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1 month ago

How Meditation Supports Health and Healing

Mindfulness meditation rooted in Eastern traditions is now widely practiced in the West for its numerous health benefits.
Research indicates that meditation is effective in improving mental health, reducing stress, and enhancing holistic well-being. [ more ]
1 month ago

A 12-Minute Meditation for Rediscovering Your Essence

Meditation isn't an escape but a way to reconnect with inner calm and clarity amidst life's chaos.
Guided meditation helps in rediscovering the essence of quietness and relaxation within ourselves. [ more ]
1 month ago

Cultivating Mindfulness Beyond Meditation: How 8 Skills Empower Us in Everyday Life

Formal meditation is valuable, but everyday mindfulness requires a broader set of skills.
Mindfulness involves a mindset that helps overcome challenges and return to clarity in crucial moments. [ more ]
1 month ago

How to Navigate Overthinking With Compassionate Awareness

Overthinking can lead to a mental marathon of worries and doubts.
Mindfulness and creating mental space help counter overthinking and promote clarity. [ more ]
2 months ago

Four Takeaways From PBS Movie: The Mindfulness Movement

Mindfulness is about learning to love the life you have.
Mindfulness meets individuals where they are in their journey. [ more ]
6 months ago

CMU Neuroscience Major Researches Mindfulness Meditation

Aiwen Chen remembers the stress of studying for the college entrance exam as a high school student in China, and the impact it had on her and her friends.
6 months ago

Why You Can't Really Be a Gardener Without Mindfulness

Real Estate|Why You Can't Really Be a Gardener Without Mindfulness https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/07/realestate/meditation-garden.html SKIP ADVERTISEMENT In the last volume of his memoir trilogy, Marc Hamer explains why a garden is not just a place of work it's also a place of worship.
6 months ago

The former news anchor at the center of the mindfulness movement

Dan Harris meditating.
Ten Percent Happier I'm going to let you in on a little secret: I'm addicted to possibility.
It's not exactly "grass-is-greener" syndrome.
South China Morning Post
6 months ago

In need of enlightenment? 4 temples to visit in Chiang Mai, Thailand

As the term suggests, it implies that we should give the full attention of our mind to the present.
Daily Titan
6 months ago

Five mindfulness tips to stay in the moment

Life as a student comes with many responsibilities, which may add to the stress in your personal life.Even the slightest things during the day can erupt into stress or anxiety.
6 months ago

Study finds mindfulness training may not be enough to increase eco-friendliness

Could general well-being practices like meditation encourage eco-friendly behaviors and attitudes?
6 months ago

Mindful Breathing' Will Now Be Required in New York City Schools

New York|Mindful Breathing' Will Now Be Required in New York City Schools https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/27/nyregion/mindful-breathing-nyc-public-schools.html SKIP ADVERTISEMENT There's a science to breathing, Mayor Eric Adams said when announcing the initiative, which will begin next year as a way to improve student well-being.
6 months ago


When in your daily life are you most naturally mindful?
That is, when do you find yourself being present and pulled into the moment most easily?
Is it when you're playing a sport or game?
7 months ago

12 Minute Meditation: A Guided Visualization Meditation to Fill Your Cup

Self-care and self-compassion are essential for showing up at our best.
This guided meditation is an opportunity to recharge and recenter. [ more ]
7 months ago

A Basic Mindfulness Meditation for Labeling Thoughts and Emotions

Labeling emotions accurately can bring mindfulness to our emotions.
Taking a quick peek into our emotions can be helpful in managing them. [ more ]
7 months ago

12 Minute Meditation: A Loving-Kindness Practice to Anchor in Compassion

Loving-kindness meditation is a practice of being kind to oneself and all other beings.
Being able to love what's difficult and challenging is what makes us good at love.
Offering love and kindness to oneself and others is important when faced with self-criticism and high expectations. [ more ]
7 months ago

12 Minute Meditation: Check in With Your Whole Self

Guided practice to check in with mind, body, heart, energy, and emotions
Addresses lack of motivation and self-esteem in the classroom
Can be done during transitional periods throughout the day [ more ]
7 months ago

12 Minute Meditation: A Guided Walking Meditation to Notice the Beauty Around Us-Even in the City

Takeaway 1: This guided walking meditation encourages people to slow down and appreciate the beauty of the natural world in urban environments.
Takeaway 2: The meditation prompts individuals to pay attention to their surroundings and notice the small details that often go unnoticed in busy city life. [ more ]
7 months ago

The Power of Humility: Breaking Confirmation Bias for Deeper Connection, Compassion, and Learning

Confirmation bias can blind people to important information.
Questioning authority can prevent dangerous situations. [ more ]
7 months ago

Celebrating Mindfulness Day: A Q&A With Leading Meditation Teachers

Mindfulness Day is a day to explore and highlight all things mindfulness.
This year's theme is Mindfulness for Well-being.
The event features three figures in the field of mindfulness sharing their wisdom and expertise. [ more ]
8 months ago

5 Mindful Habits for Living Each Day to the Fullest - Mindful

Practicing present-moment awareness can lead to a feeling of vibrant aliveness.
Daily mindfulness involves five core practices: coming back to the present moment, connecting with something greater, growing trust, embodying compassion, and holding openness. [ more ]
8 months ago

How Non-Attachment Can Help Us Succeed - Mindful

Attachment to identity can lead to inflexibility and hinder personal growth.
Attachment is not to material items or outcomes, but to our sense of self and ego in relation to those things. [ more ]
8 months ago

Navigating the Path to Fulfillment: Embrace Psychological Flexibility with ACT for Beginners

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) combines science with meditation, mindfulness, and spirituality.
ACT has been embraced by the World Health Organization and the UK's National Health Service.
ACT helps individuals connect with the present moment and integrate their core values into daily life.
Psychological flexibility, a key aspect of ACT, is considered a super skill for mental health and well-being.
Over a thousand studies have established psychological flexibility as a reliable predictor of reduced suffering and enhanced well-being.
9 months ago

10 Mindful Attitudes for Reducing Anxiety - Mindful

Make a conscious effort to be mindful and stay present in the moment. This will help reduce feelings of anxiety and worry about the future.
Regularly practice self-compassion and acceptance. Remind yourself that you are not alone in your struggles and that it is okay to make mistakes and feel anxious. [ more ]
9 months ago

Embracing Discomfort: The Surprising Path to a Meaningful Life - Mindful

Acknowledging discomfort is an important part of personal growth and helps us build resilience for life's challenges.
A meaningful life requires us to make the conscious choice to push our boundaries and take risks, even if it means confronting uncomfortable situations.
Taking the time to sit with our discomfort can lead to greater self-awareness and appreciation for the present moment. [ more ]
9 months ago

Unlocking the Full Potential of Mindfulness: Rethinking Thoughts about the Past and Future - Mindful

Mindfulness can help us to let go of unhelpful thoughts about the past and future, allowing us to be more present in the moment.
Mindfulness can help us to gain clarity and perspective on our experiences, allowing us to view them more objectively.
Learning to observe our thoughts without judgement can help us to be less reactive to stressful situations and make more mindful decisions. [ more ]
10 months ago

The Power and Pitfalls of the Human Need for Bias - Mindful

Bias is a natural human tendency that can be both helpful and harmful. While biases serve as shortcuts for quick decision-making, they can also lead to prejudice and hinder personal growth. By learning how to recognize our biases, we can strive for a more balanced outlook. "Bias" is one of those words that automatically sounds bad, whereas "unbiased" is an unalloyed good.
10 months ago

Letting Go of the Need to Win - Mindful

When we embrace the fact that failure is a natural part of being human, we may stumble onto a sense of simple joy that is the pinnacle of achievement.The novelist Petina Gappah was born in the country of Rhodesia-a former British colony in central Africa that is about the size of Montana with a population greater than Pennsylvania-and experienced its birth as the independent nation of Zimbabwe.
10 months ago

The Ties That Bind: Overcoming Loneliness and Building Social Connections in a Disconnected World - Mindful

Loneliness, social isolation, and disconnection don't hit you over the head.They slowly sneak up on you.And then, like a semi-truck on the freeway, they overtake you, leaving you disoriented, down in the dumps, or depressed.In a world that increasingly functions with fewer face-to-face interactions, all of us are vulnerable to becoming socially isolated.
10 months ago

Celebrate the First Day of Summer with a Sense Adventure - Mindful

Reclaim the first few moments of your day by dedicating some time to morning meditation or an empowering routine.To help you get started, we've gathered our best tips on how to ease your mind and body into a new day.Read More
10 months ago

Boosting Resilience and Well-Being: Harnessing Mindfulness for Healthcare Professionals - Mindful

Those working in healthcare often experience a chronic state of stress.There are lots of reasons for this: chronic excessive workload, long working hours, rotating shift patterns, patient demands, administrative burdens, exam pressure, and more.Over the past two decades, research has shown how mindfulness can be an effective tool for stress management and stress reduction.
10 months ago

How Self-Compassion Can Improve Teen Mental Health - Mindful

Teens in the US are suffering.The reasons are many, including the lingering effects of the pandemic, fears stemming from unrelenting school shootings, and anguish about climate change.As a result, suicide rates have skyrocketed over the last decade, with suicide now the second leading cause of death among teens.
11 months ago

Finding Compassion Behind Bars: A Transformative Encounter in Maximum Security - Mindful

I read about Liam in a newspaper report.He had been arrested over the weekend for being an inebriated pedestrian and was sent to court.There he yelled profanities at the judge, including the f-word.He was warned but continued, ever louder, ever more profane.With each outburst the twenty-four-year-old was sentenced an additional two weeks over his originally brief overnight detention.
1 year ago

The Environmental Impact of Our Tech (And What We Can Do About It) - Mindful

Knowing the impacts of our buying habits-like getting our hands on the newest, fastest, shiniest smartphone-is the first step to becoming a more mindful consumer.When it comes to our tech-immersed world, there are some pretty big questions we don't often stop to ask.Like, where do our tablets, smartphones, desktops, laptops, and game consoles come from?
1 year ago

Terms and Conditions - Mindful

2. Entry Period: AWE by Dacher Keltner (the "Sweepstakes") commences at 12:01:01 AM (EST) on April 1st, 2023 and ends at 11:59:59 PM (EST) on May 31st, 2023 (the "Sweepstakes Period").
3. Eligibility: To take part in the Sweepstakes, participants must be legal residents of the United States or Canada (excluding Quebec, where the promotion is void), and at least 18 years of age at the time of entry.
1 year ago

What Makes You Feel Strong? - Mindful

Mindful readers share how they relate to their bodies and offer some sage advice.Describe your relationship with your body.My relationship with my body has evolved over the years.I accept the changes such as wrinkles and gray hair more easily.I obsess less with the need to always "look" good and accept that I am fine at this moment.
11 months ago

How Gardening Boosts Your Well-Being from the Ground Up - Mindful

The health benefits of gardening may be a reason to nurture your green thumb.Gardening gets us moving, fills our lungs with fresh air, is naturally meditative, and can be deeply nourishing, both literally and figuratively.But research also shows that in getting some dirt-with its bacteria and other microscopic denizens-under our fingernails, we may also boost our gut health.
11 months ago

How to Be Your Own Best Friend - Mindful

Friendship can sometimes feel fraught.But if you play your cards right, there's at least one friend who will always have your back.Friendship ain't easy.Sometimes friends move away, forget your birthday, and say insensitive things.It's almost as though friends are also people-at least, they act just like them.
11 months ago

The Hard Work of Dying - Mindful

Imagine you're preparing for a trip to a foreign country and you're limited to taking only what can be carried in a backpack.Your decisions on what to take and what to leave behind will determine the quality of your experience.Too many items and the weight will be burdensome.Not enough of the right ones and you might be forced to neglect some basic needs.
1 year ago

A Guided Meditation to Rest in the Flow of Effortlessness - Mindful

We often go about our day in a state of urgency and striving, rushing from one item on our to-do list to the next.This guided practice is designed to help you reset so you can go about your day with more focus and ease.The opposite of feeling checked out or distracted-the unfortunate reality for many-is the experience of flow state, bringing your skills and focus together to meet whatever challenge you face.
1 year ago

A Guided Meditation to Train Moment-to-Moment Awareness - Mindful

When we train our awareness of what's arising, both internally and externally, we increase our capacity to act with wisdom, no matter what life throws at us.Wisdom arises out of our mind's capacity to be aware-which is not the same as thinking.Wisdom allows us to know what is happening in each moment and respond appropriately, with our words, with our actions, with our thoughts.
11 months ago

Why Do We Feel Awe? - Mindful

News stories and social media posts inundate us every day with tips for greater happiness, health, and general well-being.But who has the time to fit them into our already packed schedules?Recently, though, my research has led me to believe that one simple prescription can have transformative effects: look for more daily experiences of awe.
11 months ago

We're Hard-Wired to Crave Nature - Mindful

Stephen Kellert, a professor at Yale University's School of Environmental Studies, had been asked by a retirement community to study whether the ponds, waterfalls, trees, gardens, and other elements of "biophilic" design throughout the 52-acre facility were beneficial to the elderly residents, perhaps improving their cognitive function, stress levels, or other physiological measures, and whether additional biophilic elements should be introduced.
11 months ago

5 Ways to Help Teens Engage in Mindfulness Sessions - Mindful

Mindfulness with teens sounds amazing, but how do we get past the eye rolls and resistance?Over the years I've thought a lot about this, with a few successes and many failures.So, I'm sharing these five Rs as tips to help get things started.Relevance
A lot of well-intentioned adults believe teens need mindfulness for mental health or for stress relief.
11 months ago

How Radical Self-Care Can Transform Company Culture - Mindful

Flexibility that bends toward just one perspective in the return-to-work debate is not flexibility.I discovered this the old-fashioned way: By listening to our employees face-to-face.During these discussions, some of our new hires communicated a lack of social connections at work, fewer new friends, which led to feelings of exclusion from the company culture.
1 year ago

How Your Phone Can Teach You Mindfulness - Mindful

Every time you feel the urge to check your phone is an opportunity to pause, get curious about your experience, and practice present-moment awareness.Believe it or not, we are checking our phones an average 344 times every day.This might seem almost unfathomable until you bring mindful attention to how often you're eyeballing your email, Twitter, TikTok, finances-the list goes on and on.
1 year ago

The Benefits of Taking Your Time - Mindful

Mindful founding editor Barry Boyce explores how alternative ways of measuring time can help us find more ease and acceptance in daily life.The clock, the calendar, the days of the week-it's easy to forget that these are all human inventions.It's also very hard to imagine a world without them, which is clearly why they were invented and why they've served the world so well.
11 months ago

Mindful Journaling & Writing

An interview with mindfulness teacher Dr Natasha Papazafeiropoulou, as she reflects on the practice of mindful journaling and writing.I have been practising meditation since 2004.In 2011 I became certified as a mindfulness meditation teacher by the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA).During my training, we were encouraged to share our experience in meditation and emphasised the importance of reflection after each meditation.
1 year ago

Four Ways to Savor the Dance of Cooking - Mindful

Try out these tips to help you find your own little dance the next time you prepare a meal.Delicious is the term used to describe the type of food I hope to eat, but also the way in which I move.Come to a yoga class with me and you will hear me say, "Move in a way that feels delicious."Delicious means enjoyable, delightful, and pleasant-and we can bring that perspective into the kitchen as we cook.
1 year ago

How to Lead a More Human Workplace - Mindful

The pandemic's wake shed a glaring spotlight on the need to rethink the way we work.Burned out and exhausted workers left their jobs in droves, creating work shortages across industries, and forcing employers to reevaluate what they offer employees.But benefits alone will not solve this crisis.Organizational culture must change, and that is driven by leadership.
1 year ago

The Science of Embodiment: Connect to Your Body's Wisdom - Mindful

Most of us grow up being taught that the body is a flesh-and-blood organism made up of parts and systems.It is something that is described and researched, an object to be known.Rarely do we think of the body as something that knows things.Rarely do we ask the body for answers.Does the body have answers?
Thanks for sharing this great list of the best mindfulness books of 2022! For anyone looking to deepen their mindfulness practice, I highly recommend checking out some of the additional best mindfulness books featured on Productive Fish's blog (https://productive.fish/blog/mindfulness-books/). These books offer valuable insights and practical tools to help cultivate greater awareness and presence in our daily lives. Happy reading and may your mindfulness journey continue to flourish!
1 year ago

The Best Mindfulness Books of 2022 - Mindful

"We really need to go out there and spread love.
1 year ago

9 Mindfulness Books to Add to Your Reading List - Mindful

The latest mindfulness books range from exploring the transformational power of self-care to benefits of practicing mindfulness for pain relief.Here are the Mindful editors' favorite new titles.9 Mindfulness Books to Add to Your Reading List
How to Change What Power Sounds Like, Starting with You Samara Bay * Crown
"To speak with the full wingspan of your voice requires some technical know-how as well as a certain flex of the permission muscle," writes Samara Bay in this book that delivers plenty of each, and more besides.
1 year ago

Take-What-You-Need Meditations to Support Kids, Teens, and Young Adults - Mindful

Whether you've found this page because you're a young person interested in mindfulness and meditation or someone who cares about a young person and is looking for resources to support them, welcome.We've curated this page with the help of WholeSchool Mindfulness to create a take-what-you-need hub of meditations to support people juggling the myriad challenges facing people in their youth.
1 year ago

To Reach Your Full Potential, Speak (and Live) Your Truth - Mindful

My work as a coach, consultant, social entrepreneur, and as an athlete has been hyperfocused on performance.People and organizations alike all over the world come to me to help them reach their "full potential," or optimize it at a minimum.They come to me to help them through the journey of change and transformation, whether that be for themselves or their team of thousands.
1 year ago

Women Are Leaders of Mindfulness at Work-Here's Why - Mindful

Women are shaping the future of leadership and transforming the workplace.Compared to low representation in the 1970s, women now outnumber men in the workforce and hold 41% of managerial roles."We've seen improvements," says Caitlin Sockbeson, Assistant Professor of Management at the Davis College of Business at Jacksonville University.
1 year ago

3 Mindfulness Practices for Mind-Body Connection - Mindful

Our bodies have power to influence our minds, and vice versa.This collection of guided meditations is designed to help show you how.
3 Mindfulness Practices for Mind-Body Connection
1) A Daily Mindful Walking Practice
Often, our journeys from point A to point B are times when we're tuned out from the world around us.
1 year ago

Active Listening: How to Bring Mindful Awareness to Every Conversation - Mindful

When we practice giving others our full attention, we strengthen bonds and make new discoveries.Here are three practices for staying grounded, present, and connected in conversation.Q.During conversations, I often zone out and don't really hear what the other person is saying.How can I be more attentive to the person in front of me?
As a practicing cardiologist my most valuable tool is my ability to maintain mindful awareness throughout each interaction.
1 year ago

Find Your Way to Embodied Joy - Mindful

You don't need to laugh large to feel joy from your head to your toes-though it doesn't hurt.Start with a smile-and notice where it takes you.I am a big laugher.I've been told that even in a room of a thousand people, you can always hear me laughing over the crowd.For me, laughter is the ultimate form of embodied joy.
1 year ago

How to Take An Awe Walk - Mindful

Go out and find your own moments of awe.Listen to them carefully and see where they guide you.What you may find, in how they stir humility and wonder, is that they can point you toward finding new inspiration and deep meaning.We can find awe in many places, in listening to music, thinking about inspiring people, in contemplation and mindfulness.
1 year ago

The Top 10 Mindfulness and Meditation Podcasts of 2022 - Mindful

With so many options for mindfulness and meditation podcasts today, it can be hard to choose just one episode to listen to while you commute, run on the treadmill, or wind down after work on the couch.We're here to help with the top recommendations we reviewed this year.Whether you're looking for insightful conversations with teachers, skillful advice for working through a challenge, or simply inspiration for how to approach life with a little more compassion, we hope you enjoy the following mindfulness and meditation podcasts that stood out this year.
1 year ago

Why Gifting Experiences Might Be the Best Idea This Year - Mindful

"Just the right thing" may not be a thing at all.By giving experiences instead of things, we can focus on the real goals of exchanging gifts.While it can be joyful and exciting to partake in this season of gift-giving, there's a fine line between finding a gift that its recipient will truly enjoy, and just buying them something, anything: Does Uncle Fred really need another tie?
1 year ago

The Science of Wonder

Experiencing everyday wonder can help us see that we're part of something bigger.Science shows that this exquisite emotion can quiet our inner critic, reduce stress, loneliness, and physical distress, and bring a sense of expanded time, perspective, and connection.By Dacher Keltner February 16, 2023 Focus Jamo Images/Adobe Stock On a blustery January say in 2019, I looked at my iPhone on my gym bag.
1 year ago

Deepen Your Relationships with Mindfulness - Mindful

We can all benefit from taking a step back, appreciating the love we have in our lives, and making the time to show others we care about them.For some, Valentine's Day may be a day for grand gestures and boxes of chocolate-but it's also a good reminder to pause and reflect on the relationships you value in your life.
1 year ago

The Mindful Way Through An Interview Or Presentation

Practising mindfulness when we're facing a challenging situation such as an interview, performance review or presentation can be hard.But it can help us to learn more about ourselves and to move through these situations with greater ease in the future.When we're facing an interview or a presentation, our minds may start to ruminate about what might go wrong.
1 year ago

Swimming, Walking, Running-Why Mindful Movement Can Boost Resilience - Mindful

I've loved swimming since I was four years old, when my dad taught me to stick my face in the water, lift up my feet, and do the dead man's float.A strong swimmer since then, though not competitive, I can swim for miles if I want.But one morning last summer, while doing my early morning laps in a sunlit outdoor pool near my home, I suddenly felt I was drowning.
1 year ago

Making Healthy Choices from a Place of Self-Nurturing

If we approach healthy living from a place of guilt, shame and self-criticism, we may find ourselves trapped in cycles of yo-yo dieting or unrealistic exercise plans that inevitably fail.Rather than exercising and eating well because we want to or because it feels good, we might be making choices based on emotive should's and shouldn't's; because we feel that we are doing things wrong.
1 year ago

A Gentle Movement Practice to Connect With Your Brave Heart - Mindful

In this seated yoga practice, we cultivate the tools to nurture, strengthen, and give courage to our fearless hearts.There are countless ways we can shift our world for the better-whether it's volunteering weekly in our communities, engaging someone in a compassionate conversation, joining an activist group, or creating art that envisions what positive change might look like and energizes us to get there.
1 year ago

How to Practice Mindful Listening - Mindful

Giving someone your full attention in conversation isn't easy, but it is a skill we can practice and hone.Have you ever tried to have a conversation with somebody who wasn't listening to you? Could you tell?Have you ever seen yourself nodding and smiling during a conversation while in your mind you were landing the space shuttle?
1 year ago

7 Mindful Movement Practices for Daily Life - Mindful

Top mindful movement experts invite us to come home to the body, get curious about what we find there, and let it nourish us from the inside out.A few months ago, my partner and I were moving across town from one apartment to another.A gaggle of wonderful friends had volunteered to help us on moving day.
1 year ago

A 12-Minute Meditation to Rest in the Movement of Nature - Mindful

Tuning in to the movement of nature can be very soothing and calming, even in the midst of ongoing challenges.You can do this meditation outdoors, or anywhere.Exploring how it feels to move mindfully outdoors can be a deeply awe-inspiring practice.Even when we're sitting still, we can sense the movement of nature around us, full of moment-to-moment reminders of the continuous state of growth and life surrounding us.
1 year ago

How Mindfulness Supports Social Justice in Schools: Q&A with Rhonda Magee - Mindful

Despite mindfulness being about stretching our comfort zones, after a couple decades of practice sometimes it feels like it is my comfort zone.I've been steeped in the practice for so long-studying Buddhism as an undergrad and grad student, writing about it, and sharing mindfulness practices with my students at the school where I am a Mindfulness Director and PE teacher.
1 year ago

Laughter Yoga: A Gentle Movement Practice to Get the Giggles Going - Mindful

This movement exercise is Elaine Smookler's foolproof way to induce laughter.It is based on the Hawaiian word "Aloha," a nice vowel-y word that opens the mouth and throat just by saying it.Laughter is not just good if you can get it.Laughter is incredibly helpful in building resilience.It releases dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins, and also works on our heart, our lungs, our muscles, our thoughts, our behaviors.
1 year ago

Terms and Conditions - Mindful

2. Entry Period: " How We Grow Through What We Go Through and Alphabreaths Too " (the "Sweepstakes") commences at 12:01:01 AM (EST) on March 1st, 2023 and ends at 11:59:59 PM (EST) on April 30th, 2023 (the "Sweepstakes Period").
3. Eligibility: To take part in the Sweepstakes, participants must be legal residents of the United States, and at least 18 years of age at the time of entry.
1 year ago

10 Guided Meditation Scripts from the Powerful Women of the Mindfulness Movement - Mindful

In celebration of International Women's Day, we've gathered guided meditation scripts from some of the powerful women of the mindfulness movement.Here they share their deep practice with you so you can be inspired not only to sit and practice, but also to rise and act.1) A 10-Minute Meditation to Cultivate Embodied Awareness

Sebene Selassie
Mindfulness Teacher, Author, and Speaker

"Mindfulness presents the opportunity for us to be more fully present for ourselves, our loved ones, and the earth."
1 year ago

Practice the Power of the Long Exhale - Mindful

Breathe into challenging movement with a longer exhale, whether that be hitting laps on the stairs, running, hiking, climbing, or a high intensity workout.When we lengthen the exhale, we're better able to find our power and invite a sense of relaxation to high intensity movement.Longer exhales cause the vagus nerve to send a signal to your brain, activating the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) and easing the sympathetic nervous system (fight, flight, or freeze).
1 year ago

Recent Study Reveals Mindfulness is Comparable to Popular Drug for Treating Anxiety - Mindful

It's not a stretch to say that anxiety helps to keep you alive.The emotion of fear developed in humans as a response to threats to our safety.In the face of imminent danger, our body redistributes blood to the muscles and pumps up our heart rate, all in an effort to face the threat and fight, or high tail it out of there.
1 year ago

8 Tips and Scripts for Trauma-Informed Mindfulness Teaching - Mindful

As we become more trauma aware in our society, whether it's in the wake of the pandemic, a growing awareness of racial, gender, or identity based trauma, a deeper understanding of the nervous system, or an awareness of adverse childhood events, many practitioners and facilitators of mindfulness have grown more nervous about teaching, fearful that they may trigger students.
1 year ago

Why We Procrastinate & How Mindfulness Can Help

You're sitting at your desk, you have a task you should be getting on with, but you tell yourself you'll start it right after you've checked social media.Or, maybe you're deciding what to eat and consider eating something healthy, but you decide you'll have pizza today and eat more healthily tomorrow.
1 year ago

The Breath is Your Superpower: 3 Ways to Help Kids Reset - Mindful

Breathing doesn't have to be boring.With our kids we can find fun ways to reset and give ourselves and our days a fresh start.Back in the 1990s, I was living outside Seattle, working at an internet startup during the first internet boom(the web 1.0 days).Oftentimes users would call to complain their system wasn't working.
1 year ago

How to Change a Habit for Good - Mindful

Do you have a habit that you can't change no matter what you have tried?For the last decade, I have worked as a teacher, coach, and consultant with companies.The subject of what drives and sustains change internally and socially fascinates me.I can say with absolute confidence that I know the steps to change a habit for good.
1 year ago

Being vs Doing: The Difference Between "Being" and "Doing" - Mindful

The activities of the mind are related to patterns of brain activity.Different mental activities, such as reading a book, painting a picture, or talking to a loved one, each involve different patterns of interaction between networks of nerve cells in the brain.The networks involved in one activity are often different from those involved in another activity.
1 year ago

How to Recognize Your Capacity to Love - Mindful

One of the most disturbing aspects of contemporary US culture is the degree to which self-hatred runs rampant.Nearly everyone I encounter expresses some amount of personal dissatisfaction and harbors a ruthless critic within who compares them to others and judges everyone they meet.I even once read an interview with Meryl Streep in which she confessed to believing she couldn't act!
1 year ago

The Best Mindfulness Books of 2022 - Mindful

Throughout this year, we've savored and learned from an abundance of new books about mindfulness.From understanding the science of meditation to navigating difficult emotions to showing up with kindness and self-compassion (and maybe even changing your world), here are the Mindful editors' picks for the best mindfulness books of 2022.
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