Anne Hathaway, Meg Ryan and how the romantic comedy is surfing feminism's fourth wave

Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim. The phrase is an apt summary of the latest update to her genre, the rom-com, which is perhaps not in its most illustrious moment.
What Happens Later is what one might call an autumnal rom-com, like the recent Ticket to Paradise, whose own veteran stars, Julia Roberts and George Clooney, are at each other's throats throughout the plot.
The story centers on the accidental reencounter of a former couple (played by her and David Duchovny) who are trapped in an airport terminal. Once again, the plot seems suspended between score-settling and the melancholy of happiness lost.
Ryan confessed that she and her daughter still love to watch Frank Capra's classic romances and enumerated on the actors who she feels that, even today, possess enough charm to revive the genre.
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