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3 days ago

OpenSilver 2.2 Migrates LightSwitch Applications

OpenSilver 2.2 supports migration of Visual Studio LightSwitch applications to HTML5 and WebAssembly without rewriting the code. [ more ]
3 days ago

Chicory - a WebAssembly Interpreter Written Purely in Java With Zero Native Dependencies

WebAssembly (Wasm) compilation supports multiple languages, Chicory enables safe interaction with diverse Wasm ecosystem libraries on JVM. [ more ]
New Relic
1 week ago

How to observe your Blazor WebAssembly application with OpenTelemetry and real user monitoring

WebAssembly monitoring tools face challenges due to its binary execution environment, demanding specialized solutions for observability without performance impact. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

C# in Browser via WebAssembly (without Blazor)

WebAssembly (Wasm) allows running C# programs in browsers efficiently, with Avalonia enabling multiplatform UI applications. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Polyglot Programming with WebAssembly: A Practical Approach

WebAssembly extends beyond the browser to varied environments like cloud and edge computing.
WebAssembly Component Model (WCM) enables safe interaction between different language libraries in a polyglot manner.
WCM utilizes WebAssembly Interface Types (WIT) to manage imports and exports for component interaction. [ more ]
Zero Day Initiative
4 weeks ago

Zero Day Initiative - CVE-2024-2887: A Pwn2Own Winning Bug in Google Chrome

Exploiting CVE-2024-2887 type confusion bug in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge renderer process. [ more ]
2 months ago

Recap KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 with Cerbos - Amazic

Insights on Cerbos Hub launch success
Impact of WASM on Kubernetes and cloud-native tech
Cerbos overcoming adoption hurdles [ more ]
3 months ago

Exploring the Top 10 CNCF Kubernetes Projects to Watch in 2024 - Amazic

KEDA enables Kubernetes event-driven autoscaling
Krustlet integrates WebAssembly workloads in Kubernetes [ more ]
4 months ago
Web development

Learn how WebAssembly can benefit your startup | TechCrunch

WebAssembly (Wasm) is a powerful development tool that offers fast performance, easy debugging, and multiple language support.
Wasm can be used on both the client and server sides of web applications. [ more ]
5 months ago

Wasm: What is Universal Compute Good For?

WebAssembly allows code to be run on any device, bringing it closer to the data and increasing efficiency.
Using WebAssembly enables code portability and abstraction of underlying hardware, allowing developers to focus on business logic. [ more ]
#web development
LogRocket Blog
6 months ago

Using Rust and Leptos to build beautiful, declarative UIs - LogRocket Blog

Leptos is a modern, full-stack web framework for building UIs with Rust and WebAssembly.
Leptos uses a fine-grained reactivity system and an isomorphic design to simplify development.
To set up Leptos, install Rust with Rustup and then install Trunk for client-side rendered applications. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
6 months ago

Using Rust and Leptos to build beautiful, declarative UIs - LogRocket Blog

Leptos is a modern, full-stack web framework for building UIs with Rust and WebAssembly.
Leptos uses a fine-grained reactivity system and an isomorphic design to simplify development.
To set up Leptos, install Rust with Rustup and then install Trunk for client-side rendered applications. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
6 months ago

Using Rust and Leptos to build beautiful, declarative UIs - LogRocket Blog

Leptos is a modern, full-stack web framework for building UIs with Rust and WebAssembly.
Leptos uses a fine-grained reactivity system and an isomorphic design to simplify development.
To set up Leptos, install Rust with Rustup and then install Trunk for client-side rendered applications. [ more ]
moreweb development
LogRocket Blog
6 months ago
Web development

Using Rust and Leptos to build beautiful, declarative UIs - LogRocket Blog

Leptos is a modern, full-stack web framework for building UIs with Rust and WebAssembly.
Leptos uses a fine-grained reactivity system and an isomorphic design to simplify development.
To set up Leptos, install Rust with Rustup and then install Trunk for client-side rendered applications. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
6 months ago

Using Rust and Leptos to build beautiful, declarative UIs - LogRocket Blog

Leptos is a modern, full-stack web framework for building UIs with Rust and WebAssembly.
Leptos uses a fine-grained reactivity system and an isomorphic design to simplify development.
To set up Leptos, install Rust with Rustup and then install Trunk for client-side rendered applications. [ more ]
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