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1 month ago
Information security

UnitedHealth CEO grilled over 'clear national security threat' from Change Healthcare hack

Senators questioned UnitedHealth CEO on recent ransomware cyberattack. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

Who is Blackcat, the hacker group that has disrupted UnitedHealth and pharmacies everywhere?

Blackcat ransomware group identified as responsible for cyberattack on UnitedHealth's Change Healthcare business
Multiple law enforcement agencies investigating Blackcat ransomware group for disrupting critical infrastructure [ more ]
The Verge
3 months ago
Public health

UnitedHealth says Blackcat is the reason healthcare providers are going unpaid

UnitedHealth identified Blackcat as the cyber attack group disrupting healthcare providers.
Breach by Blackcat on Change Healthcare causing nationwide disruptions in payments. [ more ]
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