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3 days ago

Republicans Target College Campuses for Gerrymandering, New Voting Restrictions

Young voters are increasingly influential in elections, facing challenges like gerrymandering on college campuses. [ more ]
3 days ago
Left-wing politics

Will Biden's economic agenda challenge Trump's appeal to Michigan swing county? We asked residents

Economic concerns in key swing counties could impact the US presidential election in November. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Gaza Isn't Root of Biden's Struggles With Young Voters, Polls Show

Young voters prioritize economic concerns over the Israel-Hamas conflict in the upcoming election. [ more ]
4 days ago

National Service and Cilla memes: Do Labour or the Tories have the best TikTok?

Political parties in the UK are leveraging TikTok's growing user base to engage with younger voters. [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden knows he needs Gen Z. Can he find them on TikTok?

President Biden's campaign has joined TikTok to reach young voters, despite the app being banned on U.S. government devices.
The campaign's TikTok account has gained over 92,000 followers and is considered a micro-influencer. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago

Biden campaign courts young voters by joiningTikTok: 'lol hey guys'

President Biden's campaign has launched a TikTok account to reach young voters.
Biden's debut TikTok video avoids divisive sports questions and jokes about internet conspiracy theories. [ more ]
3 months ago

Biden's campaign gives in and joins TikTok. Blame the youngs

President Biden's reelection campaign has joined TikTok in an effort to reach young Americans.
The campaign's decision to join TikTok is a departure from the White House's previous concerns about privacy and national security. [ more ]
3 months ago

President Biden's Campaign Is on TikTok

President Biden's 2024 campaign joined TikTok to connect with young voters.
Despite previous concerns over national security, Biden's campaign staff will run the TikTok account. [ more ]
3 months ago

Biden's First TikTok Post Jokes About Super Bowl Conspiracy Theory

President Biden joined TikTok to connect with young voters and combat right-wing conspiracy theories.
The campaign's first TikTok video featured Biden dodging questions and joking about a conspiracy theory about rigging the Super Bowl. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 week ago
Left-wing politics

160,000 more student loan borrowers will get $7.7B in debt relief, thanks to President Biden

President Biden canceled $7.7 billion in student debt, benefiting 160,000 borrowers, totaling 4.75 million helped despite opposition. [ more ]
1 week ago
Left-wing politics

Biden cancels $7.7bn more in student debt for 160,000 borrowers

President Biden announces cancellation of $7.7bn in student debt for 160,000 borrowers, bringing total beneficiaries to 4.75 million. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

What young voters think of Biden's big weed move

President Biden's move to ease marijuana restrictions is praised but considered incremental towards legalization, aligning efforts with young voters' interests. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Biden Earth Day Event Will Try to Reach Young Voters, a Crucial Bloc

President Biden highlights clean energy investments at Prince William Forest National Park to engage young voters for re-election support. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

On Earth Day, Biden is launching a new site to apply for Climate Corps jobs

President Biden launches Climate Corps program to engage young Americans in environmental initiatives. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

When policy fails, bribe voters with student loan forgiveness - it's the Biden way!

Student loan forgiveness plan announced by President Biden includes wiping out interest debt, automatic debt cancellation for eligible individuals, and potential beneficiaries totaling around 30 million.
The student loan forgiveness plan is seen as a strategy to gain support from younger voters and follows previous giveaways totaling $146 billion. [ more ]
1 week ago
Left-wing politics

Biden is dramatically out of touch with voters on Gaza. He may lose because of it | Moira Donegan

Biden's reelection campaign appears confident but faces challenges with disillusioned young voters and voters of color. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski Heartbroken' By Unsettling Report on the Ill Effect of AI and Misinformation on Gen Z Voters

Misinformation and AI can significantly impact young voters' ability to distinguish real from fake news. [ more ]
The Conversation
2 months ago

Why Biden is investing in influencers to help with this year's election

Influencers are becoming important in political campaigns, including for 2024 election
Social media personalities with large followings can sway opinions and reach diverse audiences [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Hasan Piker Won't Tell You to Vote for Joe Biden

Young voters' support for Biden appears to be wavering; streamers like Hasan Piker can influence the 2024 election through long-form discussions and community building. [ more ]
The Atlantic
2 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Biden's Weakness With Young Voters Isn't About Gaza

Young Americans prioritize other issues over the Israel-Hamas war in elections. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
US news

R.F.K. Jr. Is 2024's X Factor, New Polls Show, Fueled by Young Voters and Social Media

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is polling strongly with around 10% support from registered voters, potentially influencing the 2024 election by sapping votes from both President Biden and former President Trump. [ more ]
1 month ago

South Korea's April 10 Election: What's at Stake for the Crypto Universe

Crypto plays a significant role in South Korea's upcoming election, possibly influencing the outcome.
Young voters and the crypto ecosystem are pivotal factors in the election dynamics.
The previous presidential election was decided by a very narrow margin. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
US news

Election 2024: Here are the 5 national issues that matter to Boston.com voters right now

Young voters are enthusiastic and planning to vote in the 2024 presidential election, debunking the myth of apathy. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe politics

It's clearer than ever that Brexit has failed let's not inflict its miseries on young people | Zoe Williams

Young people overwhelmingly opposed Brexit but were largely ignored by politicians. They faced challenges from Brexit to the pandemic and societal expectations. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Six months out from the election, Wisconsin students weigh voting for Biden

Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., engaged in listening sessions with students in Wisconsin to appeal to young voters for Biden's reelection campaign. [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

The Quest To Make Joe Biden's Old-School Vibe Go Viral

Biden's reelection campaign is focusing on creating viral moments with voters.
They are using social media to showcase authentic and curated moments with regular people. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Opinion | The Oldest President Is in Big Trouble With the Youngest Voters

Young voters, especially those aged 18 to 29, will play a crucial role in determining the outcome of the Biden-Trump rematch. [ more ]
The Atlantic
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

The Real Youth-Vote Shift to Watch

Young voters aren't definitively turning toward Trump, but the dynamics of their behavior are worth monitoring. [ more ]
The Ringer
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

Young Voters, Blackface, and O.J.'s Past and Passing

The episode discusses O.J. Simpson's impact on the Black community, young voters' concerns about Biden, and Trump's efforts to appeal to Black voters. [ more ]
1 month ago

You Little F*cking 26-Year-Old!' James Carville Torches Young Voters for Not Supporting Biden

Young voters urged to not sit out elections by Democratic strategist James Carville, highlighting the dire consequences of another Trump presidency. [ more ]
1 month ago
London politics

Sadiq Khan urges young Londoners to vote or risk repeat of Brexit and Trump victory'

Sadiq Khan urges young Londoners to vote in mayoral election to prevent a surprise Conservative victory resembling Brexit or Trump's win. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

On Earth Day, the EPA grants $7 billion to serve nearly a million households with solar

President Biden announces $7 billion in federal grants for residential solar projects to serve low- and middle-income communities, reducing emissions and saving households money. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Are Biden's climate actions enough to win young voters? It's complicated

Young voters prioritize climate change but may not decisively support Biden due to various factors. [ more ]
Harvard Gazette
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Younger votes still lean toward Biden - but it's complicated - Harvard Gazette

Younger voters are dissatisfied with current choices but still intend to vote, expressing concerns over economic issues and global conflicts. [ more ]
3 months ago
US news

3 things you should know about Indonesia's presidential elections

Indonesia's young and enthusiastic electorate, comprised of millennials and Gen-Z voters, could determine the country's trajectory of economic development and political reform.
Young voters account for more than half of the nation's eligible voters, the highest proportion in any Indonesian election. [ more ]
The Japan Times
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Generative AI faces major test as Indonesia holds election

Many young voters in Indonesia are drawn to Prabowo Subianto, a former special forces commander, because of his AI-generated cuddly avatar.
Prabowo's AI avatar has gained popularity on social media, particularly among Gen Z voters. [ more ]
3 months ago
Soccer (FIFA)

Indonesia presidential candidates try to stay onside DW 02/06/2024

Football is seen as an effective way for politicians to connect with young voters in Indonesia.
The three presidential candidates have all been keen to show their love for football. [ more ]
1 month ago
Women in technology

Elections reveal a growing gender divide across South Korea

South Korea's upcoming parliamentary elections will be influenced by the political divide between young men and women.
Young South Korean men and women consistently show significant differences in their support for main political parties. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Biden gives the Supreme Court -and taxpayers - the finger with his latest student-loan bailout

President Biden faces opposition from Congress on student loan forgiveness.
Biden announces a new student loan forgiveness plan despite previous rejections. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Biden unveils new plans to ease US student loan debt for millions

Biden announces plan to ease student loan debt by canceling up to $20,000 of interest for borrowers.
Proposal aims to provide debt relief to over 30 million borrowers, affecting 23 million directly. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden, at risk with young voters, is racing to shift marijuana policy

Vice President Kamala Harris supports marijuana reform, emphasizing that no one should go to jail for smoking weed.
The Biden administration views cannabis policy as a potential draw for support, especially from young voters, aiming to reclassify cannabis under the Controlled Substances Act before the November elections. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
3 months ago

Vice President Kamala Harris returns to Northern California to a divided Democratic Party

Vice President Kamala Harris faced protests during her visits to Sacramento and San Jose, California.
The protests highlight a larger issue for the Biden-Harris Administration in attracting young, progressive voters for the 2024 campaign. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Trump vs. Biden Polls: Will Old Folks Save Joe?

Joe Biden faces challenges with young voters, needing to convince them on his economic policies and Trump's threat. Seniors may play a crucial role in the upcoming election.
Despite losing seniors to Trump in 2020, Biden improved over Clinton's performance and has retained more senior support compared to other age groups. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Is Trump Really Making Big Gains With Black and Latino Voters?

Key Democratic Party base elements like young voters and people of color are reportedly shifting support to Trump due to economic and social factors.
Trump is gaining significant support from Black and Hispanic voters, surpassing previous Republican nominees in history. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Harris is taking the lead on gun violence prevention. Will she reach young people?

Young voters could create a 'sea change' on gun violence prevention if they turn out and vote, according to Vice President Harris.
Harris has been given a leadership role in gun violence prevention by President Biden and has been speaking about the issue for years. [ more ]
#young voters
Southern Coalition for Social Justice
7 months ago
Social justice

Civil rights groups file lawsuit against youth voting restrictions

SB 747 is facing a lawsuit for being an unconstitutional burden on the right to vote for young North Carolinians.
The lawsuit argues that SB 747 disproportionately affects young voters' ability to register and have their ballots counted.
The bill places the fate of a ballot cast using same-day registration on whether a single piece of mail reaches the voter. [ more ]
6 months ago

ADL's Jonathan Greenblatt Pins Biden's Bad Polling on TikTok and Humanitarian Disaster' in Gaza

President Biden's poll numbers have dropped among young voters due to his handling of the Israel-Hamas war.
Young voters are being influenced by one-sided and unreliable information from social media.
Jonathan Greenblatt recognizes the civilian death toll in Gaza and believes that Hamas is responsible for the conflict. [ more ]
6 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden Approval Hits All-Time Low as 70 Percent of Young Voters Say They Disapprove of How He's Handling Gaza Crisis

Biden's approval among voters aged 18-34 has dropped 15 points since September.
70% of young voters disapprove of Biden's handling of Israel's actions in Gaza.
Biden's approval among Democrats has fallen due to his support for Israel. [ more ]
6 months ago
Left-wing politics

Cardi B Turns Her Back On Biden Over Aid To Ukraine, Israel

Cardi B stated she will not be endorsing any presidential candidates in 2024.
She criticized President Biden's policies and emphasized the need to prioritize domestic issues over funding conflicts abroad.
Cardi B's cooling support for Biden reflects a growing trend among young voters. [ more ]
6 months ago
Left-wing politics

As Biden celebrates his birthday, candles on the cake are adding to a problem

President Biden celebrates his 81st birthday with mixed feelings due to concerns about his age.
Recent polls show Biden is slipping in popularity among voters under 30.
Biden's losses among younger voters are particularly pronounced among those who are paying the most attention. [ more ]
moreyoung voters
6 months ago

Scoop: Biden's team weighs joining TikTok to court young voters

President Biden's re-election campaign is considering joining TikTok to reach young voters.
Most Republicans have avoided TikTok over data security concerns, but some Democrats have joined the platform.
TikTok has been one of America's most-downloaded apps since 2018. [ more ]
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