MSNBC Host Asks Mary Trump For Advice On Biden Beating Trump: Hammering Away On His Weaknesses'

I think that it's pretty similar to the advice I would have had in 2020, which is he needs to be relentlessly mocked at every turn. We see in the courtroom that he's not handling the circumstances well, he's not handling, the confinement or the fact that he has no power in this space. So I think just hammering away on his weaknesses and his his frailty...
Donald Trump is there, trapped in that courtroom because of what he did. There are a lot of other people trapped in that courtroom as well because of what he did. He doesn't seem to care, that they are also cold and tired and don't want to be there. So it's just another example of how selfish he is and how he doesn't care about anybody else's circumstances, even if he caused them.
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