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Metro Silicon Valley | Silicon Valley's Leading Weekly
1 month ago
Silicon Valley real estate

Kate Folk in San Jose | Metro Silicon Valley | Silicon Valley's Leading Weekly

Kate Folk, writer-in-residence, will give a reading and offer personalized feedback, known for her debut collection of stories, 'Out There.' [ more ]
2 months ago

The working class gets stubbed out in Russell Banks' posthumous 'American Spirits'

The stories in Russell Banks' American Spirits collection are based on real gossip he heard in upstate New York.
Banks wanted to explore Trump voters beyond stereotypes with his last book, American Spirits. [ more ]
3 months ago

Police raided George Pelecanos' home. 15 years later, he's ready to write about it

George Pelecanos, writer known for gritty crime stories, was raided by police in 2009 looking for evidence of his son's involvement in a robbery.
The experience of the raid inspired Pelecanos to write about it, and he includes stories about past events that fester over time in his new short story collection. [ more ]
The Paris Review
4 months ago

Sorting through the Wreckage: The Stories of Diane Oliver - The Paris Review

1. Discovering the overlooked work of Diane Oliver
2. Celebrating the opportunity to encounter Oliver's work [ more ]
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