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Irish Independent
3 days ago
EU data protection

Hundreds of migrants to be moved out of Dublin as towns for new camps identified

Opening new asylum-processing center and expanding existing camps in Kerry and Westmeath. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

French police forcing migrants into Channel crossings in record number

Migrants are pushed to attempt channel crossings due to aggressive actions by French police funded by Britain, facing destruction of camps and increased risks of dangerous journeys. [ more ]
4 months ago
France politics

Focus - 'Our children won't forget': Grief and anger over Israeli raids on West Bank camps

Israel has increased its raids in the occupied West Bank, resulting in the deaths of at least 300 Palestinians in the last three months.
Human rights groups accuse Israel of terrorizing the population in the refugee camps. [ more ]
4 months ago
France politics

Focus - 'Our children won't forget': Grief and anger over Israeli raids on West Bank camps

Israel has increased its raids in the occupied West Bank, resulting in the deaths of at least 300 Palestinians in the last three months.
Human rights groups accuse Israel of terrorizing the population in the refugee camps. [ more ]
4 months ago
France news

Focus - 'Our children won't forget': Grief and anger over Israeli raids on West Bank camps

Israel has increased its raids in the occupied West Bank, resulting in the deaths of at least 300 Palestinians in the last three months.
Human rights groups accuse Israel of terrorizing the population in the refugee camps. [ more ]
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