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4 weeks ago
Europe news

Yulia Navalnaya to receive DW Freedom of Speech Award 2024 DW 05/03/2024

Yulia Navalnaya and the Russian Anti-Corruption Foundation have been awarded the Freedom of Speech Award 2024 for their work in fighting for freedom of press and expression in Russia. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Can Yulia Navalnaya unite Russia's opposition after Alexey Navalny's death?

Yulia Navalnaya to take over late husband's role
Navalnaya faces discord among opposition figures [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

What is the Future of Russian Opposition to Putin? : State of the World from NPR

Russian opposition faces challenges after Navalny's death
Yulia Navalnaya and Boris Nadezhdin's roles in Russian politics [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Tuesday Briefing

Yulia Navalnaya vows to continue Aleksei Navalny's fight against Putin's rule.
Navalnaya faces risks in leading the pro-democracy movement after husband's death. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Navalny's widow vows to continue his fight against Kremlin

Yulia Navalnaya vows to continue Alexei Navalny's fight against the Kremlin.
Navalny accused Russian President Putin of killing her husband and alleged a cover-up by officials. [ more ]
ABC7 San Francisco
3 months ago
Europe news

Navalny's widow vows to continue his fight against the Kremlin and punish Putin for his death

Yulia Navalnaya vows to continue Alexei Navalny's fight against Kremlin.
Allegations of cover-up and refusal to release Alexei Navalny's body to his mother. [ more ]
1 month ago
Europe news

Russia opposition leader Alexey Navalny's memoir to be published in October

Navalny wrote an autobiography in 2020 after the poisoning, to be published posthumously.
His widow, Yulia Navalnaya, reveals the existence of the secret text, a memoir titled Patriot.
Navalny's book is written reflectively, connecting personal life events with national events. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Navalny widow says Russia's Putin torturing him even in death, demands body

Yulia Navalnaya demands Russian authorities return Navalny's body for burial, accusing Putin of mocking Christian values.
Navalny's family faces pressure from Russian officials to bury him in secret without mourners. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Navalny's widow, Yulia, vows to continue his fight for a free Russia'

Yulia Navalnaya accuses Putin of killing Alexey Navalny
Investigation into Alexey Navalny's death extended with unknown cause [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Russia's Putin will not go unpunished for Navalny's death, wife Yulia says

Yulia Navalnaya, the wife of Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny, has spoken out against the Russian government following reports of her husband's death.
Navalny's mother, Lyudmila Navalnaya, stated that her son was alive and well when she last saw him on February 12. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Navalny's Heirs Seek a Political Future in Russia

Aleksei Navalny's widow, Yulia Navalnaya, is stepping up as the new leader of the opposition movement in Russia.
Mr. Navalny's team faces the challenge of maintaining political momentum and uniting Russia's fractured opposition without its charismatic leader. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Navalnaya to EU: Navalny won't see future Russia, we 'must' DW 02/28/2024

Yulia Navalnaya addressed the European Parliament in Strasbourg to honor her late husband Alexei Navalny. European lawmakers plan to debate Navalny's death and condemn the Russian regime and President Putin. Navalnaya emphasized the need for innovation to defeat Putin, not just relying on sanctions. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Jailed Russian activist says he fears for his life after death of Navalny

Yulia Navalnaya demands Alexei Navalny's body for dignified burial
John Kirby announces major sanctions on Russia for Navalny's situation [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

In Defiant Video, Widow of Deceased Alexei Navalny Vows to Continue His Work To Bring Down Putin

Yulia Navalnaya vows to continue Alexei Navalny's fight against Putin's autocracy.
She urges Russians to stand together and keep fighting for a better future for Russia. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Widow of Alexei Navalny takes center stage in Russia's opposition

Yulia Navalnaya vows to continue her late husband's work promoting democratic change in Russia.
She blames Russian President Vladimir Putin for her husband's death and pledges to reveal all those implicated in what she insists was his murder. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Navalny's Wife Makes Dramatic Appearance After Reports of His Death

Yulia Navalnaya, the wife of Russian dissident Aleksei Navalny, made a surprise appearance at the Munich Security Conference and denounced President Putin and his government.
Navalnaya vowed that Putin and his circle will be brought to justice for what they have done to her family and country.
Her speech captivated the audience and added new urgency to the conference's focus on security threats from Russia. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Yulia Navalnaya asks Russians to join anti-Putin polling station protest

Yulia Navalnaya calls for a polling booth protest against Putin in upcoming presidential election by voting at noon.
Navalnaya asks supporters to vote for any candidate except Putin as a protest. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Navalny's widow calls for Russia election day protests against Putin

Yulia Navalnaya urges Russians to protest against Putin on election day
Navalnaya vows to continue her late husband's work against Putin [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Navalny's widow calls on Russians to stage election day protests against Putin

Yulia Navalnaya urges protests against Putin by forming queues outside voting stations on March 17.
Navalnaya encourages voting for any candidate except Putin, spoiling ballots, or writing 'Navalny' during the March 15-17 election. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Navalnaya: Navalny won't see future Russia, but we must DW 02/28/2024

European Parliament condemns Navalny's killing
Yulia Navalnaya expresses concerns about arrests at husband's funeral [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Yulia Navalnaya: Navalny widow addresses EU Parliament DW 02/28/2024

European Parliament to honor Alexei Navalny, widow Yulia Navalnaya to speak, debate on Navalny's death and Russian regime.
Navalny's funeral set for March 1 in Moscow, burial at Borisovskoye cemetery. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Yulia Navalnaya: Navalny widow to address EU Parliament DW 02/28/2024

Yulia Navalnaya to address European Parliament in honor of Alexei Navalny's life
European Parliament to debate Navalny's death and condemn Russian regime [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Yulia Navalnaya: What's next for Alexei Navalny's widow? DW 02/26/2024

Yulia Navalnaya pledges to continue Alexei Navalny's fight against the regime and calls for stronger resistance.
Mikhail Khodorkovsky commends Navalnaya's bravery in taking on the regime and sees her as a fitting heir to Navalny's work. [ more ]
Washington Post
3 months ago
Europe news

Navalny's mom says Russian authorities pressuring her to hold secret burial

Russian authorities pressuring for secret burial of Alexei Navalny
Navalny's family and team claim he was murdered and authorities are covering up evidence [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Can Yulia Navalnaya unite the Russian opposition? DW 02/22/2024

Yulia Navalnaya takes over Anti-Corruption Foundation after husband's death, accuses Putin of killing him.
Observers view Navalnaya's public address as her entrance into politics, highlighting the image of a strong woman uniting the opposition. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Let me finally see my son': Navalny's mother demands body from Putin

Kremlin denies involvement in Navalny's death
Navalny's widow accuses poisoning by nerve agent [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Wife, Protector and Now Political Heir: Yulia Navalnaya Rallies Russians

Yulia Navalnaya speaking out against the Russian government after her husband's death
Yulia Navalnaya's determination to continue her husband's cause against President Putin [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Alexey Navalny's wife urges world to defeat horrific' Russian regime

Yulia Navalnaya accuses Putin and his government of responsibility for Navalny's death.
Navalny's wife makes the accusation at the Munich Security Conference. [ more ]
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