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1 month ago
Soccer (FIFA)

Spanish government to oversee football federation

Spanish government forms special committee to oversee football federation after scandal involving former president. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Gunmen sent by Moscow killed defector sheltering in Alicante, Spanish intelligence services say

The Spanish government suspects Kremlin involvement in the assassination.
Moscow publicly acknowledged satisfaction over the victim's death. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe politics

EU investigates claims Catalan town council blocking immigrants' access to basic services

Claims are being investigated that a far-right town council in Catalonia is preventing immigrants from accessing basic public services by making it difficult for them to join the municipal register.
Immigrants have reported their empadronamiento applications being held up or queried since a far-right leader won the mayoral election in the town. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

Spanish government to regulate online porn access to protect minors

Half of Spanish children under 15 have accessed pornography, with 25% doing so before the age of 12.
The Spanish government plans to launch an age verification pilot project to reduce minors' consumption of pornography. [ more ]
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