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New York Post
1 month ago
Upper West Side

NYC's Upper West Side already becoming commuter parking lot for congestion-pricing evaders

Scarcity of parking spaces in Upper West Side led to congestion issues prior to congestion pricing implementation.
Concerns raised about non-residents evading congestion fees and causing parking problems in residential areas. [ more ]
1 month ago

Cinema and bowling alley scheme 'completely inappropriate' for cottage street

The bowling alley and cinema will be relocated to Lodge Lane as part of a new housing development.
Residents express concerns about the design, height, traffic, parking, security, and potential noise disturbances of the new development. [ more ]
Eater SF
6 months ago
San Francisco

Tiki Bar Favorite Trad'r Sam Quietly Reopens With an Updated Interior

Trad'r Sam, a well-loved bar in San Francisco, has reopened after a temporary closure and undergone renovations.
Parking issues are arising in neighborhoods with ghost kitchens, causing problems for delivery drivers and leading to complaints against the city of Oakland.
Federal funding for parklets in San Jose is running out, causing many of the pandemic-era parklets to be removed. [ more ]
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