MySQL login FAQ: How do I log in to a MySQL database?

Assuming that you have the root user password and are logging into a MySQL database on your local computer, the basic MySQL login command is: 'mysql -u root -p'. After entering the root password, you'll be in the MySQL console.
When logging in with a non-root user, use 'mysql -u my_username -p', and if necessary, provide the database name using 'mysql -u my_username my_database_name -p'. For databases on different hosts, include the host with the 'mysql -u my_username -h my_database_name -p' command.
To utilize SSL encryption during MySQL login, add the --ssl-mode option. Simply include it in the command along with other parameters like user, host, and database name.
Ensure login security with MySQL by properly using options like providing username, password, database name, and host, and consider SSL encryption through --ssl-mode for more secure connections.
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