OpenAI, the developer of GPT.
1 year ago
Public health

Making prescription drugs affordable

January 12, 2023 - There's a simple truth that Hussain Lalani learned as a medical school student at Duke: Prescription drugs don't work if you can't afford them.Over and over during his medical training, he saw patients who couldn't afford to pay for their medicines."And they were getting readmitted to the hospital or having complications, and I thought, 'Wow, this is ridiculous,'" he said.
Remotive Blog
1 year ago
Remote teams

[Newsletter] Neuroscience Can Optimize Your Brain for Remote Work

I think I'm in love! ❤️
In love with the new 'Flex Index', which tells you the remote work policies of 4,000 companies across the U.S.! 😍
This could be a real gamechanger.Read more about it in the Forbes article.👇
😲 Work Advice: My Employer is Reneging On Its Remote-Work Promise (WP) ~ What to do if your 'remote-first' company goes back to the office.
The Drum
1 year ago

Branding and the brain: how to use neuromarketing to shape your strategy

Neuromarketing looks at how companies can influence customers on a psychological level.Learn how your brand can use neuromarketing to shape your brand's marketing strategy.Neuromarketing, or consumer neuroscience, is the study of the brain by evaluating neural and physiological signs to help understand consumer behavior.
Mouse Vs Python
1 year ago

PyDev of the Week: James Bednar - Mouse Vs Python

This week we welcome James Bednar (@JamesABednar) as our PyDev of the Week! James works at Anaconda as a manager of the Holoviz, a popular data visualization package for Python.If you'd like to see what else James is working on, you should check out his GitHub profile.Let's spend some time getting to know James better!
Can you tell us a little about yourself (hobbies, education, etc):
I've always wanted to figure out how things work, mainly to fix them or make them work better.
New York Post
1 year ago

I'm a neuropsychologist - this is the age it's OK to let kids watch TV

Neuropsychologist Dr. Álvaro Bilbao advises limiting screen time for children younger than 6.Getty Images/iStockphoto
He's not kidding.A leading neuropsychologist says children younger than 6 should have little to no screen time.In his new book " Understanding Your Child's Brain," Dr. Álvaro Bilbao highlights how the risk of psychological and behavioral issues - such as attention deficit disorder, depression and addiction problems - increases the more time young children spend in front of mobile phone screens, tablets or computers.
1 year ago

John Heah designs Clinique La Prairie resort for Amaala in Saudi Arabia

Architect John Heah drew on Islamic architecture for the design of a resort for spa clinic brand Clinique La Prairie, which will form part of the Amaala "wellness destination" on the Red Sea coast in Saudi Arabia.The 36,115-square-metre resort, which will have 13 villas and 52 rooms and suites, is envisioned as a cluster of white buildings with multiple distinctive trapezoidal roofs.
Design Milk
1 year ago

Design Shenzhen: The New Design Show You Need To Know

From February 27 to March 2, 2023, Design Shenzhen, presented by Design Shanghai, will open the doors to its inaugural show in the "Silicon Valley of China."The design fair takes place at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center (SZCEC), a cultural and architectural landmark of the city.
Design Milk
1 year ago

Design Shenzhen: The New Design Show You Need To Know

From December 1-4, 2022, Design Shenzhen, presented by Design Shanghai, will open the doors to its inaugural show in the "Silicon Valley of China."The design fair takes place at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center (SZCEC), a cultural and architectural landmark of the city.With over 200 curated brands coming to participate in one of Asia's leading design exhibitions, the city will be buzzing with exciting energy as the show expects to welcome over 50,000 visitors from the creative industry.
1 year ago

FDA approves breakthrough Alzheimer's drug Lecanemab

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Lecanemab, a breakthrough drug to treat Alzheimer's, that is manufactured by biotechnology companies Biogen and Eisai.The drug is an intravenously administered humanized monoclonal antibody that targets amyloid, the toxic protein in the brain linked to the cognitive disease.
Scientific American
1 year ago

It's the Bass That Makes Us Boogie

Karen Hopkin: This is Scientific American's 60-Second Science.I'm Karen Hopkin.Hopkin: Ever notice that some music just really makes you want to dance?Well, a new study shows that it is, indeed, all about the bass.Because researchers have found that, during a concert, boosting the bass bumps up the boogying.
Remotive Blog
1 year ago
Remote teams

[Newsletter] Musk's First Email to Twitter Staff Ends Remote Work

The fight for work-life balance took a hit when Elon Musk ended remote work at Twitter.But if he thinks that's gonna derail the movement, he's got another think coming.-Rachel
🏋️  Does Remote Work Hurt Wellbeing and Work-Life Balance?  (Forbes) ~ Spoiler Alert: it doesn't if you do it right.🧠  New Neuroscience Reveals the Best Way to Structure Your Workday  (Inc) ~ "tackle tasks requiring focus and concentration as early in your workday as possible"
🧍‍♂️  Are Standing Desks Actually Good for Us?  (HealthyFolks) ~ Written by a member of the Remotive Community!
1 year ago

What Makes A 'Core Memory'?

" Core memories " aren't a real concept in neuroscience or in mental health.Instead, the idea was made famous by the Pixar movie "Inside Out," in which core memories are described as "a super important time in [someone's] life" and a memory that "powers a different aspect of [someone's] personality."
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