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3 weeks ago
Germany news

As Germany's postwar constitution turns 75, threats to its democracy are looming | John Kampfner

Germany celebrates 75 years of democracy, facing tough self-assessment amidst rising right-wing populist parties and challenges to its values. [ more ]
1 month ago
Germany news

Germany's president calls for unity amid upheaval DW 04/23/2024

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier writes a book reflecting on national uncertainties, including rise of right-wing populism and distrust in fundamental aspects, ahead of significant historical anniversaries. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

Scholz warns of the rise of right-wing populists ahead of EU elections

Right-wing populists are posing a threat to a united Europe, stirring up sentiment against refugees and minorities.
The upcoming EU elections show a significant shift to the right, with radical right groups gaining seats at the expense of centrist and green parties. [ more ]
Irish Independent
2 months ago

Irish National Teachers Organisation highlights concern about growth of far right in Ireland leading to 'climate of fear'

Teachers' union stands against hate and toxicity, emphasizing the importance of collaboration in education across Ireland.
Call for establishment of an all-Ireland education forum and addressing the rise of right-wing populism. [ more ]
2 months ago
UK news

Reform UK: History and policies as Lee Anderson joins Richard Tice's party

Lee Anderson joins Reform UK after Conservative suspension
Reform UK aims to challenge Conservatives in upcoming elections [ more ]
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