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1 week ago
Web design

38% of decade old webpages suffer from digital decay

38% of web pages from 2013 are no longer available due to digital decay. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
US news

Latinas are succeeding, but feel pressured to playing traditional roles for women

Latinas face pressures to balance work and family despite advancements in education and entrepreneurship. [ more ]
3 months ago

Teachers are tired of the culture wars - and many support LGBTQ+ curricula, Pew survey finds

Teachers feel government has too much influence over curriculum
Many educators support teaching topics banned by legislators [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Cheating Fears Over Chatbots Were Overblown, New Research Suggests

The popularization of AI chatbots like ChatGPT has not increased overall cheating rates in schools, according to new research from Stanford University.
Many high school students are not familiar with or have never used AI chatbots for schoolwork, as found by the Pew Research Center. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Cheating Fears Over Chatbots Were Overblown, New Research Suggests

The popularization of AI chatbots like ChatGPT has not increased overall cheating rates in schools, according to new research from Stanford University.
Many high school students are not familiar with or have never used AI chatbots for schoolwork, as found by the Pew Research Center. [ more ]
1 month ago

Charts: TikTok in the U.S.

Approximately half of U.S. adult TikTok users haven't posted a video or added bio details.
85% of adult TikTok users find content on their For You page at least somewhat interesting. [ more ]
2 months ago

Survey: Most teens feel happy, peaceful without a smartphone

Nearly three-quarters of U.S. teens feel happy without their phones, despite not limiting phone use.
Majorities of teens feel smartphones aid in creativity, pursuing hobbies, and schoolwork. [ more ]
3 months ago

TikTok mostly passive consumption platform dominated by active posters, study shows

Top 25% most active TikTok users generate 98% of videos
Nearly half of adult TikTok users do not create content [ more ]
3 months ago

Almost half of adults on TikTok have never posted a video, research shows | TechCrunch

Adults on TikTok lean camera-shy
A significant percentage of TikTok users do not post content. [ more ]
4 months ago

TikTok Use Soars, X Slumps, But an Old Favorite Dominates Social Media

YouTube is the most popular social media platform in the US, with 83% of US adults saying they use it.
TikTok has seen significant growth, with 33% of US adults using it compared to 21% in a previous survey. [ more ]
5 months ago

Pew Survey: Teens Love YouTube, Tolerate Facebook, Skip Reddit - Worth

Facebook is no longer popular among teenagers, according to a survey by Pew Research Center.
YouTube is the most popular social media platform among American teens, with 93% having used it at least once. [ more ]
3 months ago

Here's What Americans Think of Weight Loss Drugs

About 75% of Americans recognize weight loss drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy, and others.
Survey shows 53% see anti-obesity drugs as good options, while 62% don't view them suitable for those without weight-related health conditions. [ more ]
3 months ago
Social justice

USimmigrationand crime questions, answered by criminologists | CNN

57% of Americans believe that the large number of migrants seeking to enter the US leads to more crime.
There is a stark difference in opinion on this issue across party lines, with 85% of Republicans linking immigration to crime compared to 31% of Democrats. [ more ]
4 months ago

YouTube reigns as most popular social media app; TikTok grows: Pew

YouTube is the most used social media app in America, with 83% of Americans reporting that they have used it.
Facebook is the second most popular social media app in America, with 68% of Americans using it. [ more ]
4 months ago

Pew report shows TikTok's rise and YouTube's ubiquity | TechCrunch

Pew Research Center's report tracks social media usage trends over the last two years.
TikTok saw significant growth, while YouTube and Facebook remained dominant. [ more ]
5 months ago

Cheating Fears Over Chatbots Were Overblown, New Research Suggests

The popularization of AI chatbots like ChatGPT has not increased overall cheating rates in schools, according to new research from Stanford University.
Many high school students are not familiar with or have never used AI chatbots for schoolwork, as found by the Pew Research Center. [ more ]
5 months ago

Despite mounting mental health concerns, teens remain heavy social media users

Despite concerns about the impact of social media on youth mental health, a new survey by Pew Research Center shows that teens still use major platforms at high rates.
The survey did not address how teens feel about their social media use or whether it affects their mental health and well-being. [ more ]
5 months ago
Digital life

Pew: Many teens use social media "almost constantly"

Nearly 1 in 5 teens are on YouTube or TikTok 'almost constantly,' according to Pew Research Center.
Teens' internet use remains high, with roughly half of them using the internet 'almost constantly.' [ more ]
6 months ago
Digital life

Latinos have the least smartphone access in states with big rural areas

Latinos in states with large rural areas have the highest percentage of households without smartphones.
Smartphones are essential for obtaining information, emergency services, and economic stability.
New Mexico and Arkansas have the highest percentage of Latinos without internet access. [ more ]
6 months ago
Media industry

TikTok's rising popularity in news consumption challenges Facebook's reign

30% of US adults still get their news from Facebook despite competition from other platforms.
TikTok has seen a significant increase in news consumption, with 43% of US adults using the platform for news. [ more ]
6 months ago
Media industry

TikTok's rising popularity in news consumption challenges Facebook's reign

30% of US adults still get their news from Facebook despite competition from other platforms.
TikTok has seen a significant increase in news consumption, with 43% of US adults using the platform for news. [ more ]
6 months ago
Media industry

TikTok's rising popularity in news consumption challenges Facebook's reign

30% of US adults still get their news from Facebook despite competition from other platforms.
TikTok has seen a significant increase in news consumption, with 43% of US adults using the platform for news. [ more ]
6 months ago
Media industry

Americans flock to TikTok for news

The share of TikTok users consuming news has nearly doubled since 2020.
Americans are twice as likely to prefer getting news on digital devices compared to television. [ more ]
6 months ago
Media industry

Americans flock to TikTok for news

The share of TikTok users consuming news has nearly doubled since 2020.
Americans are twice as likely to prefer getting news on digital devices compared to television. [ more ]
1 year ago

Asian Flavors Shake Up the Hard Seltzer Space

In 2020, three separate groups of drinks entrepreneurs realized there was a hole in the flavored malt beverage (FMB) space.It resulted in Lunar, Drunk Fruit and Nectar, a trio of different hard seltzer brands that incorporate Asian flavors, such as yuzu, lychee and more.The founders' motivations were personal, but the business' launches were auspiciously timed with increasing consumer interest in Asian flavors.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Editorial: New mayor is the perfect time for needed campaign reform.

All's fair in love, war ... and campaigning.At least that's what some political candidates think.During her unsuccessful bid for reelection as mayor, Lori Lightfoot's campaign tried to recruit Chicago Public Schools students for political work, dangling extra credit as a carrot.Her team also solicited city workers for campaign help, and as the Tribune reported last week, Lightfoot's camp had been told to stop the electioneering nearly a year before her people reached out to CPS students.
1 year ago
Privacy professionals

Understanding the price of privacy

"If something is free, you're the product."- Richard Serra, 1973

We are living in a digital age accelerated by the access to data and what we can do with it.So many things have become faster and simpler because of the presence of data, computing power, and algorithms.As a UX Designer, it's very clear to me how big of a role the access of data plays in our lives.
1 year ago

6 Big Ideas To Combat America's "Loneliness Crisis"

On Tuesday, the U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy declared that the nation is facing a new epidemic - loneliness.In his announcement, Murthy explained the social and cultural shifts that have led to the overwhelming loneliness many Americans are experiencing, described the dire health consequences that loneliness contributes to, and outlined a series of "pillars" to address the problem.
Bored Panda
1 year ago

Mom Says Working Is Easier Than Being A Stay-At-Home Parent, Sparks A Debate Online

Work as well as family life pose certain challenges.It's in no way a surprise, especially for working parents out there, trying their best at covering both.But can one be easier than the other?The question remains a highly debatable one.Sarah Torresan, founder of the ' Imperfect Alignment', sparked a discussion online after saying that going to work is much easier than staying at home with the kids when you're sleep deprived.
New York Daily News
1 year ago

TikTok announces 60-minute time limit for teens

TikTok has announced a series of new features aimed at protecting younger users, including a daily screen time limit of 60 minutes for those under 18.Teens, however, will still be able to use the app after they time out for the day.When they hit their 60-minute limit, younger users will be required to enter a passcode, forcing them to actively choose to extend the time they spend scrolling through the app.
1 year ago

The popularity and politics of podcasts: Insights from Pew Research Center - RAIN News

"Following a steady increase in podcast listening over the past decade, podcasts have become a big part of the normal routine - and news diet - of many Americans, especially younger adults."-Pew Research Center
From a large-scale survey (5,132 U.S. adults surveyed in December), the Pew Research Center has released results about the popularity of podcasts and the habits of listeners.
1 year ago

Trust in childhood vaccines holds steady, despite skepticism of Covid-19 vaccines, survey finds

Divisive views on the Covid-19 vaccines haven't shaken the broadly favorable views of routine childhood vaccines, a new survey suggests.Nearly nine out of 10 adults in the US say that the benefits of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccines outweigh the risks a share that's remained unchanged since before the Covid-19 pandemic, according to data published Tuesday by the Pew Research Center.
1 year ago
Left-wing politics

Democrats Will Push Electoral College Reform in Final Weeks of House Control

In the final weeks of Congress's last session before Republicans take control of the House, Democratic lawmakers are planning to push a number of bills forward - including legislation that aims to prevent attempted usurpations of future presidential elections in wake of Donald Trump's attempt to overthrow the 2020 presidential election after he lost to President Joe Biden.
1 year ago

Christians Believe in Protecting The Earth, But Aren't Convinced That Humans Cause Climate Change

Highly religious people are very likely to believe that the Earth is sacred and that humans have a duty to protect it.Yet many of themand particularly those in certain Christian denominationsdo not think that climate change is a big problem or that humans are causing it.That somewhat paradoxical finding comes from a national survey released on Nov. 17 by Pew Research Center that juxtaposes Americans' thoughts on climate with their religious beliefs.
1 year ago
US politics

'They Are Storming Our Country': Trump Compares Migrant Surge to an Invading Army at Texas Rally

Donald Trump delivered a dark message of migrants storming our borders to South Texans on Saturday, less than three weeks before the Nov. 8 elections.
1 year ago
US politics

Positive Views of the Supreme Court Drop Sharply After Abortion Ruling

Favorable views of the Supreme Court have dropped since the ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, a new Pew Research Center survey found, driven largely by a steep drop in approval among Democrats.
1 year ago

Republican attacks on trans people smack of fascism | Robert Reich

For a second week, Montana Republicans have blocked Democratic transgender lawmaker Zooey Zephyr from participating in a debate over proposed restrictions on transgender youth.Zephyr, a first-term Democrat from Missoula and the first openly transgender woman elected to the Montana legislature, hasn't been allowed to speak on the state house floor since last Tuesday, when she told Republican colleagues they would have blood on their hands if they banned gender-affirming medical care for transgender youth.
1 year ago
Media industry

Vice Media cancels flagship show, announces painful' layoffs

Announcement comes after BuzzFeed last week said it was closing its news division.Vice Media has announced painful cuts including the cancellation of its flagship news show in the latest round of cutbacks to hit the struggling news business.The youth-focused media group said on Thursday it will cancel popular TV program Vice News Tonight as part of a restructuring that will result in layoffs.
1 year ago
Women in technology

Yes, women have to work until March 14 to earn as much money as men did the previous year

Equal Pay Day, which raises awareness about the gender pay gap in the United States, falls on March 14 in 2023.Advocacy organizations say the day symbolizes how far into a new year a woman must work to earn what a man did in the previous year.VERIFY looked at the data to see how yearly pay compares between men and women.
1 year ago
Remote teams

Internet delights at video showing man's oceanside work-from-home setup

One man's ingenuity was put on full display after a viral TikTok showed him setting up to work from home-on the beach.
1 year ago
Remote teams

"How can I explain": Internet delights at traveler's work-from-home dilemma

A popular TikTok creator sparked a sea of laughing-crying emojis after every employee's worst work-from-home nightmare suddenly became his reality.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

In data we trust: How to establish customer trust through data privacy | MarTech

In a recent survey, Pew Research Center found that "81% of the public say that the potential risks they face because of data collection by companies outweigh the benefits."And "79% of consumers are concerned about how companies use the data collected."It's clear - businesses need to prioritize customer trust and data privacy.
1 year ago

Florida, an abortion refuge in the US south, poised to pass a six-week ban

A six-week abortion ban proposed by Florida Republicans earlier this month threatens to reverberate across the American south.Following the supreme court's decision in Dobbs v Jackson Women's Health Organization to overturn the federal right to abortion, Florida became a strategic refuge for women seeking to access reproductive healthcare from states that banned abortion places as varied as Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama and Texas.
1 year ago
World news

China to reopen to foreign tourists for first time since Covid crisis

China will reopen its borders to foreign tourists for the first time in the three years since the Covid pandemic erupted by allowing all categories of visas to be issued.The removal of this last cross-border control measure on Wednesday comes after authorities declared victory over the virus last month.
1 year ago
Online marketing

Elon Musk reopened Twitter for political ad business. But is it too late?

The platform's new ad verification process and disclosure mechanisms are rudimentary so far, relying on both potential advertisers and members of the public to fill out a form hosted by Google, unusual for a tech company that would typically be expected to build most of its own web features.Both Republican and Democratic digital operatives said they expect Twitter advertising will eventually pick up as campaigns seek to meet voters wherever they are, including on the Musk-owned platform.
1 year ago

Opinion: Climate change fight shouldn't be left just to Gen Z

In late 2020, we woke to find the sky a horrifying orange color, an image of dystopian hellscape from a sci-fi movie.As homes, livelihoods and ecosystems went up in flames, powerful gusts swirled smoky remains throughout the Bay Area.Two years after witnessing record-breaking wildfires ravage our home state, we have just watched officials scramble to protect us from record-breaking storms that flooded the Bay Area.
1 year ago
Remote teams

Quitting employee defended for refusing to be "forced" back into the office

Internet commenters rallied behind one remote worker who quit their job instead of returning to the office.
1 year ago
NYC parents

FathersGained Family Time inthe Pandemic. Many Don't Want to Give It Back.

When the pandemic hit, Steve Gaffney was laid off from his longtime job at a company that provided lighting for events.Three weeks later, his daughter Morgan was born.At 42, he became a stay-at-home father.It made sense for their family: His partner, who unlike him has a college degree, earned more, and as a facilities manager she was always on call.
New York Daily News
1 year ago
Tech industry

Meta, owner of Facebook and Instagram, is building its own Twitter: report

Another social media company could be gearing up to compete with Twitter - and this one has a proven track record.Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, told tech site Platformer it's "exploring a standalone decentralized social network for sharing text updates" called P92.Instagram boss Adam Mosseri is reportedly handling the undertaking, which is in its early stages.
1 year ago
NYC real estate

The Typical American Renter Is Now Rent-Burdened, a Report Says

The typical American renter is now rent-burdened meaning that 30 percent of the median U.S. income is required to pay the average rent, according to a new report from Moody's Analytics.This 30 percent is a symbolic threshold, a milestone, said Thomas LaSalvia, the director of economic research at Moody's.
Nieman Lab
1 year ago
Media industry

Layoffs at large U.S. newspapers and digital news sites "fell considerably" in 2021, report finds

In 2020, layoffs seemed to reach every corner of the news industry.
Legacy outlets like The Atlantic and The New York Times cut jobs.Newspaper chains implemented furloughs and gutted newsrooms.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Laura Washington: A pox on the cashless society

"Cash is king," or so they say.
These days, that's not saying much.These days, cash is not king, nor queen, nor princess.It's not even the court jester.
The nation is going cashless.
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