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LogRocket Blog
4 days ago

Using Rust and Axum to build a JWT authentication API - LogRocket Blog

Axum simplifies building complex web API authentication systems in Rust. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago

Using CRDTs to build collaborative Rust web applications - LogRocket Blog

CRDTs ensure consistency in data replication across a network.
Last write wins (LWW) approach resolves conflicts in CRDTs by selecting the latest data. [ more ]
3 months ago
Ruby on Rails

Loco Is a New Framework for Rust Inspired by Rails

Rust's Loco framework offers advantages over Rails, targeting Rust developers for MVC-style applications.
Inspired by 'The One Person Framework,' Loco simplifies application development for single developers, while potentially sacrificing flexibility. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
5 days ago

Leverage Rust and wgpu for effective cross-platform graphics - LogRocket Blog

Understanding WebGPU requires more knowledge but offers benefits like control and efficiency. [ more ]
TNW | Future-Of-Work
5 days ago
Artificial intelligence

Why Rust is emerging as developers' favourite programming language

Rust is the most admired language, with developers wanting to use it again due to its unique design and memory safety features. [ more ]
Berlin Startup Jobs
3 weeks ago
Web development

Job Vacancy: Working Student (m/f/d) // Ostakon | Internships Jobs | Berlin Startup Jobs

Opportunity for students to learn and work with web3 technology, including IOTA protocol, Solidity, or Rust, in development of innovative applications and platforms with a focus on software development, quality assurance, and user support. [ more ]
1 week ago

Alec Baldwin's 'Rust' trial to go ahead after judge denies motion to dismiss charge

A New Mexico judge ruled that Alec Baldwin's indictment will stand for the fatal shooting incident on the film set of Rust. [ more ]
Berlin Startup Jobs
1 week ago
Data science

Job Vacancy: Software Engineer // Prisma | IT / Software Development Jobs | Berlin Startup Jobs

Work at Prisma for cutting-edge data layer products using TypeScript and Rust with top-tier investors for small startup challenges. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Rolldown, a Rollup-Compatible Rust-Based Bundler for JavaScript Is Now Open -Sourced

Rolldown is a new Rust-based JavaScript bundler aiming for improved performance, compatibility with Rollup, and seamless integration into Vite. [ more ]
1 month ago
New York City

GitHub - sarah-ek/faer-rs: Linear algebra foundation for the Rust programming language

Faer is a Rust crate for linear algebra emphasizing portability, correctness, and performance.
Benchmarks show performance comparisons with other libraries like ndarray, nalgebra, and eigen. [ more ]
2 months ago

JavaScript: Empowered by Rust

Rust being used in JavaScript projects for performance
Do not rewrite everything in Rust for JavaScript projects [ more ]
3 months ago
Web development

The Creators of the Atom Code Editor Open-Sourced Zed, Their New Rust-Based High-Performance Editor

Zed is an open-source code editor focusing on performance, AI capabilities, and collaboration.
Zed leverages Rust code base, multicore and GPU optimization, CRDTs, GitHub Copilot, GPT-4, and a Mac-only platform. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Using Rust Macros for Custom VTables

Building templating engines like MiniJinja can allow insights into introducing dynamic elements into a statically typed language such as Rust. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Rust-Written Borgo Language Brings Algebraic Data Types and More to Go

Borgo is a statically typed language that compiles to Go, providing additional features like algebraic data types and pattern matching, inspired by Rust. [ more ]
Berlin Startup Jobs
3 weeks ago
Web design

Job Vacancy: Web3 Developer (m/f/d) // Ostakon | IT / Software Development Jobs | Berlin Startup Jobs

Looking for a web3 enthusiast in Berlin or Frankfurt region, offering part-time/full position, guidance for beginners, and diverse tasks in web3 technologies. [ more ]
1 month ago

Sleeping at Scale - Delivering 10k Timers per Second per Node with Rust, Tokio, Kafka, and Scylla

Using Rust for building scalable systems at OneSignal. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
1 month ago
Data science

Exploring Nushell, a Rust-powered, cross-platform shell - LogRocket Blog

Nushell is a performant, extensible, and modern cross-platform shell built with Rust, emphasizing structured data processing as opposed to traditional shells. [ more ]
2 months ago
Software development

Rust developers at Google twice as productive as C++ teams

Rust developers are twice as productive compared to C++.
Major awareness shift towards using memory-safe languages like Rust due to security vulnerabilities. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 months ago

Migrating a JavaScript frontend to Leptos, a Rust framework - LogRocket Blog

Rust is gaining popularity for its performance and safety features.
Leptos, a Rust frontend framework, offers better performance and aesthetic UIs compared to popular JavaScript frameworks. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 months ago
Web development

warp adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives - LogRocket Blog

Warp is a widely-used Rust web server framework known for its speed, efficiency, and asynchronous operations handling.
Warp offers built-in filters for various tasks like path routing, query string deserialization, and WebSocket support. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 months ago
Web design

Actix Web adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives - LogRocket Blog

Actix Web is a high-performance Rust microframework leveraging the Actor model for concurrency.
Actix Web outperformed 360 web frameworks in a TechEmpower benchmark, showcasing its efficiency and high performance. [ more ]
Python Test
2 months ago

Python Test | 216: ruff, uv, and Astral: Python tooling, much faster, with Rust

Ruff and uv can replace multiple Python tools like Flake8, isort, Black, pip, pip-tools, and virtualenv.
Astral's tools, ruff and uv, are just the beginning of the improvements Charlie Marsh and team are working on. [ more ]
2 months ago

How to Use Rust Procedural Macros to Replace Panic with syn's Fold

Procedural macros can manipulate existing code, allowing us to replace, for example, panics with Errs.
syn has additional functionality hidden behind feature flags, including the Fold and Visit traits. [ more ]
Python Software Foundation Blog
3 months ago

White House recommends use of memory-safe languages like Python

Memory-safe programming languages recommended by White House report
Python's role in memory-safety highlighted by Python Software Foundation and Cryptography library's migration to Rust. [ more ]
Mouse Vs Python
3 months ago

uv - Python's Fastest Package Installer and Resolver - Mouse Vs Python

Uv by Astral is a fast package installer written in Rust, significantly quicker than pip and pip-tools.
Astral's goal is to merge Rye and uv into one tool, focusing on Python packaging. [ more ]
4 months ago

The Readability Episode

Granian is a Rust HTTP server for Python applications.
pytest 6.3 includes improved diffs and other improvements. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago
Data science

Guide to using TensorFlow in Rust - LogRocket Blog

TensorFlow and Rust fusion opens new possibilities for machine learning enthusiasts.
TensorFlow Tensor type represents multidimensional arrays for computations. [ more ]
Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News
3 months ago

The Tesla Cybertruck just encountered one enemy it can't defeat... Rust. - Yanko Design

Some Tesla Cybertruck owners have reported spotting and rust on the vehicle's exterior after exposure to rain.
There is speculation that the spotting may be rail dust, a common phenomenon when cars are transported by train. [ more ]
3 months ago
Software development

Rust can help make software secure, but it's not a cure-all

Memory-safety flaws are the majority of high-severity problems for Google and Microsoft.
Coding with Rust can help reduce memory safety vulnerabilities, but it won't fix everything. [ more ]
4 months ago
Software development

Microsoft Launches Azure Quantum Development Kit 1.0

Microsoft has released the 1.0 version of the Azure Quantum Development Kit (QDK), which is rewritten in Rust and is 100 times faster than the previous version.
The QDK includes a debugger and resource estimator in the editor, and is integrated into the Azure Quantum Service. It also offers capabilities such as completion lists, signature help, and syntax checking. [ more ]
The New Stack
4 months ago
Software development

AWS Gifts Java, Rust Developers with Useful Tools

AWS introduces tools for Java developers to upgrade their systems.
AWS delivers tools for Rust developers to build apps for the AWS cloud. [ more ]
9 months ago

A few nice Rust features from a JVM/C perspective

Rust is a growing language in popularity and is used in various applications and systems.
Rust features like handling nulls using Option enum and default immutability provide advantages over other languages like Java and Scala. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
6 months ago

Using Rust and Leptos to build beautiful, declarative UIs - LogRocket Blog

Leptos is a modern, full-stack web framework for building UIs with Rust and WebAssembly.
Leptos uses a fine-grained reactivity system and an isomorphic design to simplify development.
To set up Leptos, install Rust with Rustup and then install Trunk for client-side rendered applications. [ more ]
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