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1 week ago
Web design

Building Infrastructure to Serve Millions of Users on AWS: Preparation

Emphasis on practical application of system design on AWS, starting small and scaling up step by step. [ more ]
1 week ago

5 Strategies to Know As You Scale Your Business | Entrepreneur

Scaling is essential for service-based companies to increase profits by working smarter, not just harder. [ more ]
TNW | Sustainability
1 month ago

Climate tech heavyweights EQT, Contrarian launch investment 'playbook'

Climate Brick aims to fast-track investment in green technologies and provide a roadmap for climate tech startups to scale. [ more ]
1 month ago

Tensorflow or PyTorch + K8s = ML apps at scale - Amazic

Kubernetes is a game-changer for scaling machine learning applications efficiently.
Kubernetes features like auto-scaling, load balancing, and service discovery benefit ML models in meeting varying demands. [ more ]
1 month ago

Shinobi: How Covenants Help Scale Bitcoin

Bitcoin needs updates like covenants to enhance accessibility and functionality.
Covenants enable secure sharing of UTXOs and scaling on Bitcoin Layer 2s. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI chatbot letdown: Hype hits rocky reality

Generative AI startups facing hurdles like errors and talent exodus.
Scaling generative AI proving tougher than expected. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago
Startup companies

Leader Spotlight: The difference between success and failure, with Pranav Mittal - LogRocket Blog

Innovation is crucial for a company's success
Scaling processes differ for small startups and large enterprises [ more ]
5 months ago

The Joy of Building Large Scale Systems

Many systems today don't fully utilize the available hardware.
Startups and small businesses should focus on practical and reliable technology, rather than cutting-edge and complex systems. [ more ]
2 months ago

Understanding Platforms: What They Are, Why They Work, When to Use Them, How to Build Them

Platform engineering involves blending technical, people, and systems work to scale decision making in a company.
Success in platform engineering requires understanding the process of figuring out what needs to be done and constantly learning from experiments. [ more ]
Harvard Business Review
2 months ago

When Scaling Your Start-Up, Don't Lose What Makes It Special

Successful organizations have a common 'soul' made of strategic business intent, customer connection, and employee experience.
Preserving the essence of a company's early start-up days is crucial for long-term success. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

As OpenAI inches toward chip-building, the company loses a key cofounder

AI researcher Andrej Karpathy has left OpenAI to pursue personal projects.
OpenAI plans to raise $7 trillion for their chip-making efforts. [ more ]
3 months ago

Free Webinar | March 7 - Women Entrepreneurs: Fund, Market, and Scale Your Business | Entrepreneur

Women entrepreneurs face unique opportunities and challenges
This webinar provides strategies for securing funding, marketing, and scaling businesses [ more ]
5 months ago

7 ways to end the sales and marketing Catch-22 | MarTech

Sales executives and marketers are caught in a Catch-22 situation that perpetuates inefficiency and cost in their organizations.
The constant focus on scaling marketing efforts has led to a lack of performance and marginal results. [ more ]
Developer Tech News
4 months ago

Metaplay debuts Unity-based SDK to help scale mobile games

Metaplay has debuted a Unity-based SDK to help developers scale their mobile games.
The Metaplay SDK is designed to empower developers and studios in creating top-tier online mobile games that can scale as they grow. [ more ]
4 months ago

Async Ops and Scalable Keyspaces Make Threads Go Viral

Threads was developed and launched by Meta in just five months with a small engineering team.
The success of Threads was attributed to Meta's mature infrastructure, built over a decade for other products like Facebook and Instagram. [ more ]
5 months ago

The truth about growing startups, as told by a founder and an investor

The book 'Do You Want to Do a Startup?' was inspired by a popular blog post written by co-author Neumann titled 'Your Board of Directors is Probably Going to Fire You.'
The co-authors, Neumann and Zalman, provide contrasting perspectives on the challenges faced by startups as they scale. [ more ]
6 months ago
Data science

PostgresML: Leveraging Postgres as a Vector Database for AI

Using Elasticsearch allowed Instacart to scale their data infrastructure and grow their business.
Over time, the reliance on Elasticsearch became less manageable and scalable due to organizational and technical challenges.
The surge in online grocery orders during the COVID-19 pandemic further exposed the limitations of the system. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
6 months ago

Leader Spotlight: Scaling for the next phase of growth with Chas Peacock - LogRocket Blog

Building technology for companies that are scaling quickly requires incorporating engineering early in the product discovery process.
Promoting a culture of continuous learning is essential for scaling organizations. [ more ]
6 months ago

Timescale Introduces Dynamic PostgreSQL, an Alternative to Serverless Databases

Timescale introduces Dynamic PostgreSQL, a cloud-managed option to scale database capacity within a predefined vCPU range.
Dynamic PostgreSQL offers a third alternative to provisioned and serverless databases by scaling capacity according to load.
Timescale argues that serverless databases are inefficient for most production workloads and introduce complex pricing.
Dynamic PostgreSQL is compared to burstable EC2 machines, offering cost-effective pricing and scalability when needed. [ more ]
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