The wisest Brexiters such as Nigel Lawson knew how good life is in Europe | William Keegan

The article reflects on the thriving local rural economy of a village in Aveyron, France, contrasting it with the challenges faced by the UK post-Brexit.
Former UK chancellor Nigel Lawson highlighted the old-fashioned way of life and the health service as attractions in the French village he resided in, indicating a possible contrast with the UK's situation.
Rishi Sunak, the current UK prime minister, views Lawson as a political role model, but his idea of merging national insurance with income tax is cautioned against by Lawson, who emphasizes the contributory principle.
The article touches on Lawson's past as a free-market Thatcherite, promoting deregulation, reducing the state's size, and believing in the contributory principle for social security benefits.
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